Apply for our investment to gain exclusive access to a 6-month remote support program, custom-designed to refine your business model, enhance tech capabilities, and secure market fit. Choose from investment options specifically suited to your startup’s needs.




Alumni Network

Although the program ends after six months, our portfolio startups remain for longer. As a the result, they automatically become part of our alums network with the possibility to use our support, network, and access to our industry investors, also far beyond the acceleration phase.

Tailored Workshops

At NCA, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all path and no reason to repeat the same things over and over again constantly. At the beginning of each cooperation we support the founders in identifying needs and potentials thoroughly. Based on these insights we set the path for the coming months.

Core Services

Fully Remote
Biweekly Meetings
Product & Startup Built
Intense Coachings
Mentor Pick Session
Pitch Training
Fundraising Readiness
Financing Intros
Market Support via Projects
Sales & Business Workshops


Cloud Services: Telekom, AWS, ADN, Google, Ionos
Sales & Care: Twilio, Intercom, Userlane, Segment, Hubspot, Pipedrive
Admin: Notion, Localyze, PhraseApp, DESKCLOUD, Get Decko
Payment: Stripe, Mollie
Research: Appinio
Legal: Velsa


From achieving product-market fit to sales and tech decisions, we know the struggles of startups and have potential solutions how to solve them. Together with our network of mentors, we will guide you on your entrepreneurial journey during the acceleration phase and beyond.

First Customers

Our industry investors and partners are ready to test-drive your product or service, give crucial feedback, and provide first revenues. Furthermore, we support you in customer acquisition within our extended network.


Startups at NCA are not only provided with expertise, support, and know-how, but also with cash. At NCA, Startups always get 125k in Cash. Depending on the stage there are two different options and it’s up to the respective startup to choose from.

Follow-on investment

The majority of the teams we have invested in are looking to raise the next round of funding subsequently to our acceleration program. So during the six months, we will guide you on managing a follow-on fundraising round successfully.

Exclusive Perks

Acceleration & Sparring with Experts
Support by 200+ Mentors
Resilience & Mindfulness Training
Sparring for Founders & Leadership

Office Space

Hot Seats in Hamburg or Berlin
Conference Rooms

Exclusive Events

Speed Dating with Corporate Partners
Demo Day



A warm welcome to the new batch at NCA. During our fun and intense kick-off, we get to know each other a little better: In the first peer sessions, individual workshops, and one-on-ones with all of our team members.

Product Field Workshop

The product field workshop means to deep work on your product. We uncover possible strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats to design the most important steps within acceleration – friendly supported by the precious market insights of our corporate partners.

Speed dating

A few weeks into our program, we introduce all of our current startups to all our 20+ corporate investors and partners in a speed dating format. Be prepared to elevator pitch to everyone and find individual hooks to work with each other in exclusive C-level meetings.

Monthly Milestones

We help you to navigate through obstacles, boosts, and big waves. With our monthly milestones, our management team makes sure you are navigating in the right direction even and especially lean and agile towards proper VC-readiness.

Demo Day

After six months of boosting there is some time to celebrate you, your achievements, and of course your next steps. At this very moment, you’ll be celebrating with our entire network: corporates, alumni, investors, mentors, interested customers,… Cheers!


Our Partners


Stadtdeich 2-4, 20097 Hamburg, Germany

We have a beautiful co-working area at the Factory Hammerbrooklyn with a sunny rooftop terrace, ping pong tables, and plenty of space to work on your startup while joining an exciting network of other entrepreneurs and innovators.
Our startups get access to this space.
