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Marvel Database


In a fit of desperation to rebalance Soul World, Gamora assembled the Infinity Stones. In order to feed the monstruous Devondra responsible for the Soul Stone's hunger for souls and the decay of Soul World, Gamora used the Infinity Stones to trap every soul in the universe in Soul World. She intended for Devondra to sate its hunger, which would allow her to weave a new reality from the remains of the old one; a new universe where she would ensure nobody would have to suffer like she did in her life. Gamora decided to incapacitate the inhabitants of the universe, namely its superheroes, by folding the universe in half, merging every soul with another. This course of action unwittingly caused the history of the universe to be rewritten and adapted to its merged residents.

Warp World from Infinity Wars Vol 1 3 001

Gamora creating Warp World

Loki attempted to manipulate Gamora to get the Infinity Stones for himself, but instead she banished him to Warp World.[2] Once inside Warp World, Loki started looking for different heroes that could suit his needs, splitting them from their merged forms. When Loki and his Cosmic Avengers reached Adam Warlock outside the confines of Warp World, they found him fending off Devondra. In order to help Warlock fight Devondra while they continued with their plan to take down Gamora, Emma Frost telepathically called the heroes of Warp World to battle. By this time, Devondra's corruption started growing, with manifestations of the creature materializing all over Warp World; increasing in size and frequency.[3]

The heroes of Warp World continued fighting Devondra while the Cosmic Avengers obtained the Infinity Stones.[4] After Loki used them for his own agenda, he handed them over to his allies. The heroes returned to Warp World and destroyed Devondra. Warlock intended to use the Infinity Stones to revert Warp World's creation, but Soldier Supreme, the amalgamation of Doctor Strange and Captain America, refused to be undone. Because of this, Warlock had the Cosmic Avengers create a copy of the merged souls when they split and dragged all the souls out of the Soul Gem, leaving Warp World and its inhabitants intact as a facet of the Soul Gem.[5]

Warp World soon began to diverge, creating an entire Multiverse of worlds within the Soul Stone,[6] known as Mergiverse.[1]


See Also

Links and References

