
Miner Disciplines of the Land

Miners are responsible for the excavation and handling of Eorzea's mineral wealth, be it ores, fossils, precious stones, or otherwise. To fully master the advanced techniques developed by the great mining nation of Ul'dah, they undertake a wide range of tasks, from the meticulous prospecting of the most minute deposits to large-scale civil engineering. Many miners subscribe to the theory of continental drift, and take for their patron deity Oschon the Wanderer.

Last Update: -

Each action and trait is listed as it appears at Lv. 100.
For further details on changes to actions and traits, please refer to the patch notes.

Actions & Traits

Class Actions

Action Name



Recast Time

GP Cost


Sharp Vision

Lv. 4

DoL Ability

- 50 Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 5%. Does not apply to items at 0%.

Sharp Vision II

Lv. 5

DoL Ability

- 100 Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 15%. Does not apply to items at 0%.


Lv. 8


- - Tread quietly, enabling you to avoid enemies up to four levels above your own.

Sharp Vision III

Lv. 10

DoL Ability

- 250 Increases the chance of obtaining items while gathering by 50%. Does not apply to items at 0%.

Mountaineer's Gift I

Lv. 15

DoL Ability

- 50 Increases the chance of triggering Gatherer's Boon by 10%. Does not apply to items at 0%.

The Twelve's Bounty

Lv. 20

DoL Ability

- 150 Increases elemental shard, crystal, and cluster yields by 3.
Cannot be executed if the gathering node does not yield shards, crystals, or clusters.

Clear Vision

Lv. 23

DoL Ability

- 50 Increases the chance of obtaining items on your next gathering attempt by 15%. Does not apply to items at 0%.

Bountiful Yield

Lv. 24

DoL Ability

- 100 Increases the number of items obtained on your next gathering attempt by one.

Solid Reason

Lv. 25

DoL Ability

- 300 Grants another gathering attempt. When gathering collectables, restores 1 integrity.
Additional Effect: 50% chance to grant Eureka Moment

King's Yield

Lv. 30

DoL Ability

- 400 Increases the number of items obtained when gathering by one.

King's Yield II

Lv. 40

DoL Ability

- 500 Increases the number of items obtained when gathering by two.


Lv. 50

DoL Ability

- - Gathers a collectable item with its current collectability rating.
Reduces integrity by 1.


Lv. 50

DoL Ability

- - Increases collectability of an item. Increase is determined by your gathering rating.
Reduces integrity by 1.

Brazen Prospector

Lv. 50

DoL Ability

- - Increases the collectability of an item. Increase is a random amount ranging from 50% to 150% of the effectiveness of Scour.
Reduces integrity by 1.

Meticulous Prospector

Lv. 50

DoL Ability

- - Increases collectability of an item. Increase is 75% of the effectiveness of Scour.
Reduces integrity by 1. There is a chance integrity is unaffected, determined by your gathering rating.


Lv. 50

DoL Ability

- 200 Improves next item collectability increase. Effect is determined by your perception rating.

Mountaineer's Gift II

Lv. 50

DoL Ability

- 100 Increases the chance of triggering Gatherer's Boon by 30%. Does not apply to items at 0%.
Effect can be stacked with Mountaineer's Gift I.

Luck of the Mountaineer
Class Quest

Lv. 55

DoL Ability

- 200 Uncovers a gathering node's hidden items.

Bountiful Yield II
Class Quest

Lv. 68

DoL Ability

- 100 Increases the number of items obtained on your next gathering attempt by one, two, or three. Number determined by your gathering rating.

The Giving Land

Lv. 74

DoL Ability

180s 200 Increases elemental shard, crystal, and cluster yields by a random amount.
Effect can be stacked with The Twelve's Bounty.
Cannot be executed if the gathering node does not yield shards, crystals, or clusters.

Nald'thal's Tidings

Lv. 81

DoL Ability

- 200 Increases item yield from Gatherer's Boon by 1.

Collector's Focus
Prerequisite Quest

Lv. 85

DoL Ability

- 100 Increases the chance to trigger Collector's Intuition by 75% on your next collectable action.

Wise to the World

Lv. 90

DoL Ability

- - Grants another gathering attempt. When gathering collectables, restores 1 integrity.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Eureka Moment.

Priming Touch
Prerequisite Quest

Lv. 95

DoL Ability

- 100 Doubles the chance your next use of Meticulous Prospector will not affect integrity.
Does not affect increased chance from gathering point bonuses or Collector's High Standard.

Gatherer Role

Action Name



Recast Time

GP Cost



Lv. 1


- - Surveys the landscape to locate mineral deposits and rocky outcrops. Activates automatically when class is changed to miner.

Lay of the Land

Lv. 3


20s - Surveys the landscape to locate the nearest mineral deposit or rocky outcrop within skill range. Can only be executed while Prospect is active.
Duration: 15s

Lay of the Land II

Lv. 5


20s - Surveys the landscape to locate the highest-level mineral deposit or rocky outcrop within skill range. Can only be executed while Prospect is active.
Duration: 15s

Truth of Mountains

Lv. 46


- - Further surveys the landscape to uncover unspoiled, legendary, and clouded mineral deposits and rocky outcrops.

* Gatherer role actions, once learned, can be used by any gathering class.





Auto Prospect

Lv. 2

Automatically activates Prospect upon changing your class to miner.

Stone Whisperer

Lv. 11

Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving gathering rate when conditions are met.

Stone Whisperer II

Lv. 16

Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, increasing gathering attempts when conditions are met.

Stone Whisperer III

Lv. 21

Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving yield when conditions are met.

Stone Whisperer IV

Lv. 26

Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, improving yield when conditions are met.

Auto Sneak

Lv. 27

Automatically activates Sneak upon changing your class to miner. Effect is also automatically activated upon changing areas.
Sneak will not be automatically activated in areas where the action cannot be used.

Enhanced Twelve's Bounty

Lv. 41

The Twelve's Bounty now extends to crystals.

Nymeia's Ward

Lv. 42

Occasionally increases yield for certain items, including crystals.

Enhanced Twelve's Bounty II

Lv. 50

The Twelve's Bounty now extends to clusters.

Stone Whisperer V
Class Quest

Lv. 53

Allows you to better identify the characteristics of a mineral deposit or rocky outcrop, further improving chances of enhanced gathering when conditions are met.

One with the Mountain

Lv. 60

Automatically activates Truth of Mountains upon changing your class to miner.

Bountiful Yield Mastery
Class Quest

Lv. 68

Upgrades Bountiful Yield to Bountiful Yield II.

Enhanced GP Regeneration
Class Quest

Lv. 70

Raises base GP regeneration rate by one.

Enhanced Twelve's Bounty III

Lv. 71

Increases the base yield of The Twelve's Bounty by one.

Enhanced GP Regeneration II

Lv. 80

Raises base GP regeneration rate by a total of two. When gathering, raises base regeneration rate by one.

Enhanced GP Regeneration III

Lv. 83

Raises base GP regeneration rate by a total of three. When gathering, raises base regeneration rate by one.

Enhanced Solid Reason

Lv. 90

Adds to Solid Reason a 50% chance that you will be granted Eureka Moment.


Lv. 91

After exhausting a gathering point's resources, occasionally restores all integrity and gathering attempts.
GP is also fully restored, but all gatherer effects expire.
Effect cannot be triggered by certain gathering points such as those found in levequests.

Collector's High Standard
Prerequisite Quest

Lv. 100

Occasionally upgrades the effect of Collector's Standard to Collector's High Standard, guaranteeing Brazen Prospector increases collectability with maximum effectiveness.
Chance Meticulous Prospector does not affect integrity is increased by 40%.

Each action and trait is listed as it appears at Lv. 100.
For further details on changes to actions and traits, please refer to the patch notes.

Joining a Discipline of the Land

Once you reach level 10 in the class you chose when starting the game, you can take on a new quest. Clearing this quest will allow you to join guilds for other classes.

To become a miner, find and join the Miners' Guild at the Steps of Thal in Ul'dah (X:11.3 Y:14.3).

(After entering a guild, you must equip the tool of the class you want in order to change your class.)

Miner & Botanist Key Features

Disciples of the Land are able to collect materials from the land within their areas of expertise.

Miners are a gathering class that can collect ores and precious metals from mineral deposits and rocky outcrops.
Botanists can harvest timber, fruit, and other plant products from mature trees and lush vegetation patches.
Leveling up in these classes will expand the areas you can harvest and help you find rarer materials.


Getting Started

Miners and botanists can collect resources from gathering points such as mineral deposits and mature trees.
Your class determines from which locations you can gather resources.

The miner action Lay of the Land and the botanist action Arbor Call will help you find new spots for gathering.
You can look up which locations yield which items using your gathering log.

  • Miners: Mineral Deposits & Rocky Outcrops

    (You must equip a sledgehammer to collect resources from rocky outcrops.)

  • Botanists: Mature Trees & Lush Vegetation Patches

    (You must equip a scythe to collect resources from lush vegetation patches.)

Gathering Tips

Target a gathering point to see what items you can harvest from it.

Select the item you want to begin collecting.

Collection success is based on your gathering rating. When gathering, there is a chance of triggering the Gatherer's Boon effect, which grants an additional item.

As you gather resources from a gathering point, it will begin to show wear regardless of whether your collection was successful or not. You can continue to use a location until you consume all of its gathering attempts.


Miner & Botanist Collectable Items

As a Disciple of the Land, you may be required to barter items called collectables.

These items each have a collectability rating, and those with higher collectability will earn you better rewards.

Certain collectables can also be converted into other materials with aetherial reduction.

A collectable's type and collectability both influence the type and number of items to which it can be reduced.

Gathering Miner & Botanist Collectables

While on the gathering screen, select an item with the collectable mark to switch to the collectable gathering window. From there, you can gather collectables.

Raise Collectability with Scour

There are three actions you can perform to increase item collectability: Scour, Brazen Prospector/Woodsman, and Meticulous Prospector/Woodsman.
Use the Collect action after performing one of these actions to gather an item with a higher collectability.

(When you use a collectable action and Collect from a gathering point, it will begin to show wear. Once its gathering counter reaches 0, gathering will end.)

Raise Collectability with Scrutiny and Collector's Standard

Using Scrutiny before a Scour-related action will strengthen that action's effects.

After using a Scour-related action, you have a chance of gaining the Collector's Standard effect. While this effect is active, brazen and meticulous actions will be significantly more effective.