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{{eSearch.searchTotalResults}} results found for
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  • {{item.extra_info}} {{(item.fileSize/1024) | number: 1}} MB upload date : {{item.uploaded | amDateFormat:'D MMMM YYYY'}}
    {{item.extension | uppercase}}
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{{ (allGalleries | filter:{ parent: currentGallery.id }:true).length }} galleries found
  • {{gallery.date | amDateFormat:'D MMMM YYYY'}}
{{filteredItems.length}} results found for
  • {{item.extra_info}} {{(item.fileSize/1024) | number: 1}} MB upload date : {{item.uploaded | amDateFormat:'D MMMM YYYY'}}
    {{item.extension | uppercase}} YouTube
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  • {{item.extra_info}} {{(item.fileSize/1024) | number: 1}} MB upload date : {{item.uploaded | amDateFormat:'D MMMM YYYY'}}
    {{item.extension | uppercase}} YouTube
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{{ timeLeft | date:'mm:ss':'+0000' }}

{{(currentItem.fileSize/1024) | number: 1}} MB
{{currentItem.datefilter | amDateFormat:'D MMMM YYYY'}}