Marvel Database

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Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN1101" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).


Victor von Doom was born in a universe where dinosaurs did not go extinct and instead evolved sentience. When a portal opened in his castle, his counterpart from Earth-616 stepped through. The two realized their universes were converging and planned to combine them into a merged reality for the pair to rule. Dinosaur Doom intervened to stop the human Reed Richards and dinosaur Tony Stark from using a device to push the realities apart, then met his partner in interdimensional space to begin the merger. The human and dinosaur Things followed them there, and led the two Dooms to realize they would inevitably turn on each other. Doom was last seen locked in combat with his human double as their pocket dimension collapsed.[1]



Those of his counterpart as well as those of a Tyrannosaurus rex.

See Also

Links and References

