"Ian" redirects here. For other uses, see Ian (Disambiguation).
Roger that.

—Ian's last recorded words.

Ian Malkovich (イアン・マルコビッチ Ian Marukobitchi) was the younger brother of Adam Malkovich and a soldier in the Galactic Federation Army. His death led Samus Aran to resign from service and become an independent bounty hunter.


Ian Malkovich was the more extroverted and less stern younger brother of Adam Malkovich. While Adam resembled their mother, Ian resembled their father.[1] Concept art and a photograph on Adam's desk show that Ian was friends with Samus Aran to some degree, though she struggled with his outgoing temperament.[2]

Ian's only confirmed appearance was in a single cutscene in Metroid: Other M. When Anthony Higgs asked Samus how she felt working with Adam again, she had a flashback to the rescue mission in which Ian perished. Ian was repairing the drive unit of the Lusitania, a damaged ship being towed by the Galactic Federation Battleship VIXIV, on which Samus, Anthony, and Adam watched. When the drive unit went critical, Adam gave the order to eject it from the Lusitania to distance themselves from the explosion; Samus protested, believing she could extract Ian, but Adam refused to let her try. Ian died when the drive unit exploded with him inside, so the rest of his unit and the Lusitania's 300 passengers could live.

Following the incident, Samus held a grudge against Adam and left the Galactic Federation Army. However, after reflecting on the incident over the years, she came to regret questioning Adam's authority, as she only made the situation more difficult. Adam kept a photograph of Ian, Samus, and himself on his office desk, showing how much he cared about both Samus and his late brother.


