Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Clarity was born in 1675, and has survived till today thanks to a genetic mutation gained by his father upon exposure to an extraterrestrial meteorite. Clarity also has the mutant ability to absorb information from all types of media at a superhuman rate. A reclusive information broker, he now sits in a room with hundreds of television and radio sets blaring away all around him. His ability allows him to see and hear all of it, process it all, and find patterns or specific details that are important. He is served by two faithful assistants, the husband and wife team of Greg and Lea, who take care of his physical needs, as he doesn't move from his chair. Clarity's media arena is so overwhelming that visitors to it must wear special eye and ear filters to block most of the transmissions lest they overload their brain. Clarity doesn't even talk anymore; rather, he communicates through a computer screen printout. Recently, he summoned Cable to his base of operations, because Cable "interested him," high praise from someone who sees everything that goes on in the world. He is currently helping Cable deal with the mystery of the Undying, the evil spirits who possess people and turn them into killing machines, as well as the timeline war between the Ranshi Empire and Harmony. Clarity was contacted by Key, a mutant who was supposed to be under the influence of Randall Shire, a charismatic speaker who is also possessed by one of the Undying. Key revealed Shire's true nature to Clarity, who shared that information with Cable as well.[citation needed]

Later, Clarity provided information to Cable regarding the Dark Sisterhood that was led by his own sister Finality, and against which Clarity had fought for many long years.[citation needed]



Longevity: He possesses a extended lifespan and youth due to a genetic mutation acquired from his father, when he came into contact with a extra-terrestrial meteorite.

Superhuman Sensory Absorption: He has the ability to absorb information from all types of media at a superhuman rate. A reclusive information broker, he now sits in a room with hundreds of television and radio sets blaring away all around him.

  • Psionic Analysis: His ability allows him to see and hear all of it, process it all, and find patterns or specific details that are important.

See Also

Links and References

