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This Week's Top Trending Offer:

Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, 6th Edition (25.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

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Unlock the power of Excel with a step-by-step roadmap to its formulas and functions.

There's a Swiss Army knife in your digital toolbox that can multiply your productivity and make you the smartest guy or gal in almost any room. It's called Microsoft Excel.

If you're like most people, you've barely scratched the surface of what this powerful tool's hundreds of built-in functions can do. But with a little help from Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, you'll soon be organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data like a pro.

For those who don't know the difference between a spreadsheet and a bedsheet, the book gets you up to speed with formula and function basics first. But you can also skip ahead to the fancy stuff and learn about working with probabilities, significance tests, and lookup functions.

This easy-to-use Excel formulas and functions survival guide shows you how to:

  • Work with financial functions like PMT, PPMT, NPER, RATE, and PV
  • Calculate mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and many more statistical functions
  • Troubleshoot formulas for common errors and validate your data to avoid mistakes
  • Work with dates, times, logic operators, conditions, and basic and advanced mathematical functions

You don't need a degree in data science or advanced mathematics to take advantage of the full functionality and flexibility of Microsoft Excel. Let Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies show you how to transform this unassuming program into the most useful tool in your toolbox. Offer Expires 8/6/2024.

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