
"Ghosts!!" (幽霊!!, Yūrei!!) is chapter 8 of the Konoha Shinden manga.


Tenten concocts an idea of trying to scare Guy by dressing up as a ghost, and asks Mirai to keep him busy while she gets ready. Mirai watches Guy's ping pong game against Kakashi, doubtful that Guy could be tricked like that. Mirai reflects about when she visited her father's grave after she passed the Chūnin Exams. She asked Shikamaru if he thought ghosts were real, her own sense being that they weren't, otherwise her father would conceivably have visited her at some point during her life. Shikamaru could give her no compelling opinions on the topic, but did give her the chakra blades that her father once wielded, believing she'd now earned them. She thanked him and vowed to make him proud.

Mirai's reminiscence is interrupted by Guy, who asks who had the higher score. Mirai reports she wasn't paying attention, frustrating Guy. Kakashi reports he won by one point, so Guy decides to call the game a draw. Kakashi and Guy leave to use the hot spring, at which point Mirai is approached by Tenten. Despite Tenten being in her full ghost costume, Mirai has no reaction; she assures Tenten it was only because she already knew it was her. Tenten does indeed have better results against Guy when he leaves the hot spring, who is so frightened by her appearance that he knocks his head against the wall in an attempt to get away, falling unconscious. Kakashi reprimands Tenten for not being a better role model to Mirai as he takes Guy back to their room.

Mirai observes that Kakashi wasn't frightened like Guy was, causing Tenten to regret not committing to the prank more, such as by applying mysterious charms to the walls of Kakashi and Guy's room. Mirai apologises since she already removed those charms when they arrived at the inn, just in case they were exploding tags. Tenten is horrified, as the charms must have been placed by the inn's staff to ward off ghosts. Tenten worries about what will happen during the night, but nothing transpires and the next day she leaves Mirai and the others. Guy, meanwhile, is frantic, still horrified by what he saw the night before. Mirai informs him it was only Tenten, but Guy rejects this, as the bloodied man in armour he saw walking through walls couldn't possibly have been her.

Mirai is horrified to hear this, as is the inn's staff when she tells them she removed their protective charms. Kakashi reports he slept soundly and leads the way to their next destination.
