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Cody Gray - on strike Mod
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"This question already has answers here" - but it does not. What can I do when I think my question'sa question is not a duplicate?

added 71 characters in body
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Samuel Liew
  • 78.5k
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Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. I replied and clarified that the other question is about Android, is mostly about the JTDs driver (which I did not use, at least I think so), and so my question is in no way a duplicate of that question.

There are questions with similar titles, but they are somehow different (I had checked them and tried their answers before asking). Moreover, my question is about my program as I am not getting the expected output.

Now my question is closed with a banner displayed at the top of my question, which may be one reason I am not getting any answers:

This question already has answers here

    This question already has answers here

What can I do about it?

Return to FAQ index

Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. I replied and clarified that the other question is about Android, is mostly about the JTDs driver (which I did not use, at least I think so), and so my question is in no way a duplicate of that question.

There are questions with similar titles, but they are somehow different (I had checked them and tried their answers before asking). Moreover, my question is about my program as I am not getting the expected output.

Now my question is closed with a banner displayed at the top of my question, which may be one reason I am not getting any answers:

This question already has answers here

What can I do about it?

Return to FAQ index

Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. I replied and clarified that the other question is about Android, is mostly about the JTDs driver (which I did not use, at least I think so), and so my question is in no way a duplicate of that question.

There are questions with similar titles, but they are somehow different (I had checked them and tried their answers before asking). Moreover, my question is about my program as I am not getting the expected output.

Now my question is closed with a banner displayed at the top of my question, which may be one reason I am not getting any answers:

    This question already has answers here

What can I do about it?

Return to FAQ index

deleted 309 characters in body; edited title
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Samuel Liew
  • 78.5k
  • 10
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  • 138

"This question may already have an answerhas answers here" - but it does not - or -. What can I do when I think my question's not a duplicate?

Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. I replied and clarified that the other question is about Android, is mostly about the JTDs driver (which I did not use, at least I think so), and so my question is in no way a duplicate of that question. Then they removed their comment.

There are questions with similar titles, but they are somehow different (I had checked them and tried their answers before asking). Moreover, my question is about my particular program as I am not getting anthe expected output.

The following is written on the top of my question, which may be one reason I am not getting any proper answers. Now my question is closed with a banner displayed at the top of my question, which may be one reason I am not getting any answers:

This question may already have an answerhas answers here: Error Connection Null 1 answer

What can I do about it?

Return to FAQ index

"This question may already have an answer here" - but it does not - or - What can I do when I think my question's not a duplicate?

Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. I replied and clarified that the other question is about Android, is mostly about the JTDs driver (which I did not use, at least I think so), and so my question is in no way a duplicate of that question. Then they removed their comment.

There are questions with similar titles, but they are somehow different (I had checked them and tried their answers before asking). Moreover, my question is about my particular program as I am not getting an expected output.

The following is written on the top of my question, which may be one reason I am not getting any proper answers.

This question may already have an answer here: Error Connection Null 1 answer

What can I do about it?

Return to FAQ index

"This question already has answers here" - but it does not. What can I do when I think my question's not a duplicate?

Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. I replied and clarified that the other question is about Android, is mostly about the JTDs driver (which I did not use, at least I think so), and so my question is in no way a duplicate of that question.

There are questions with similar titles, but they are somehow different (I had checked them and tried their answers before asking). Moreover, my question is about my program as I am not getting the expected output.

Now my question is closed with a banner displayed at the top of my question, which may be one reason I am not getting any answers:

This question already has answers here

What can I do about it?

Return to FAQ index

Post Locked by user3956566
Notice added Wiki Answer by user3956566
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Post Made Community Wiki by user3956566
edited tags; edited tags; edited tags
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Martijn Pieters
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Adjust title to have "duplicate" in it, to make this easier to find.
Makyen Mod
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replaced with
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edited title
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