Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


When Beast's personal machinations at the head of the X-Force, especially his enslavement of Wolverine, were exposed, it led Wolverine to kill the Beast. However, Beast had anticipated this outcome and prepared a clone of himself with a recent memory upload. This clone was activated upon Beast's death with knowledge that he had to take his plans to the next level.[1] Activating his lost-prepared plan, Beast transformed the Pointe into a colossal humanoid automaton able to walk both on land and sea floor. Beast then left Krakoa, while still considering himself to be protecting its interests at the head of the new Weapons of X.[2] Beast then activated multiple clones of himself to be used for parallel data processing, and multiple clones of Wolverine kept primal with Krakoan shock collars to be used as his personal attack dogs.[3] All of his clones were later killed by Wolverine and X-Force, which resulted in Beast fleeing Krakoa with the Cerebro Sword, as well as three Wolverine clones running loose.[4]



See Also

Links and References

