Jetpack VideoPress



With an immersive design, VideoPress is ideal for videographers, creators, filmmakers, educators, and bloggers seeking to upload high-quality videos with ease.

Bygget for WordPress

Take advantage of full integration with the best video hosting plugin created specifically for WordPress. Bring your ideas to the screen and save time by managing your videos in the same interface as your website. You can drag and drop videos directly into WordPress, and manage them in the media library.

Reklamefri video tilbyr en bedre opplevelse

Tired of video companies sending your customers to their app to view videos? Or worse, showing inappropriate ads to your site visitors? Our customizable video player for WordPress keeps people on your site so the spotlight is all yours. With VideoPress, you can avoid intrusive ads or imposing player branding.

Høykvalitets, lynrask videolevering

Ta bort kompleksiteten ved å levere videoer selv. VideoPress tilbyr fullt leverte videoer og en CDN for å sikre øyeblikkelig video-hastighet for ditt publikum i hele verden. Med vår kraftige og pålitelige leveringsinfrastruktur kan du tilby ditt publikum raskt bevegelige videoer med 60 FPS og full 4K-oppløsning.

En fullstending video-opplevelse inne fra WordPress-redigeringen

With the Jetpack VideoPress Block, adding videos to your content has never been easier. This powerful tool lets you effortlessly insert videos straight from the WordPress Editor and comes packed with advanced features like subtitles, captions, chapters, private videos, and poster images.

  • Adaptive Streaming – Videos play back faster by automatically adjusting video quality based on bandwidth and display size. The viewer can still choose the quality they’d like in the menu.
  • Pålitelig global betjening og video-CDN – Bygget på infrastukturen i verdensklasse til, videoene dine blir lagret på flere servere over hele kloden for å sikre hurtig levering uansett hvor publikummet ditt er.
  • Undertekster, videotekster og kapitler – Last bare opp dine tekstspor gjennom ViedoPress-blokken og de vil bli tilgjengelige på videoen straks du publiserer.
  • Progress Bar Color Match – The VideoPress seekbar now adapts its color to match the scenes in your videos. This makes your content really pop.
  • Optimalisert for mobil – Bytt mellom mobil og skrivebord uten å miste et taktslag.
  • Picture-in-picture – Pop out the video from the web browser for easier viewing.
  • Unlimited Logins – Work with a team? We don’t charge per seat, so everyone that works on your site can have their own login.
  • High-Resolution Videos Up to 4K – Watch crisp images on any display and screen size. We’ve added video display for 1440p, 60 FPS, and full 4K resolution.
  • Reklamefri video – Hold søkelyset på innholdet, ikke reklame du ikke kan kontrollere.

Din ett-stoppsløsning for videobehandling

The VideoPress Dashboard is a centralized space to upload and manage your video library. Filter your library by rating or privacy setting, view your library in multiple ways, and upload local videos to your Jetpack cloud library.



  • Add and manage your videos from your VideoPress library.
  • Bla gjennom videoene dine og rediger detaljene om dem
  • Last opp dine lokale videoer til VideoPress
  • Edit your video details, cover image, and privacy from your VideoPress library.


Denne utvidelsen gir 1 blokk.

  • VideoPress Embed a video from your media library or upload a new one with VideoPress.



  1. Får å starte, klikk lenken Utvidelser i sidestolpen til venstre, klikk så Legg til ny.
  2. Søk etter VideoPress. Den liste versjonen vil vises i søkeresultatene. Klikk knappen Installer Nå.
  3. Klikk deretter knappen Aktiver. Etter aktivering vil fu bli oppfordret til å sette opp VideoPress.


Er Jetpack VideoPress gratis?

Jetpack VideoPress is free to try. You get free video hosting for WordPress for one video with a file size of up to 1 GB.

To get unlimited videos with a total storage of up to 1 TB, upgrade to the paid plan.

Er Jetpack VideoPress injkludert i en Jetpack abonnementspakke?

Jetpack’s video player for WordPress is included in the Jetpack Complete plan. It is not currently included in any other plan.

Er det en begrensning på lagingsplassen?

Gratispakken har en begrensing på 1 video og 1 GB.

Den betalte pakken har en lagringsbegrensning på 1 TB.

Er det en begrensing på filstørrelsen?

The file size limit is 5 GB. However, on slower networks, there is a chance the network will time out before being able to upload larger videos to a WordPress site.


25. juni, 2024 1 svar
Doesn’t work as advertised although it’s a good concept. I rating it low for multiple reasons: Overall, it’s buggy. Control list didn’t display as advertised. On google chrome, no controls were displayed. It wouldn’t allow me use either cover page or video block Deactivate button in the module didn’t work, so it’s hard to remove Lack of JetPack support in general probably because of all the bugs they’re dealing with. I’m sure with all the support, it’ll be a future great product. But for now, I’m staying away from it.
3. desember, 2023 1 svar
So glad I found this plugin, it does exactly what I need it to do. Also, the help I received from Customer Support in setting it up the way I needed was beyond brilliant. They were polite, patient, and tested every step of the way with me. Thank you!
15. juni, 2023 2 svar
I paid for the annual fee for one site and now every time I go to the jetpack website I am confront with an «upgrade» button that goes straight to preformatted version of the bill I already paid for the service, and wants me to pay again. The cc information is already filled in, and they are ready to double bill you if you make one mistake on the UI. Also, there does not seem to be any way to tag and organize the videos, at least given that I can barely get beyond being double billed if I try to login to their site, I could not find any way to manage my videos. The plugin does not allow any sorting or tagging. Also, does not support webm format. Given that there are many video hosting services out there, this is a complete waste of time and money.
7. juni, 2023 1 svar
Video Press is the best one I have used by far for my WordPress site. Exceptional customer service too, if you need help. Highly recommend!
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1.8 – 2024-05-22


  • Trigger a red bubble notification when a bad plugin install is detected.


  • Updated WordPRess tested version to 6.5.
  • Updated minimum WordPress version requirement to WordPress 6.4.
  • Switched to wp_admin_notice function to display notices.
  • Updated to show installation errors only on the plugins page.