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Marvel Database

Quote1 Marauders of Krakoa. As Majestrix, I thank you for your service on behalf both our peoples. The Kin Crimson were cowards. They led us astray. Today I right our path. Honorless blood was shed by our ancestors. And the Shi'ar do not celebrate butchers. A long debt is to be paid, my friends. That begins with today's ritual. Quote2
—Xandra Neramani[src]


Following the deaths of Professor X and Majestrix Lilandra their genetic materials were used to genetically create a child.[6] The egg was under the care of Cerise who took care of it and sang to it.[7] Cerise was eventually captured by the Imperial Guard so they could keep the egg out of the wrong hands. The recently-married Gambit and Rogue were tasked to retrieve the egg, but during their confrontation Rogue ended up drifting in space with the egg, until being taken by Deadpool.[8] Upon landing on a planet Deadpool told Rogue to give him the egg and upon the arrival of Gambit they battled Deadpool, they were then approached by the Technet who also wanted the egg. After defeating them, they began returning to Earth. However, during an argument between the couple and Deadpool, the egg cracked and a younger Rogue hatched.[9] After Kitty Pryde informed them about the origin of the child, the child went through the memories of Gambit and Rogue about her parents and took the name of Xandra. After that they were then attacked by Deathbird who sought to use her in her own rebellion. Gambit and Deadpool were able to fend them off and then teleported Deadpool away. However, Nightside arrived and captured Xandra, who took the form of the egg.[6] After Nightside took the egg to the Shi'ar Empire, Gambit and Rogue were able to infiltrate and retrieve Xandra back. Thanks to Xandra's powers, they camouflaged themselves as Imperial Guard and escaped the Empire. Xandra was reunited with Cerise when they were joined by the Starjammers, but they were then attacked again by the Imperial Guard and Deathbird with her rebels. During the battle, Xandra and Rogue combined their powers and made everyone else think that they exploded due to Gambit's power.[7] This worked as the enemies left and the girls revealed their illusion to Gambit and Cerise. After that Xandra and Cerise bid the couple goodbye and went to the Starjammer's ship.[10]

As the Titans began waging war, Gladiator feared that they would be involved in the war and decided to make Xandra the new Majestrix, due to the Empire needing a Neramani as their leader.[11] After the New Mutants brought Deathbird so she could be Xandra's mentor, she revealed that Oracle betrayed them due to being unwilling to serve a child. Xandra then punished Oracle to teach her in leading the empire.[12]

During the economic collapse that caused chaos throughout not only the Shi'ar Empire but in all of the space, a group of Stygian rebels dissatisfied with the Shi'ar governance kidnapped Xandra with the intent of executing her. The rebel leader Urr sought to execute her himself, but was interrupted by Cyclops, Marvel Girl and Storm. The X-Men with the help of the Imperial Subguardians fought the rebels, while Smasher went to secure the Empress. Urr attempted to strike Xandra, only to be defeated by Storm. With the rebellion squashed, Xandra decided to help the Stygians with their problem and force Urr become a diplomat as punishment.[13]

After Mars was terraformed by the mutants into Planet Arakko which became the capital world of the Sol system, the Galactic Council decided to held meetings with Arakko's new regent Storm. As part of these meetings, Xandra, accompanied by the Imperial Guard, arrived to Arakko to meet her rescuer, but was dismayed to see that Storm was unable to come. Suddenly, the Lethal Legion appeared, sent by the Galactic Rim to kill the Empress, making quick work of the Guard and mutants.[14] Fortunately, Storm soon arrived and battled the Legion, taking most of them out, only for more of the Legion's members to arrive.[15] Deathbird took hold of Xandra to bring her to safety, but the Empress refused to run away as she held faith that Storm would come out triumphant. Her prediction became true as Storm was able to take down the entire Legion and protect all those present.[16]

As the Shi'ar royal advisors Oracle and Delphos sensed danger coming to Xandra, Deathbird sought to gain new allies outside of the Imperial Guard to help protect the Empress. Deathbird had Oracle and Delphos take Xandra to a ship near the Great Kythri Wormhole, to make it seem like the Empress went missing and before joining her she tasked Sunspot to lead a team of some X-Men in this rescue mission. The X-Men were able to locate a Krakoan Gateway hidden behind a reinforced door in a desolate planet, and passing through it they found Xandra in the company of Oracle, Delphos and Deathbird. Although the X-Men were successful in their mission, Deathbird accused them of using Gladiator's help to achieve this, but Xandra was able to learn from their minds that Gladiator had only given them some hints and had been mostly on their own. However, as they talked a Sidri, which had been hired by Deathbird to act as obstacles to the X-Men, turned on her and impaled her with a teleportation mine. With Deathbird now missing, Xandra was forced to erase the X-Men's memories of this event to keep the disappearance secret before letting them return to Krakoa.[17]

Xandra was visited by the Marauders who had arrived to the Shi'ar Empire to uncover the secret about the ancient conflict between the prehistoric Shi'ar and mutants. This conflict had been kept a secret to everyone by the Shi'ar secret society Kin Crimson and Delphos attempted to dissuade Xandra from uncovering the truth as it could result in the Empire's collapse, but she eventually decided to assist the mutants in their investigation in order to improve the relations between the Empire and Krakoa. However, as they learned about the Ten Shames, the Delphos turned against the Majestrix, killing Xandra for treason.[3] This event caused great turmoil between the members of the Galactic Council. As they discussed the consequences of her death which could lead to a galactic war, T'Challa of the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda suggested to just have the Five resurrect her since she was Xavier's daughter. This was countered by Orbis Stellaris, stating that would leave an immortal dictator in charge of a rotting empire. Despite this, Xavier had received his daughter's dying psychic blast, causing him to have Xandra resurrected anyway.[5]

Xandra returned to her post and attended a diplomatic meeting with the Galactic Council. In order to make amend for the sins of her people, she admitted that three hundred years ago during a brief ceasefire in the Kree-Skrull War, the Shi'ar fed the Kree Empire false information to attack a Skrull hospital, reigniting the war and granting the Shi'ar strategic advantage. Xandra attempted to repay the Kree/Skrull Alliance for this war crime, but the meeting was interrupted by Vulcan, the former Majestor of the Shi'ar Empire.[18] Being manipulated by both Orbis Stellaris and Abigail Brand, he attempted to kill Xandra to retake the throne, only for her to be revealed as Sunspot disguising himself using a Image Inducer to keep the real Majestrix safe.[19]



Xandra was considered an Omega-level weapon.[6]

Telepathy: Much like her genetic father, Xandra possesses the power of telepathy. She can use this ability to read, control, and manipulate the thought processes of others, as well as interact with and tap into the Astral Plane.[6]

  • Telepathic Illusions and Camouflage: Xandra has the ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience that which was not actually occurring, including masking her appearance from those around her, allowing her to telepathically disguise herself, making her appear quite different to those around her, and even changing the appearance of her attire.[20]
  • Mind Blast: Xandra has the ability to place large amounts of information in others' minds.[6]
  • Mind Control: Xandra is able to control the thoughts and actions of other sentient beings, through sheer force of will.[19]
    • Mental Amnesia: Xandra can cause loss of particular memories or total amnesia in another person or a group of people.
    • Mental Paralysis
  • Absorb Information: She has the ability to quickly process and store information, by mental transference.
  • Mind Link: Xandra possesses the ability to link her mind with other beings in order to communicate by sharing thoughts, memories, and emotions. Before her death, She was able to cast her mind across the Galaxy in order to reach her father on Earth.[19]
  • Power Amplification: Xandra can increase the speed of neural signals in the brain, which could increase another mutant's powers to incredible levels. As she was able to give Rogue full control over her powers.[10]
Telekinesis: She has also on several occasions shown strong telekinetic abilities, allowing her to levitate objects, and generate powerful concussive blasts of psychokinetic energy.[19]

See Also

Links and References

