Commuters are seen boarding and disembarking a subway train, while others ascend a flight of stairs within the station. An "Exit" sign hangs overhead.
The BART platform this afternoon at 24th Street, well after the incident occurred. Photo by Zenobia Lloyd

As a group of passengers waiting for their trains looked on, two men tussled over a gun on the BART platform at 24th Street.

The incident took place just before noon, according to a witness.

511 reported on X at noon that trains were not stopping at the Balboa Park and 24th Street stations “due to police activity.”

It began as the witness, a Mission resident, waited for a train with his wife, their new baby, and the witness’ brother and sister-in-law.

“This dude walks up to us. He looked like he had been running,” the witness said. He asked the witness’s wife if she was going home. “It looked like he was trying to blend in.”

Later, they watched as another guy wearing a hoodie approached the man and said, “I’ve got three guys waiting for you.”

The witness, who asked not to be identified, said the aggressor withdrew a gun from his hoodie and he started to grab the man’s arm to pull him upstairs. “The guy resisted going upstairs,” the witness said. Before he knew it, “they were fighting for the gun” about five feet in front of where he was standing with his family.

His family member from Texas identified the gun as a Glock. Police arrived and, when the train came in, everyone jumped on and the police swept the train for suspects.

“Of course, I had just told my brother and sister-in-law that all the headlines about San Francisco are bullshit,” he said.

Later this afternoon, an officer from the San Francisco Police Department confirmed that there had been a tussle above the platform, followed by a second encounter between two men in which they wrestled for a gun on the platform. By the time the police arrived, he said, the two men were gone.

There were no injuries and no arrests.

A police car is parked on a brick-paved area beside a fenced garden. A building with signage indicating "Silver Stone" is in the background under a clear blue sky.
The 24th Street BART Plaza the afternoon of June 15, 2024. Photo by Zenobia Lloyd.


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Founder/Executive Editor. I’ve been a Mission resident since 1998 and a professor emeritus at Berkeley’s J-school since 2019 when I retired. I got my start in newspapers at the Albuquerque Tribune in the city where I was born and raised. Like many local news outlets, The Tribune no longer exists. I left daily newspapers after working at The New York Times for the business, foreign and city desks. Lucky for all of us, it is still there.

As an old friend once pointed out, local has long been in my bones. My Master’s Project at Columbia, later published in New York Magazine, was on New York City’s experiment in community boards.

Right now I'm trying to figure out how you make that long-held interest in local news sustainable. The answer continues to elude me.

Zenobia is a junior at Boston University graduating with a dual degree in Journalism and Philosophy. She was previously a Boston Globe co-op, with bylines in Ms. Magazine and BU's independent newspaper The Daily Free Press. Born and raised in San Francisco, she is looking forward to spending the summer reporting on the city.

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  1. your ignorance at believing more police presence and cameras is a solution to criminal activity belies fact.

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    1. do not complain when you get jumped and robbed.Don’t go to the police station to report it and whine even if it is very serious.

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  2. Great coverage !

    They gotta have em both on multiple cameras and w/Prop E they can run em thru Facial Recognition.

    Feinstein had a permanent SFPD presence in a Koban upstairs.

    I would vote for a Chief who promised to return them along with Foot Patrols.

    I presented a plan for Foot Patrols radiating from 16th Street BART at the Commission’s first June meeting and clearly they need same presence in Dolores Park.



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