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Pokemon Sleep snoozes its way to over $100 million in earnings as 1st anniversary approaches

The Pokémon Company’s latest mobile project has warded off a nightmare of failure, with Pokémon Sleep having brought in a Meowth-watering $100 million in revenue within the past year, according to AppMagic data estimates that were retrieved by Pocket Gamer.

Per the report, the birthplace of Pokémon contributed the most to the grand total, with Japanese players spending roughly $73 million in pursuit of their sleep-tracking, Pokémon-collecting goals. The US came second, with $15 million, and Taiwan in third, with $4 million. While not explicitly stated in the analysis, the remaining $8 million can likely be attributed to the other countries that Pokémon Sleep is available in.

In-game events drove revenue to its heights, with a Holiday 2023 event last December having raked in $4 million in a week- the most profitable week for the game yet.

Though the game’s very existence may have once seemed like something out of a fever dream, it has since managed to generate amounts of money that most of us can only dream of. As the game continues to celebrates 20 million downloads worldwide and is set to do the same for its first anniversary next week, now might be the time to join Professor Neroli as he studies Pokémon sleeping habits alongside your own.


2 thoughts on “Pokemon Sleep snoozes its way to over $100 million in earnings as 1st anniversary approaches”

  1. Haha I like the puns in this article :)

    I remember being like. Genuinely one of the only people ever that was eagerly awaiting Pokémon Sleep for years and years. I was hyped ever since it was announced, and waited every single Pokémon Presents to hear about it. I was so happy and excited when it finally was announced to come.

    I’ve played it every single day, without failure, since the moment I first started it up (I believe a few days after release? I wanted to get things tidied up for my first sleep session hehe <3)

    Such an amazing game. I love it SO much; it’s a part of my daily life & routine, so I can’t imagine sleeping/waking up without tracking it. Got the Plus+ as well and use it every single day <3 it has seriously genuinely improved my sleep quality and habits in ways I actually never thought were possible. Just makes me so happy whenever I use it hehe, I’m always sending ss’s to my friends of my progress/Pokémon, it’s so much fun <3

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