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this was the first game i bought on this site years ago. it was very fun c: im gonna replay it on my 3ds now

Just recently did a playthrough of this game 

The vibes and game feel are on point!

I was a big fan of how well movement works for this being an NES game, and I love how easy it is to pick up, play, and have a nice time!

Great work you guys!

Downloaded with a small offering to encourage further development. Would love to see an expanded version!


Nice game, but very short. Played on Nokia E71 Symbian with GPFCE v0.4r1 NES emulator, mmc1 works perfectly, the other one did not run.

I beat the game, was a nice one.

Used Mesen for it, worked nicely.

Was anyone here bored enough to grind together enough crystals to go and buy the 100 or the 125 crystal weapons?

while I may be interested, making only 1-2 crystals per screen makes this way too much of a PITA to do.

especially since you respawn on the same screen anyways and everything within 2-3 hits anyways :-)

I got them! They deal more damage to enemies, and didn't take very long to farm for.


I played it on a 3.5'' handheld (rg351p) and it was really fun. The text was big enough though the artistic font was a little hard to read. The enemies were challenging enough but not annoying. Great work!


Thanks @jakubiszon :)

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Hi !

I tried the game on the Nestopia emulator but it didn't run.

This emulator told me there was a mapper issue or that the rom lacked of informations needed for the game to run.

It works perfectly on Mesen.

You can download ravens_gate_mmc1.nes, it uses common mapper which will work on any emulator or flash cart.


The game is awesome, nice work.

In the final version will there be the possibility to save the game or a code system so as not to start from the beginning?


Thanks for playing. The save feature is planed.

this is just super lovely. I love the style!


Glad you liked it

music is great hope you can continue the development

I included an abbreviated playthrough of Ravne's Gate 
I included an abbreviated playthrough of Raven's Gate at 1:17:04. That ending was abrupt!

Very nice and user friendly game! More information about our German-language review can be found here (switch on automatic subtitles, if necessary). Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome!


Thanks for playing PARALAX :)

Great work!!

Thanks hellowin1 :)

Just finished playing it to the end and really enjoyed it!

Awesome, glad you liked it c_cross.

Pretty well done !! Congrats.

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Thanks, glad you liked it ! 

made an video: 

i really like your game :)

Thank you, it means a lot :)