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Nightcrawler attacked the President, so Professor X sent his X-Men to bring that mutant back to questioning. After that Professor was captured by William Stryker, who used a mind-control serum to manipulate mutants. X-Men were forced to fight their teammates and Yuriko Oyama. Magneto tried to kill Stryker, but without him there would be no evidence to convince the President that Stryker was behind all this. X-Men defeated Magneto and proved their innocence.


  • The game has 3 different endings: one for each playable character. In Storm's ending Professor is grateful that he had such a talented woman in his team, who could lead the team in Scott's absence. In Logan's ending Charles regrets he couldn't learn more about his origins from Stryker, but at least he discovered vital clues during his encounter with Lady Deathstrike. In Nightcrawler's ending, Professor thanks Kurt and tells him X-Men consider him their friend. Since all the endings don't contradict each other, it can be assumed they all happened at the same time and the game only shows a fraction of the story to the player in each playthrough.
  • If you choose Nightcrawler to play the game - the dialogues of Professor for the first two encounters will change and he'll try to offer a peaceful solution to Kurt before letting his X-Men fight him. Since Kurt must win in order to progress, Professor tells him he was used by Stryker and recruits him into the X-Men. Notably, Kurt joins the X-Men in each ending anyway.
  • The reward for successful completion of the game is a cheat code for PS2/XBOX version of X2: Wolverine's Revenge.

See Also

Links and References

