Illustration of District 3 Supervisorial Race 2024 candidates: Moe Jamil, Sharon Lai, Danny Sauter, Wendy Ha Chau, Matthew Susk, Eduard Navarro. Background shows landmarks including a trolley and buildings.

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Between now and the November election, Mission Local is asking each District 3 candidate one question per week, and candidates will get 100 words to respond. We will compile all responses to the 40-odd questions on a “Meet the Candidates” page, so that voters can get a full picture of their stances.

Because Supervisor Aaron Peskin terms out next January, six candidates have filed to run for the seat to lead District 3, which includes North Beach, Chinatown, Union Square, the Financial District, Russian Hill and Nob Hill. 

Have a question for the candidates? Meet me on Thursday, July 11, at 6 p.m. at Mario’s Bohemian Cigar Store Cafe, 566 Columbus Ave. Email me at

Question this week: Given the context of Lower Nob Hill residents feeling like they get short shrift, what would you do to integrate Lower Nob Hill better into District 3?

A cartoon of District 3 candidate Matthew Susk in a suit.

Matthew Susk

  • Job: Former lead with Divvy Homes
  • Age: 32
  • Residency: TIC owner, first moved to District 3 in 2007. 2007-2009 while in high school, 2014-2016 after college, 2023-present with his wife.
  • Transportation: Walking
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree from St. Lawrence University, master’s in business from Georgetown University
  • Languages: English

I grew up in Nob Hill and walked my dog on these streets as a kid. To better integrate Lower Nob Hill into District 3, I will push for more resources and attention to this often-overlooked neighborhood facing homelessness and drug issues. District borders frequently get underrepresented, but I’ve built strong relationships with the District 5 candidates, so we can work collaboratively on supporting Lower Nob Hill. By enhancing support services, safety protocols, and community engagement, we can revitalize Lower Nob Hill and ensure it receives the focus it deserves​.

Wendy Ha Chau

  • Job: Attorney
  • Age: 44
  • Residency: Tenant in District 3 since 2009
  • Transportation: Walking
  • Education: J.D. from John F. Kennedy University 
  • Languages: English

No time for platitudes! 

1. We need to integrate police training with the infrastructure I am building in District 3.
2. We need to build safe spaces that include restrooms for the trans sex workers (who were ignored during the pandemic as they were forced to work).
3. Convert all shelters into Intermediate Care Facilities (operated by SF with MDs and licensed nurses (RNs and Psych Techs).
4. Give actual money/capitol ($800K+) to 300 small businesses a year with no interest using existing laws and admin processes. Not a grant or a loan.
5. Vote for me to find out … read more here

A cartoon of District 3 candidate Moe Jamil a suit.

Moe Jamil

  • Job: Deputy city attorney, San Francisco City Attorney’s Office
  • Age: 46
  • Residency: Owner-occupied condo owner, living in District 3 since May 2014
  • Transportation: Walking
  • Education: University of California, Berkeley, and law school at Santa Clara University, K-12 public school
  • Languages: English, Cantonese

I know residents and business owners in Lower Nob Hill are frustrated that their neighborhood must bear the brunt of these services. I won’t support any additional shelter or supportive housing in this neighborhood unless supported by the residents and merchants and will partner with the mayor, SFPD and the DA to prioritize and redirect resources to programs that show actual results.

I support creating a Lower Nob Hill Community Benefit District to complement these efforts. Preservation is also essential. Lower Nob Hill is home to a special collection of in-tact historic buildings, but protecting residents and merchants matters most!

Endorsed by: San Francisco Tenants Union, Teamsters Joint Council 7, Retired Assistant Police Chief Garrett Tom, Board President Aaron Peskin … read more here

A cartoon of a woman in a business suit.

Sharon Lai

  • Job: Economic recovery leader at the World Economic Forum, former board member at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Age: 41
  • Residency: Tenant and owner, living in District 3 since 2023, first moved to SF in 2005
  • Transportation: Walk and Muni when solo, drive when with kids
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree from University of California, Berkeley, development studies and city and regional planning; master’s degree in public administration, Harvard Kennedy School
  • Languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese

Lower Nob Hill has carried a huge amount of supportive housing and shelter for the district. As this neighborhood has disproportionately taken on the impacts and solutions for homelessness, we need to match with neighborhood-facing services. 

We need to ensure that Lower Nob Hill has the resources it needs to mitigate impacts of city programs. As supervisor, I would: 

  1. Ensure accountability and enforcement of existing good neighbor policies
  2. Convene city departments to coordinate cleaning, police and ambassadors 
  3. Adjust police precinct boundaries so that resources are aligned 
  4. Work with OEWD to help struggling small businesses
  5.  Enable and empower neighborhood self-determination

Endorsed by: Community Tenants Association, Teamsters Joint Council 7, 7 of the current Board of Supervisors … read more here

Illustration of a bald man with a beard from District 3 wearing a blue jacket.

Eduard Navarro

  • Job: Tech startup founder
  • Age: 44
  • Residency: Tenant in District 3 since December 2021
  • Transportation: Walking, public transportation
  • Education: CFA Institute: Chartered Financial Analyst, passed level 1. Master’s degree from Columbia University, architecture, concentration in urban design. Master’s degree from Columbia University, real estate development, concentrating in finance. Ecole d’Architecture de La Villette. Bachelor’s degree in architecture from Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • Languages: Spanish, French, German, English, Valèncian (Catalan)

Unlike other District 3 neighborhoods, which are defined by their geography, architecture or anchoring public space, Lower Nob Hill suffers from not having a clear border or identifying characteristic that embodies its idiosyncrasy. To consolidate and share this identity, the first step is to create a central public space, like a town square. This is where creativity and urban design intersect. I envision many possibilities for this space. Once that identity is confirmed and shared, Lower Nob Hill will become unforgettable, not only to its residents but also to visitors, government agencies and elected leaders.

A cartoon of a man with a beard.

Danny Sauter

  • Job: Executive Director, Neighborhood Centers Together
  • Age: 35
  • Residency: Tenant in District 3 since 2014
  • Transportation: Public transportation
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree from Miami University
  • Languages: English, Cantonese

Lower Nob Hill deserves more resources and attention from City Hall. As District 3 supervisor, I will be a partner to make improvements, block-by-block. Together, we will:

  • Hold regular town halls and community meetings to give Lower Nob Hill neighbors a voice 
  • Commit to regular foot beat patrols in partnership with SFPD
  • Require “good neighbor” commitments from nearby shelters and services
  • Expand street-cleaning services, add more trash cans and plant new sidewalk gardens and trees
  • Create new open space by establishing a new mini-park in the neighborhood 
  • Lower barriers for small businesses to open and succeed

Endorsed by: Nor Cal Carpenters Union, Senator Scott Wiener, Sheriff Paul Miyamoto, Operating Engineers Local 3 …  read more here

Money raised and spent in the District 3 supervisor race

Money spent

Money raised

Sharon Lai



Danny Sauter



Moe Jamil



JConr B. Ortega


Matthew Susk


Eduard Navarro







Money raised

Money spent

Sharon Lai



Danny Sauter



Moe Jamil



JConr B. Ortega


Matthew Susk


Eduard Navarro







Source: San Francisco Ethics Commission, as of April 3, 2024. Chart by Junyao Yang.

Answers may be lightly edited for formatting, spelling, and grammar. If you have questions for the candidates, please let us know at

Illustrations for the series by Neil Ballard.

You can register to vote via the website.

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REPORTER. Yujie Zhou came on as an intern after graduating from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. She is a full-time staff reporter as part of the Report for America program that helps put young journalists in newsrooms. Before falling in love with the Mission, Yujie covered New York City, studied politics through the “street clashes” in Hong Kong, and earned a wine-tasting certificate in two days. She’s proud to be a bilingual journalist. Follow her on Twitter @Yujie_ZZ.

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