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Corpore et anima

by Musica Secreta

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O gloriosa Domina excelsa super sidera, qui te creavit provide, lactasti sacro ubere. Quod Eva tristis abstulit, tu reddis almo germine; intrent ut astra flebiles, Caeli fenestra facta es. Tu regis alti ianua et porta lucis fulgida; vitam datam per Virginem, gentes redemptae, plaudite. Gloria tibi, Domine, qui natus es de Virgine, cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu in sempiterna saecula. Amen. O glorious mistress, elevated above the constellations, he, who created you, you feed from the holy breast. What sorrowful Eve took away you give back with your dear child; the weeping enter as stars, you are made the window of Heaven. You are the high king's door and the bright gate of light; life is given through a Virgin: Redeemed nations, rejoice. Glory to you, O Lord, Born of a Virgin, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.
Beata viscera Mariae Virginis, quae portaverunt aeterni Patris Filium; et beata ubera, quæ lactaverunt Christum Dominum: qui hodie pro salute mundi de Virgine nasci dignatus est. Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary, that bore the son of the everlasting Father: and blessed are the breasts, which gave suck to Christ the Lord: Who as on this day did deign to be born of the Virgin for the salvation of the world. Responsory, Christmas Day
Dulcis mater, dulci nato dulcia praebens ubera; Quae sola fuisti digna portare Regem coelorum et Dominum angelorum: Pro peccatoribus ora dum mortis venerit hora. Sweet mother, offering to the sweet child the delightful breast; You who alone was worthy to bear the King of heaven and Lord of the angels: Pray for us sinners when the hour of death comes.
Murus tuus 07:34
Murus tuus, dilecta nostra, super quem aedificaverunt impii et sibi produxerunt iniquitatem, firmus est qui contrivit cervices eorum: ex quo te laudamus et benedicimus in saecula dicentes: benedicta tu in mulieribus. Ego murus sum, et ubera mea sicut turris fortissima, quae facta sum pacem reperies: ex quo beatam me clamant omnes gentes laudantes et benedicunt in saecula dicentes: benedicta tu in mulieribus. Your wall, our delight - on whom the wicked built, and brought iniquity on themselves - is firm, which broke their necks; for which we praise and bless you for ever, saying: Blessed are you among women. I am a wall, and my breasts are like a mighty tower, you will find peace in that of which I am made; for which all people, praising, have called me blessed, and they bless me for ever, saying: Blessed are you among women.
Felice Anerio, D-MÜu SANT HS 2746, 60-64 Dum torqueretur beata Agatha in mamilla dixit ad judicem: impie crudelis et dei tyranne non es confusus amputare in femina quod ipse in matre suxisti. While the blessed Agatha was being tortured at her breast, she said to the judge: impiously cruel and tyrant of God! you are not ashamed to cut off from a woman what you yourself sucked from your mother.


This album is part of our commitment to raise awareness (and MONEY) for Breast Cancer Now (secure.breastcancernow.org/appeal/donate/#/) and MetUpUK (www.gofundme.com/f/uu9zq4-metupuk). You can download all the tracks for free if you like - but if you enjoy this music, please consider making a donation to one or both of these charities.
IMPORTANT: When you donate, please use the code CEA as part of your reference.


released November 2, 2023

Musica Secreta, dir. Laurie Stras, St Michael and All Angels, Blackheath, 28-29 September 2023.

Sopranos: Yvonne Eddy, Hannah Ely, Elspeth Piggott
Mezzo-sopranos: Luthien Brackett, Victoria Couper, Katharine Hawnt
Alto: Caroline Trevor
Bass viol: Alison Kinder
Organ and ensemble director: Claire Williams

Audio production by David Lefeber.


all rights reserved


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