
"Another Fierce Battle" (死闘、再び, Shitō, Futatabi) is episode 248 of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime.


Metal Lee and Boruto wait at the village for the return of Denki's group. The children rush back without Denki and Iwabee, and inform everyone that they were captured by the Funato. Buntan and Kawaki believe they're either dead or will be soon, recalling Kagura, but Metal is steadfast in believing they're ok, urging everyone to prepare to fight the Funato. Mitsuki spots Funamushi's unit, with fewer people in it, but no sign of Denki and Iwabee. They have the villagers hide again, Yamame and Iwana understanding it, and asking Boruto to avenge Kagura. Sarada takes note of the Funato positions. Buntan advises her not to be so tense before battle. Sarada stresses that as captain, it's her responsibility that no one dies. Metal is more nervous than usual, as winning this fight is necessary to see his team-mates again. Hebiichigo thinks back to Kagura, and shares that the reason she has survived so many battles is because during them, she fought thinking only of herself. At sundown, the Funato still haven't attacked. Kawaki wonders if they're trying to starve them out after learning their situation from Denki and Iwabee searching for food. Boruto doesn't think that's the case, recalling that Funamushi went straight for Kagura because he was avenging Seiren, and believes Funamushi is waiting for something. Buntan asks what they'll do about his Water Release. Boruto found the jutsu familiar, and asks Mitsuki about it. At night, Funamushi smells the tide in the wind, and decides to attack in the morning. Gokai points out their dwindled numbers, and Funamushi's still healing body. Funamushi wants to attack soon before Araumi forces their withdrawal, as he won't have another chance to avenge Seiren. The Funato begin to mobilise, and Sarada orders the swordsmen and Metal to engage them. Sarada is leaving Funamushi to Boruto and Kawaki, since Boruto is his main target. Despite their diminished numbers, the remaining Funato are fighting harder, even sacrificing themselves to hold them in place for attacks. Funamushi arrives and attacks. Kawaki protects Boruto. Funamushi taunts Boruto, claiming Denki and Iwabee died begging for their lives. Boruto notices the Funato bringing Funamushi water barrels for his jutsu, which confirms his suspicion. He attacks Funamushi with Lightning Release: Thunderclap Arrow, having confirmed with Mitsuki that Suigetsu's similar jutsu also makes him vulnerable to Lightning Release, and that it's meant to be used in areas with unlimited water. If he times his attacks right, Funamushi can no longer use his Water Release. Kawaki notices Funamushi is still waiting for something, and it begins to rain, which allows to create a giant water jellyfish. With it, Funamushi beings attacking indiscriminately, even his own men in an attempt to avenge Seiren. Aware of the damage already inflicted on Funamushi, Boruto believes he can win by landing a Rasengan in close range. Hebiichigo confirms that Boruto needs Funamushi to stay still for a moment. The rest of Team 7 draw Funamushi's attention, moving out of the way of his attacks. Hebiichigo is able to stop him, but something so big is hard to hold in place for long. Metal protects Hebiichigo while she holds Funamushi still. Some of the tentacles still prevent Boruto from getting close. Sarada, Mitsuki, and Buntan attack with Lightning Release from a distance. Funamushi breaks free and lands a hit on Hebiichigo. He also manages to swipe at Kawaki, and Boruto. Despite this, Boruto moves through the jellyfish, and lands his Rasengan. Funamushi manages to hold Boruto like he did Kagura, but Buntan stabs him, avenging Kagura. The Funato retreat. Hebiichigo dies from her injuries, thanking Metal for showing her possibilities other than fighting. She is buried besides Kagura. They mourn her, and the villagers begin to rebuild.


Boruto UzumakiYuko Sanpei三瓶 由布子Sanpei Yūko
Sarada UchihaKokoro Kikuchi菊池 こころKikuchi Kokoro
MitsukiRyuichi Kijima木島 隆一Kijima Ryūichi
KawakiYuma Uchida内田 雄馬Uchida Yūma
Metal LeeRyo Nishitani西谷 亮Nishitani Ryō
Buntan KurosukiMariya Ise伊瀬 茉莉也Ise Mariya
HebiichigoNao Toyama東山 奈央Tōyama Nao
Kyohō FuefukiYasuhiro Mamiya間宮 康弘Mamiya Yasuhiro
IwanaSeiyu Fujiwara藤原 聖侑Fujiwara Seiyū
YamameKeito Okuyama奥山 敬人Okuyama Keito
ChildrenSara Matsumoto
Juri Nagatsuma
松本 沙羅
長妻 樹里
Matsumoto Sara
Nagatsuma Juri
FunamushiTakahiro Fujiwara藤原 貴弘Fujiwara Takahiro
GokaiTaito Ban坂 泰斗Ban Taito
Funato soldiersHirokazu Sekido
Kazuya Saji
Katsunori Okai
Kosuke Katayama
関戸 博一
佐治 和也
岡井 カツノリ
片山 公���
Sekido Hirokazu
Saji Kazuya
Okai Katsunori
Katayama Kōsuke