Our GM: New Jersey’s diversity makes New Jersey special. ‘Mosaic’ will tell you about it.

I have never lived in a place like New Jersey. When I travel on its streets, its turnpikes, its distinct exits, when I visit its grocery stores, its mom-and-pop shops, its charming towns, I see an array of people who don’t look like me, and many who do. I see people of all nationalities from places I’ve never been, places I aspire to see, with lives I’ve never experienced.

If sociology is the study of people, then New Jersey must be its laboratory. The state is home to the most diverse populations I’ve seen, filled with interesting people of color who live interesting lives but need a conduit to tell their stories.

Jersey’s diversity, while it may go unnoticed by many, is one of the primary sources of its beauty, its completeness. If Jersey were a quilt, it would be one of vibrant colors, singularly sewn together to create prize-winning art that cannot be replicated.

That is the Jersey I have come to know. It is a place with people from all over the world, speaking languages in their native tongues and bringing indigenous cultures that bind together to form a mosaic. It is no strange coincidence that I use that word — mosaic. A mosaic holds such power, such beauty. Each of its intricate pieces is valued, appreciated, and celebrated. Each depends on the other to amplify its glamor.

With a word that holds such value, such richness, it is fitting that Mosaic was chosen as the name of a new website we’re launching that has taken more than a year to plan and execute. Mosaic, which can be found at mosaic.nj.com, has as its mission to amplify the voices of people of color for the betterment of humanity. It is to celebrate New Jersey’s diversity by uniting diverse communities through meaningful conversation, community engagement and compelling storytelling.

Our objective is to complement NJ.com, our flagship digital site and the largest news source in New Jersey. The major difference between the two centers on our goal of going deeper into communities of color, telling stories that might not get told, meeting people we might never meet, and bringing about enlightenment for the benefit of everyone.

Mosaic’s mission also is to bring light to social justice issues affecting people of color and to hold accountable those who have the power to help. It is to speak for those who feel they have no power or voice, and to celebrate the good happening in communities. Through the weight of our words, Mosaic strives to empower citizens, and communities, and to report compellingly about cultures we may know little about. Mosaic will chronicle accomplishments, achievements, and the people who are instrumental in ensuring their culture remains intact and their communities thrive.

People of color in New Jersey make up 47% of the state’s population. Dozens of languages are spoken here, which makes our state interesting and complex. Mosaic’s goal is to help residents come to understand each other and the various cultures that make our state unique. It is to educate audiences on a range of topics, from ethnic foods to community festivals, and the true meaning behind them. The site will feature strong families, how they came to call New Jersey home, and the sense of community they have created both inside and outside their neighborhoods.

It will focus on business owners, entrepreneurs, and the ingenuity they bring to our state.

The success of this new endeavor depends on the targeted audiences we intend to reach and the wider audiences that can use Mosaic as a vehicle to learn more about their neighbors. Fostering understanding and illumination are achievable here, through Mosaic’s deep penetration into audiences that often go about their business with little fanfare. We want to fill that void.

Since I’ve been in Jersey, I’ve been to barbershops, grocery stores, fast-food restaurants, car repair shops, and other businesses owned by people of color. I’ve met civic leaders, school administrators, political leaders, and patronized businesses — all knitted together by New Jersey’s diversity. Our state is special, and it is Mosaic’s intent to help all citizens realize how important they are to each other.

We invite you to help us salute our cultures. We invite you to support Mosaic by becoming a reader of our content. Let’s learn together. Let’s grow together. Differences should be viewed as opportunities to grow together. Mosaic will have achieved its mission by embracing everyone, all people, from all walks of life. We will do our very best to ensure that happens.

Welcome to Mosaic. You can follow us on Instagram at @MosaicNJcom and on Facebook at MosaicNJcom.

Celebrating Diversity.
Amplifying Voices.
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