
Novels and anime[]

Hi I have a few questions: In your occupation page, I noticed in Boruto that Sakura is also the Director of Konoha Hospital and that she's a teacher. Should it be added in her profile? I think she should be listed as the head of the Medic Corps right? It's conceptually the same as Head of the Medical Department. So can it be changed in the page of Medic Corps? Also, shouldn't she be considered "Founder and Director of the Children's Mental Health Clinic"? The novel doesn't exactly say that she directs it but that she founded it. Although it's okay what you wrote. Moreover, I saw in Naruto Retsuden that her, Sasuke and Kakashi are in the Hokage Guard Platoon. Shouldn't it be added too? And "Doctor in Redaku (formerly)" too right? Sorry about the questions haha. Also one important thing: I saw that in Sasuke Retsuden she performs a sensory ninjutsu similar to Gaara's and Kidomaru's that would be a contact-type. You say Kidomaru is a sensor but Sakura should be one now too right? They use the same technique but the difference is that Sakura can sense objects too and uses her own chakra as medium. Thank you.

WhiteTuliperist (talk) 11:50, 2 April 2023 (UTC)

Sakuras Civilian Family[]

User @RinneTaicho disagrees that Sakuras parents are civilians and says in a previous edit:

"By Cygne999's own logic her parents are never stated to be Civilian in Kishimoto work"

But thats irrevelavant given that Sakuras parents are never mentioned or written at all.


"Her parents are never stated to be Civilian in Kishimoto's work so there is no basis to assume they were given it's a shinobi village." 

The fact that its a Shinobi Village doesent mean *everyone* that lives in it is a Shinobi. Clearly we see many civilians in Konoha and elsewhere.

"Simply stating their names is more ambiguous and thus true to the source material."

But neither her parents, nor their names, are mentioned in the source material. It was even said in an interview with Kishimoto that her parents were civilians.

All of this overwhelming suggests that Sakura comes from a civilian family.Cygne999 (talk)

@Cygne999 I disagree entirely. First of all, no assumption should be made about her parents based on the source material. Your entire basis for why you reverted my edit to claim they were civilian was based on the idea that they were not stated to be shinobi so they must be civilian. That is a faulty assumption.

Secondly, Kizashi and Mebuki were conceived and created by Kishimoto himself. As I mentioned, this is referenced on Kizashi's page.

"Though he did not originate from the manga, Kizashi's character and designs were created by Masashi Kishimoto himself, due to being personally involved in the story planning of Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie. Kishimoto noted that he always wanted to write them into the main series but could never find the correct time to do so. He also noted that the constant banter between the two was also something that he had intended for the pair."

This is directly from Kizashi's page. So, we have two different contradictory statements. Except they aren't. Here is the only passage where the word civilian is even mentioned in the linked page.

"Kobayashi said that his team were discussing in a meeting why Sakura’s family was never written. He says that they eventually appeared in a movie, but not in the manga. Even when all the parents are shown along with their children during the war, and even random relatives are shown, Sakura’s parents aren’t seen. He says that they came across like a civilian family and kind of made Sakura seem on the side-lines. He asks Kishimoto why this is, and Kishimoto replies that, honestly speaking, Sakura was that unpopular that even if he expanded on her… (nb. He tails off in what he’s saying). Kobayashi reiterates Kishimoto’s statement, and Kishimoto tells him that’s right, to which Kobayashi laughs."

Never once in there does it say that Kishimoto claimed they were civilian. Rather, it says he's agreeing that it made it "Seem" like they were civilians and Sakura was on the sidelines. That is not a statement that they are civilians, so the only factual evidence you are presenting is incorrect.

As I said, by simply using her parents names you avoid the issue of whether they were or weren't civilians, which seems like the most reasonable solution. RinneTaicho (talk) 18:09, 6 April 2023 (UTC)

"First of all, no assumption should be made about her parents based on the source material."

But you yourself made an assumption based on source material. You claimed: 

"Her parents are never stated to be Civilian in Kishimoto's work so there is no basis to assume they were given it's a shinobi village."

"Your entire basis for why you reverted my edit to claim they were civilian was based on the idea that they were not stated to be shinobi so they must be civilian. That is a faulty assumption." 

No, my basis for reverting your edit wsd because you said:

"In my opinion there is plenty enough factual basis to say her parents weren't civilians. While it isn't in the Manga, Misashi Kishimoto himself was involved in their creation, as mentioned in the Creation and Conception portion of Kizashi's page, which indicates them being a shinobi family (though not a clan) was his intention."

But, like i responded, there is nothing to indicate they are a shinobi family.

"Secondly, Kizashi and Mebuki were conceived and created by Kishimoto himself."

Yes, but he never stated them to be ninja.

"Never once in there does it say that Kishimoto claimed they were civilian. Rather, it says he's agreeing that it made it "Seem" like they were civilians and Sakura was on the sidelines. That is not a statement that they are civilians, so the only factual evidence you are presenting is incorrect."

But it isnt. I never said that Kishimoto said they were civilians. But Kobayashi, who worked with Kishimoto, stated them to be civilians and Kishimoto did not correct him. Surely if they were ninja, and Sakura came from a shinobi family, he would've said so?

"As I said, by simply using her parents names you avoid the issue of whether they were or weren't civilians, which seems like the most reasonable solution."

I disagree. A big part of Sakuras characterisation is that shes the "normal" one in Team 7, who comes from a normal family with no special bloodline or heritage and has to work hard for what she has. I think its defintely relevant to mention in her "Early Life" section.

I also dont really see the point of just listing her parents names in there, given that they have no specific relevance enough to mention them by name. Its enough to list them in her infobox.Cygne999 (talk)

Giving the names of a character's parents in their Background section is pretty common on the wiki. No reason to not also give the names here. ~SnapperTo 20:33, 6 April 2023 (UTC)

I saw that, but just because its the norm doesn't mean it cant be improved or changed. A lot of these characters only had their names revealed in databooks many years later, or only existed in filler.

I think the opening bio should be pared down as much as it can, and if the characters are not really relevant (unlike Hinatas dad being the leader of a prominent clan) then they dont necessarily have to be mentioned by name, the infobox is enough.

Sakuras own page, for example, didnt always mention her parents names specifically, only listing them in the infobox. Cygne999 (talk)

"But it isnt. I never said that Kishimoto said they were civilians. But Kobayashi, who worked with Kishimoto, stated them to be civilians and Kishimoto did not correct him. Surely if they were ninja, and Sakura came from a shinobi family, he would've said so?"
The way you worded it in your edit to me implied it came from Kishimoto, since you never mentioned Kobayashi. And again, what is being said there is open to interpretation. As I outlined in responding. I'd also state that since Kishimoto was responsible for creating Kizashi's character, it strains credulity that he isn't the one who made him a shinobi as that is part of making a character is deciding the background.
"I disagree. A big part of Sakuras characterisation is that shes the "normal" one in Team 7, who comes from a normal family with no special bloodline or heritage and has to work hard for what she has. I think its defintely relevant to mention in her "Early Life" section."
You've also made it clear that your purpose for wanting it to read "of a civilian family" is due to your own interpretation of the source material, not due to wanting to pare it down. If wanting to pare it down was the goal, as I said, saying "of the Haruno family" is as pared down as "of a civilian family".
Look, I happen to agree with you that her being the "normal" one is an important part of her background. But in a shinobi village being a from a shinobi background is normal. There are hundreds and even thousands of shinobi in a village. Only a small percentage of those will be from clans or significant lineages, meaning there have to be many families that are career shinobi. It's not different than being a lawyer from a family of lawyers, or bakers, cooks, doctors, etc.
Given the fact neither background, shinobi or civilian, has a firm basis of proof in cannon, a more ambiguous statement is best. Simply stating what family she is from (or who her parents are) and the next line being that she had a normal childhood, does exactly what you are saying in establishing that she had a normal early life. :RinneTaicho (talk) 21:27, 6 April 2023 (UTC)
The wiki documents the entire series. It does not exclude information just because it's from the anime or a databook. So your point is moot.
I agree that opening bios should be short. But this is the Background section, not the opening bio. So your point is moot.
The names of her parents has been in the article since 2017, and the names remained there until a couple months ago when you removed them. That's six years of precedent that makes your point moot.
I don't know what your actual reason here is but I assume it's in bad faith. So I'm going to put on my sysop hat and say the names stay. The end. ~SnapperTo 21:40, 6 April 2023 (UTC)

"The way you worded it in your edit to me implied it came from Kishimoto, since you never mentioned Kobayashi."

I said it came from a interview with him and the context and the fact that he does not dispute her civilian background indicates that is the case.

"I'd also state that since Kishimoto was responsible for creating Kizashi's character, it strains credulity that he isn't the one who made him a shinobi as that is part of making a character is deciding the background."

But when did he make Kizashi a shinobi? When did he state her parents backgrounds, others than creating their designs?

"You've also made it clear that your purpose for wanting it to read "of a civilian family" is due to your own interpretation of the source material, not due to wanting to pare it down. "

When i was discussing paring it down, i was referring to her parents names being included.

"But in a shinobi village being a from a shinobi background is normal. There are hundreds and even thousands of shinobi in a village."

Are there? From what was shown, i assumed most of Konohas population were civilians. Not everyone who attended the academy became a ninja.

"Given the fact neither background, shinobi or civilian, has a firm basis of proof in cannon, a more ambiguous statement is best. Simply stating what family she is from (or who her parents are) and the next line being that she had a normal childhood, does exactly what you are saying in establishing that she had a normal early life."

I mean, a Civilian background has more proof for it. And coming from a civilian(non-ninja background) and having a normal/healthly childhood are two different things.

"The wiki documents the entire series. It does not exclude information just because it's from the anime or a databook. So your point is moot."

I never said it did. Why are you taking my words out of context?

"I agree that opening bios should be short. But this is the Background section, not the opening bio. "

I meant to say Background section. Im on mobile and i cant flip between pages.

"The names of her parents has been in the article since 2017, and the names remained there until a couple months ago when you removed them. That's six years of precedent that makes your point moot."

Moot, how so? If the names were only added in 2017, that means there was a precedent of them not being in the article for at least 6 years, despite being publically available.

"I don't know what your actual reason here is but I assume it's in bad faith."

Why? Cygne999 (talk)

When you said "A lot of these characters only had their names revealed in databooks many years later", that suggests you find the information less important by virtue of its source. Which is not a view the wiki shares.
The Background section is two paragraphs long. It is not suffering length issues. Even if we pretend it is long (it isn't), removing names does not magically make it shorter.
Their names were revealed in 2012. That's five years of the article not including the available information. 6 > 5.
You originally removed the names from the article, using the vague justification of "‎Verbose wording". You made no additional edits to the wiki in the weeks following. But then once the names were added back, you removed them again within less than a day. And now you're giving really long responses about why having names in the article is bad/wrong/unnecessary/etc. This reeks of disingenuousness.
Find something better to spend your time on. ~SnapperTo 22:20, 6 April 2023 (UTC)

Post Sasuke Retsuden chapter 9[]

Chakra binding trap isn't anime only anymore you guys forgot to update it. WhiteTuliperist (talk) 17:19, 17 April 2023 (UTC)
