Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Featured Characters:

  • Hela (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)

Supporting Characters:

  • Ten Rings (First appearance)
  • Jiayi (First appearance)


  • Odin (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)

Other Characters:

  •  The Watcher
  • Heimdall (First appearance)
  • Bor (Mentioned)
  • Buri (Mentioned)
  • Frigga (Mentioned)
  • Einherjar (First appearance)
  • Morris (First appearance)
  • Shunyuan (First appearance)
  • Great Protector (First appearance)
  • Fenris (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
  • Gamora (First appearance)
  • Thanos (First appearance)
  • Hela (Main story and flashback)
  • Heimdall (Main story and flashback)
  • Odin (Main story and flashback)

Races and Species:




Weary of Hela's insatiable thirst for conquest across the Nine Realms, Odin takes drastic action, banishing her to Earth while severing her powers by shattering Mjolnir and ensnaring her crown with an unbreakable enchantment. Cast out, Hela arrives in medieval China, where she faces off against Xu Wenwu's formidable armies. Her attempts to retrieve her crown are thwarted, and despite Wenwu's attempt to recruit her, Hela escapes, driven by her relentless pursuit to regain her power. Guided by a mystical Hundun, Hela traverses to the enigmatic realm of Ta Lo. There, she implores Jiayi, the realm's leader, to accept her into their fold. Jiayi, perceptive of Hela's yearning for liberation from control, reluctantly agrees, teaching her the sacred arts of Ta Lo. Meanwhile, Heimdall, unable to locate Hela, reports his failure to Odin. In response, Odin descends upon Earth to confront Wenwu in a titanic clash. Hela, aligning with Wenwu, engages in a fierce battle against Odin. Through her resilience and growth, Hela emerges victorious, reclaiming her rightful worthiness to wield her crown. Acknowledging Hela's transformation, Odin yields Asgard's throne to her, recognizing her newfound wisdom and strength. Hela unites the formidable armies of Asgard and Wenwu's Ten Rings organization, embarking on a mission to liberate the Nine Realms and beyond. In a noble act, she intervenes to aid Gamora's people when faced with Thanos's ruthless onslaught.

Hela's journey evolves from a quest for power to a pursuit of freedom for all realms, marking a transformative chapter as she stands as a beacon of hope and strength amidst the chaos of cosmic conflicts.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

