Posted inKeller @ Large

Looking back on Boston’s Olympics bid

French train network sabotaged…10,000 soldiers, massive police presence turn Paris into armed camp…estimated cost overruns for 2024 Summer Olympics hit 115%. — News items        “Oh what could have been, Boston.” — Boston Globe columnist Shirley Leung Shouldn’t that read: Oy, what could have been? The flood of revisionist commentary on the mercy killing of Boston’s bid for […]

Posted inKeller @ Large

A flop and a collapse: Conversations on bridge funding, downtown Boston’s economy

In politics, timing is everything. Just ask the local Republican pols who recently gathered (warning: press release cliche alert) “in the shadow of Bourne’s 89-year-old bridge” to “lambast” [sic] Democrats for “failing to secure” major funding for badly-needed repairs of the Sagamore and Bourne bridges. This outraged shadow theater surely seemed like a good idea. […]

Posted inKeller @ Large

Busing in Boston: 50 years of futility

Fifty years since Judge W. Arthur Garrity’s ruling that ripped the scab off Boston’s most egregious social and political wounds? Yours truly spent some time outside South Boston High School back then, and the memory of grandmothers screaming some of the most vile racial slurs known to man at terrified black teenagers is still revoltingly […]

Posted inKeller @ Large

DiZoglio continues her push

“Deeply, deeply disturbing.” A thumbnail review of the forthcoming horror movie “All My Friends Are Dead”? That TikTok video of some ghoul making tacos by boiling beef, cheese and eggs in a bagful of Doritos? Four dollars an oyster? That’s stiff competition, but for State Auditor Diana DiZoglio it’s none of the above. The quote […]

Posted inKeller @ Large

How is Healey polling?

Q: How will Massachusetts voters react to having a duly-elected female governor? Sixteen months into the Maura Healey era, some interesting answers are starting to emerge. In spite of all the preemptive finger wagging when Healey took office about avoiding sexist frames for reporting on Healey, we can’t recall a single reference in the press […]

Posted inKeller @ Large

A newcomer’s welcome to Boston

News item: Boston Globe launches new series — “No Stupid Questions” — offering advice to new residents on “navigating adult life in the Boston area.” Cute idea! Kudos to the Globe, which we’re sure won’t mind if a lifelong Bostonian joins the fun: First of all — bleep off! Don’t get offended. That’s our way […]