Volume 1
Sasuke Retsuden Volume 1
Volume Info
Volume 1
Next Volume 2
Pages 240
Release Date
Japanese February 03, 2023 (ISBN 978-4-08-883482-5)
English June 11, 2024 (ISBN 978-1-9747-4084-0)
ZansūruLylaKailMenōGannoPenjiraJijiFundaruManariPrime MinisterJanmāru-Tataru
Redaku Reincarnation NinjutsuEarth Release: Stone LusterSupercooled Water Technique

This is volume 1 of the Sasuke Retsuden manga.

Chapter 1

"Chapter 1 "

A sick Naruto Uzumaki tries to stop Sasuke Uchiha from leaving Konohagakure, but Sasuke ignores his pleas. In the distant Land of Redaku, Sasuke asks the locals about the Sage of Six Paths, but most people are unfamiliar with the Sage. Lyla overhears his conversation and suggests that he ask her mother, Kail. When they arrive at Kail's shop, however, they are informed that the shop has just been robbed. Sasuke catches up to the thieves using Amenotejikara and then captures them with Genjutsu: Sharingan; Lyla and the thieves are confused by Sasuke's abilities, but Kail correctly guesses that Sasuke is a shinobi. The thieves are turned over to local law enforcement, who will take them to the Land of Redaku's prison, the Astronomy Research Institute.

Kail retrieves her late husband's wedding ring from the thieves' bag of stolen goods, and then turns to Sasuke, believing he intends to propose to Lyla. Sasuke corrects her, saying he already has a wife, and explains he's seeking information about the Sage of Six Paths: the Sage once suffered from the same illness that Naruto now has, and Sasuke hopes to find out how the Sage was cured in case it can also help Naruto. Lyla doesn't know anything about illnesses, but believes the Sage has some connection with the Astronomy Research Institute. Sasuke asks how to get there.

Two weeks after being captured by Sasuke, the thieves continue to toil at the Astronomy Research Institute, spending all day digging for some unknown purpose. When they spot Sasuke among a group of new prisoners, the thieves attack him, but he easily defeats them. The prison guards attempt to punish Sasuke for causing a scene, but the Institute's Director, Zansūru, vouches for Sasuke's innocence. One of the thieves later approaches Sasuke during breakfast and suggests that they team up to escape; the thick morning mists will give them a good chance of evading Menō. Sasuke declines, explaining that he has business within the Institute. The thief, frustrated by Sasuke's answer, resolves to escape on his own. As Sasuke joins the other prisoners after breakfast on their way to the digsite, they see Menō feasting on the thief's body.

Chapter 2

"Chapter 2 "

Sasuke and the other prisoners watch as Menō feasts on an escaping prisoner until Zansūru tells them to get to work. As Sasuke begins digging at the prisoners' worksite, he is joined by one of his cellmates, Jiji. Jiji isn't as diligent about the work as Sasuke is, only making an effort to dig when the prison's guards are nearby. Even from this light work, however, Jiji manages to injure himself. He takes solace in the fact that this will allow him to visit the infirmary again, where there is a beautiful new doctor who happens to be single. Sasuke asks how he knows she's single, to which Jiji explains that she lacks a wedding ring; it's a local custom Sasuke is unfamiliar with.

That night, Sasuke is invited to play Cee-lo with another of his cellmates, Penjira. After thinking it over, Sasuke agrees, making a gem to use as a wager. In place of the cigarettes that Penjira intends to use as his own wager, Sasuke asks that he instead do a favour for Sasuke if he loses, to be specified afterwards. Penjira agrees. Using Wind Release, Sasuke secretly manipulates the game's dice so that he wins on the first roll. Penjira is convinced Sasuke cheated, but is pressured by Jiji to admit defeat. As his favour, Sasuke asks that Penjira cover for him while he leaves their cell. Penjira pleads with Sasuke not to go and Jiji warns that Sasuke will be killed if he's discovered out at night without permission, but Sasuke leaves anyway.

Sasuke suspects that Menō is a summon being controlled by Zansūru, but is unsure how Zansūru could be controlling Menō for such long periods of time. To find out the answer, he locates Menō and attempts to place a genjutsu on him. Menō is unaffected and attacks Sasuke. Sasuke is confused that his genjutsu doesn't work and decides to escape so as not to leave evidence of a fight. Menō is too fast for him to outrun, however, forcing Sasuke to make a dagger that he uses to cut off some of Menō's claws. Menō retreats and Sasuke worries over the severity of the injuries he inflicted. He is therefore surprised when he sees Menō is unharmed the next day, his missing claw restored.

Sasuke is confronted by Zansūru, who is aware that Sasuke attacked Menō the night before. With his cover blown, Sasuke tries to place a genjutsu on Zansūru. Zansūru is unaffected, which Sasuke, on closer inspection, notices to be because of Zansūru's glass eye. Zansūru compliments Sasuke for his obvious skill as a shinobi, but insists he will never manage to wrest control of Menō from him.

Chapter 3

"Chapter 3 "

At Zansūru's instruction, the prison guards assault Sasuke throughout the day, punishment for his attack on Menō the night before. Sasuke doesn't fight back against the guards, instead taking the opportunity to steal a red cloth from one of them. After his cellmates go to bed, Sasuke ties the cloth to his hand and leaves the cell; because of the cloth, Menō will believe he has permission to be out at night and will leave him alone. Shortly afterwards, he finds another prisoner whose own red cloth has been stolen by bullies. Sasuke gives the man his red cloth so that the man can return to his cell safely, just as Menō arrives.

While Menō attacks him, Sasuke tries yet again to place a genjutsu on him, but it continues to have no effect. He also confirms that all of Menō's injuries from their previous fight have vanished, which he assumes to be due to a powerful healing ability. After Menō manages to scratch his cheek, Sasuke notices his vision and movement gradually worsening, presumably a toxin native to the region that Menō's claws are coated with. Sasuke flees from Menō, but soon finds himself unable to move further. He is found and saved by his wife, Sakura, who is now working as the prison's doctor.

In the infirmary, Sasuke questions Sakura for being here, worrying if something has happened to their daughter, Sarada. Sakura assures him that Sarada is fine and that she's come to give him a mission update: according to information found by Kakashi Hatake, the Sage of Six Paths visited the Astronomy Research Institute centuries ago, and during his stay he saw a meteorite pass through the sky. By cutting the meteor in two, the Sage obtained polar particles and was cured of his illness. Some of the remaining particles he hid in "the sky that fell to earth", and Sakura believes if they can find where that is that they'll be able to cure Naruto of the same illness. Sasuke thanks Sakura for the information, but encourages her to return to Konoha, concerned by Menō's immunity to genjutsu and Zansūru's schemes. She refuses, believing Sasuke will need help.

They are interrupted by the arrival of Jiji, who is seeking treatment for an injury received at the prison's dig site. Sasuke hides, only to reveal himself in order to stop Jiji from flirtatiously touching Sakura's hair. Jiji is surprised by Sasuke's presence, and is even more surprised when he is told that Sasuke and Sakura are married. Sakura explains that working in the infirmary was her only chance of seeing Sasuke, since the prison forbids visitors. Jiji accepts this as logical. While Sasuke and Jiji return to their cell, Sasuke asks that his relationship with Sakura remain a secret. Jiji promises not to tell. Sasuke asks him about if he knows anything about the polar particles' hiding place. Jiji speculates one of the prison library's astronomical documents might be useful, and suggests asking Penjira, who works there.

Chapter 4

"Chapter 4 "

Sasuke visits the Astronomy Research Institute's library and seeks out Penjira, the library's attendant. Penjira is surprised when he sees Sasuke and shows him the book he's been looking at: it's about extinct dragons whose fossils can be found in the area near the Institute. Sasuke asks about the astronomy book that's supposed to lead to the polar particles' location. Penjira refers Sasuke to the library's book catalogue, which says that the book is stored in the basement. Penjira informs Sasuke that prisoners are forbidden from reading the books in the basement because they're too valuable, and anyone caught breaking that rule would be executed; he suggests trying a different book.

Sakura approaches them, claiming to have overheard and to now be curious about the astronomy book. Penjira is unwilling to make an exception for her, as he would be the one to be executed if she were caught. When Sakura suggests that they gamble for the key, Penjira reconsiders, but makes Sakura promise that, if she wins, she'll give the key back as soon as she's done. Penjira selects Hoshinarabe for them to play, a card game similar to poker. Sasuke offers to place a genjutsu on Penjira, but Sakura refuses. After she studies the cards and the rules, Sakura and Penjira start playing. The first game ends in a tie, with both of them ending up with the same hand. Penjira accuses Sakura of cheating, but since he has no proof they play another game. The next game is also a tie, as is the next and the next, until Penjira finally loses interest and turns over the key.

That night, Sasuke meets Sakura in the library. She asks if he's made sure that Jiji was asleep this time so that he won't interrupt them again. Sasuke reports that he made sure and, remembering Jiji's warnings about someone hitting on Sakura while he's away, creates a ring around her finger. Sakura makes no comment about the ring, but admires it distractedly. Sasuke regains her focus by asking how she cheated against Penjira. Sakura explains that, because of the cards' age, she was able to identify which card was which by the minor forms of damage to each of them. Although she could have used this information to win, she discovered from her time with Tsunade that tying is the most time-efficient way of defeating people with gambling addictions.

Before entering the basement, Sakura uses her chakra to sense the area ahead. In doing so, she notices that there's a secret basement accessible from Zansūru's office. They set this information aside and begin looking for the astronomy book. When they find it, they discover that the book contains the same pictures as appear on the Hoshinarabe cards, apparently the work of the Sage of Six Paths. Sakura speculates that the pictures may represent certain constellations, with each constellation meant to represent a particular month. She'll need to do some research in order to figure out which picture correlates to which month, but believes she can finish in two days. Sasuke leaves her to it, but, looking at the pictures again, can't shake the feeling that they are familiar somehow.

Chapter 5

"Chapter 5 "

Sasuke reads a note from Sakura with her findings about Hoshinarabe; the card "Bonfire", for example, corresponds to a constellation visible in the ninth month. That night, Jiji accurately predicts that Menō will pass by their cell. Using a stick from a tree that he's seen Menō rest under, Jiji lures Menō close enough to pet and invites his cellmates to join him. Initially, only Ganno is willing, but Penjira decides to also try when he sees how docile Menō is. As he approaches, his foot slightly leaves the boundary of the cell, technically meeting the definition of escaping. Sasuke yells, but it is Jiji who pulls Penjira away from Menō's attacking jaws.

In the struggle, a lantern is knocked over, setting Menō on fire and causing him to run off in pain. Penjira thanks Jiji for saving him as Sasuke reignites the lantern, While he does so, he realises why the Hoshinarabe cards were familiar to him: the ninth card is not a bonfire, but rather the Nine-Tails. He shares this with Sakura the next day and they use the information to identify the other cards' subjects. When they finish, Sakura informs Sasuke that a messenger for the Land of Redaku's Prime Minister is about to meet with Zansūru. If they impersonate the messenger, that will give them a chance to question Zansūru undercover.

Sakura intercepts the messenger, Fundaru, and offers to guide him to Zansūru's office. Fundaru reports that he is supposed to ask about "progress", though he doesn't know what it pertains to. Sakura continues to make conversation until finally leading Fundaru to an isolated room, where she knocks him out. Sakura transforms into Fundaru and Sasuke transforms into Fundaru's staff. Once inside Zansūru's office, Sakura distracts him so that she can roll Sasuke into the adjoining room unnoticed. Sasuke locates a door leading to a secret basement and begins creating a key to unlock it; Sakura draws out conversation with Zansūru using information from Fundaru in order to give Sasuke time to work.

Zansūru soon becomes impatient and demands to know what the Prime Minister's message is. Sakura asks about progress, and Zansūru replies that they can mobilise within a few days of receiving the Prime Minister's instruction to proceed. Sakura asks for more information, but Zansūru is not forthcoming, instead inquiring about the missing staff. At the same moment, Sasuke unlocks the door, causing a sound; Sakura taps the real staff on the ground to keep Zansūru from noticing. Sasuke quickly descends to the basement where he discovers Zansūru's secret: piles of rocks and dozens of chickens. Sasuke is confused.
