This article is about the academy teacher. For other uses, see Hana.
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Hana Kaka
華々ハナ Kaka Hana
Anime Boruto Episode #261
Appears in Anime
Voice Actors
Sex Gender Female Female
  • Academy Teacher
  • Assassin (Former)
Nature Type


Hana Kaka (華々ハナ, Kaka Hana) is a former assassin from the Land of Bamboo, working undercover as an Academy teacher in Konohagakure. Following her experiences in the village, she relinquished her ties to the Land of Bamboo to truly live as a teacher in Konohagakure.


Hana arrives in Konoha

Hana arriving in Konoha as a child.

Hana was among fifty orphans that were taken in by the minister from the Land of Bamboo. She was trained to be a skilled ninja and assassin. Despite this, Hana could never bring herself to kill anyone. Ultimately, as her gentle nature came to conflict with her desperation to live as she was forced to fight to the death against her fellow orphans, Hana's separate goals split herself into two independent personalities, the second of which became the most dominant and one of the minister's most capable assassins, her original personality never aware of any of it.

Ten years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, still a child, Hana was assigned to establish herself in Konohagakure as a teacher.


Hana's inner struggle

Hana's good side crying through Assassin-Hana's eyes.

Hana is a friendly soft-spoken woman who is timid with much self-doubt. Wanting to be a good teacher, she struggles at being assertive to get her students' attention. She cares greatly about them, taking care to know their interests, and dedicated to solve their issues. While fumbling often in her actual efforts, her sincerity is apparent to all and is quickly acknowledging by others. Likewise, apart from her general timidness, she is very selfless, driven to protect her students in the face of danger, even if she herself will get hurt in the process. According to Anko, Hana scored very well in employment tests, showing extensive practical knowledge in teaching.

From the struggles of her harsh training, Hana developed a second, more dominant personality, who is ruthless and committed to her job. She will patiently wait for the right moment to strike. She has no fear or doubt. She cares for no one and has no interest in personal attachment, having indifferently threw away a gift that Hana's students gave her. In battle, she is tactical and methodical, carefully assessing the situation and potential obstacles. She also has a noticeable sadistic side, dangling false hope in her targets to squash it later and relishes the emotional struggles Hana is forced to endure.

Upon becoming aware of the dual personality, the original Hana tried to turn herself in to the authorities out of sheer guilt, and tried to stop her alter ego from doing any further harm. The second personality, however, decided that her original self was a hindrance, and attempted to eliminate her for good to take over her life permanently. Although the assassin side of Hana was in control, the original Hana was still capable of slightly surfacing on occasion, as seen when the original Hana began tearing up as Assassin-Hana threatened Kae, with Assassin-Hana expressing her annoyance with her good side's softness. Ultimately, Hana did not come to hate her counterpart, seeing her as a child who had to be taught to live for more than just her mission, and hoped to one day befriend her.


The Sneaking Shadow

Hana as an assassin when her alter ego takes over.

Hana is a pale-skinned, slender woman of average height with red eyes. She has waist-length black hair with red tips. Her hair is straight and is held in a side-ponytail on the end that hangs over her right shoulder. She wears a Konoha forehead protector, a long purple skirt and cropped shirt over a grey mesh shirt and leggings with black kunoichi sandals.

While interacting with her second personality in her mind, her hair-colour is inverted, becoming red with black tips. While on missions, she wears bandages about her body and a purple robe with a hood and black gloves. She also wears an elegant, purple mask with dark purple lips and shadowing around the right eye.


Trained from a young age, Hana is an elite ninja and assassin. She excels in subterfuge and misdirection. Her skills in battle proved able to pressure Kawaki, a highly skilled combatant. She also shows advanced skill in taijutsu. However, only her second personality can make full use of her training. Hana's original personality struggles against actual foes.


Hana use Wind Release

Hana using Wind Release.

Hana has advanced skill in shurikenjutsu, able to launch a barrage of them with lethal efficiency. Hana is skilled with Wind Release, being able to repel targets with powerful torrents of wind, as well as apply various attacks using flowers that help to overshadow the enemy's eyes, or push him them away. Her most powerful technique in Wind Release is creating a dense paper barrier through which she can attack people inside from blind spots. She also has accessed to a potent Fire Release, able to unleash dark flames that she can guide to her target. Hana can also shadow clones.


A skilled assassin, Hana uses a variety of weapons in battle, favouring kunai and explosive tags, creating an explosive chain on the side of a building with a huge tag in the centre, and likewise branding targets with them to use Heavenly Punishment. She has also been seen using smoke bombs for escapes and sneak attacks. Her vault contains a huge variety of weapons ranging from shuriken and Kama to Chakra Blades.

New Era[]

Kawaki & Himawari Academy Arc[]

Main article: Kawaki & Himawari Academy Arc Hana attended the welcoming ceremony for the newest students. Later, she was accompanied by Anko Mitarashi to help the new teacher adjust to her first class. Despite her efforts, Hana's natural shyness made it hard for her to get the students' attention. Later, she voiced her concerns about being able to handle the job. Her fellow teachers, however, assured her that everyone struggled with the job at first.

When Hana invited Team 7 as special instructors for her class, she was disheartened that her students seemed more interested in their flashy jutsu. When some of them got too close to their more dangerous jutsu, she pushed them away with Wind Release, concerned for their safety. She got concerned for her students when Team 7's exercise created a divide between them, and looked up on Ehō and Soul, to find out how to reconcile them. Despite making mistakes in her attempts, her commitment to getting them to move past their animosity got though them, and she cancelled class for a day to have a cherry blossom watching party during a picnic.

Hana had the class go through a practical lesson to build up their teamwork, sorting them in teams of three. The lesson took place in a hill near the Academy, and she warned them not to go too deep in the nearby forest. When Himawari and Kae were attacked by a flame bear, she distracted it to allow them to escape. She was unable to defeat the bear on her own, requiring Kawaki to save her, causing him to admonish her.

Hana is visited at the hospital

Hana is visited by her students at the hospital.

Later, Hana's second personality learned that Kawaki was in fact a full-fledged ninja hired to guard Kae. Deciding to test his threat level, she manipulated missing-nin to take Osuka hostage for ransom, watching from a distance as Kawaki defeated the missing-nin.

Hana later had her class prepare a play about the Sannin for a festival. In an effort to remove Kawaki as an obstacle, her second personality leaked the truth about Kawaki to the students. As Kawaki struggled to deal with the rumours, the assassin went after Kae as she rested in the infirmary. However, Kawaki arrived in time to chase her off.

The day of the festival, Hana wished her students put as much effort in class as they did for the event, and left to rest, having overworked herself for the event the night before. Hana's second personality took over again, setting up a terrorist attack with a series of paper bombs across the Academy grounds. Hana, still oblivious of her own actions, discussed their options with other Academy staff. When she discovered there were students missing, she went to look for them. Assassin-Hana took over again and attacked covered the play with a smoke bomb. As the assassin went for Kae, Himawari saw through the threat with her Byakugan, saving Kae and leading her outside. As the assassin chanced after them, Kawaki arrived to defeat the students. Seeing Kawaki as too dangerous to fight, she unleashed a barrage of paper bombs to escape. She was caught up by debris from the explosion. Hana was taken to the hospital, and was soon visited by her students, who wished her a quick recovery. When Kawaki asked her if she saw the assassin's true face, Hana couldn't remember anything, and after her students left, Hana pushed herself to try and remember.

Hana learns the truth

Hana remembering her past.

Later, Assassin-Hana was met with a colleague from the Land of Bamboo, agreeing that if things continued as they were, the best way to finish the mission was to feign "the assassin's" death. The man killed himself and Hana disguised him in her assassin attire as a backup plan. Later, Assassin-Hana attacked Kae's mansion, quickly overpowering the princess's butler, Batora Kuromori. Once again, Kawaki arrived in time to stop her from killing Kawaki. Assassin-Hana drew the fight outside, where she initially pressured Kawaki with her flames. Kawaki however proved to evasive and quickly pummelled Assassin-Hana. Deciding to go with her backup plan, she removed her cloak to reveal several explosive tags on her. As Kawaki retreated, Assassin-Hana summoned the disguised corpse, setting off the stand-in's tags to fake her suicide.

Hana fights her evil side

Hana fighting her inner dark side.

Later, as Hana was discharged from the hospital and returned to teaching her class, she was overjoyed to see how much her students missed her, having set up a return display for her. As the day went on, Hana began remembering pieces of her battles against Kawaki. Between this and learning of an assassination attempt on Kae, Hana realised the connection between her and all the incidents. Fearing the worst, she began tearing through her apartment to find the truth. To her horror, she found a secret room filled with assassin supplies. Realising she was the culprit, she decided to turn herself in. However, her second personality made her presence known, explaining to Hana the full truth of their past and why they were in Konohagakure, using Hana's obliviousness to lower all suspicion of her as the culprit. Deciding that she was no longer needed, the second personality took complete control of Hana's body, restraining her consciousness while Assassin-Hana masqueraded as the kindhearted teacher. During the assassin's next attempt to kill Kae, Hana was able to regain control long enough to stop the attack, prompting Assassin-Hana to restrain Hana's consciousness.

Hana facing her students

Assassin-Hana kidnaps Kae.

Assassin-Hana arranged for the class to undergo survival training on an old training grounds island and sabotaged the exercise by getting rid of their food and diminishing their surveillance ability by injuring Kikuchiyo and damaging Neon's drone, taking advantage of the rumours about killer missing-nin on the island throughout the years. By night, when Kae gifted her a flower arrangement, she discarded it and pretended to have lost it, looking for it with Kae as an excuse to separate from the group. Kawaki and Himawari discovered she was the assassin who was after Kae, having recognised her jutsu on the drone footage. Assassin-Hana ran off with Kae. Himawari was sure she was an impostor, but Hana claimed the students' only value was as a diversion for her mission. Crossing a bridge, Hana seemingly stabbed Kae to complete her mission.

In reality, it was a ruse by Assassin-Hana, who separated herself from Kawaki and Himawari by blowing up the bridge. In a cave, she explained her situation to Kae, and how despite originally having to kill her for her mission, Hana now had to use Kae as a hostage to secure the released of the arrested Bamboo Minister, after reconvening with the minister's subordinate. When Kae tried to reason with her, Hana mocked and taunted her, throwing a kunai near her face. After she left, Kae used the kunai which Hana deliberately left there to free herself. Impressed she actually used it, Hana pointed out she could still hurt her and break her spirit, even if she could no longer kill her. Kawaki and Himawari arrived to help Kae.

Assassin-Hana explained her dual personality to them and began attacking with her Fire Release. Kawaki was able to deceive with a shadow clone ruse, opening her to a Gentle Fist attack by Himawari, though she dodged it. Hana used a paper barrier to hide her position while attacking, but Himawari was able to spot her with her Byakugan, creating an opening for Kawaki to attack, defeating her.

Hana returns

Hana regains control of her body.

However, Assassin-Hana was confident that she had stalled enough for her allies to arrive, only for Sai and Batora to appear and announce that her allies had been detained by Anbu. Assassin-Hana attempted to kill herself, but the effort of the battle allowed Hana to defy her. The rest of the class arrived, and with their cheering, Hana was able to prevail and regain control. Later Hana refused to have Assassin-Hana erased, content in merely suppressing her so she could befriend and teach her to live for more than her mission. As Kae had to return home, Hana attended the class' Sannin play, and later saw Kae off at the train station.


  • "Hana", written as 花, means "flower", while her surname "Kaka" is a repetition of 華, also meaning "flower".
  • Hana Kaka is a fanmade original character that won the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Chapter #28 Borukura original character contest.

