Marvel Database

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Marvel Database



Stuff in progress

Other subpages:

=Links to check





To add on those page explanations of the double origin (myth and literature)

  1. Antibrotè (Earth-616)
  2. Beowulf (Ideaverse)
  3. Cleito (Earth-616)
  4. Dagon (Old One) (Earth-616)
  5. Eevin (Earth-616)
  6. Erlik (Tenger) (Earth-616)
  7. Evenor (Earth-616)
  8. Hanuman (Deity) (Earth-616)
  9. Leucippe (Evenor) (Earth-616)
  10. Malik Tous (Earth-616)
  11. Nodens (Earth-616)
  12. Oberon (Earth-616)
  13. Orvandel (Earth-616)
  14. Palatyne (Earth-616)
  15. Ymir (Earth-616)

pages to be completed


  • Thomas

No Listings Found

  • Howard

No Listings Found Ages No Listings Found No Listings Found No Listings Found No Listings Found No Listings Found

Cause of death

  • Elder Days CharactersNo Listings Found
  • Pre-Cata Characters
  1. Atra (Earth-616)
  2. Dark Rider (Earth-616)
  3. Kah-Tah-Dhen (Earth-616)
  4. Maracen (Earth-616)
  5. Phraug (Earth-616)
  6. Tarim (Earth-616)
  • Hyborian Age Characters
  1. Aali (Earth-616)
  2. Atrahasis (Earth-616)
  3. Azumelek (Earth-616)
  4. Bazil (Earth-616)
  5. Cleolanthe (Earth-616)
  6. Corin (Earth-616)
  7. Dalmus (Earth-616)
  8. Feducio (Earth-616)
  9. Fenrik (Earth-616)
  10. Greshan (Earth-616)
  11. Inanna (Earth-616)
  12. Ishiti (Earth-616)
  13. Kah-Tah-Dhen (Earth-616)
  14. Kahlima (Earth-616)
  15. Makhis (Earth-616)
  16. Makoth (Earth-616)
  17. Merdine (Earth-616)
  18. Merina (Earth-616)
  19. Nebinio (Earth-616)
  20. Njab (Earth-616)
  21. Raksos B'Quen (Earth-616)
  22. Rastor (Earth-616)
  23. Redondo (Earth-616)
  24. Scarlet Mage (Earth-616)
  25. Shawan (Earth-616)
  26. Stone God (Earth-616)
  27. Tarcas Melphorr (Earth-616)
  28. Tarim (Earth-616)
  29. Tenrek (Earth-616)
  30. Terhali (Earth-616)
  31. Thaug (Earth-616)
  32. Thebnu (Earth-616)
  33. Thoth-Amon (Earth-83600)
  34. Ulysses Bloodstone (Earth-616)
  35. Xaltana (Earth-616)
  36. Xeres (Earth-616)
  37. Xka'Ahk (Earth-616)
  38. Zang (Earth-616)
  39. Zephra (Hyborian) (Earth-616)
  • Cthulhu Mythos Characters
  1. Jim O'Brien (Earth-616)
  • Cthulhu Mythos Pastiches
  1. Beast-God (Earth-616)
  2. Ohris Dehjmal (Earth-616)
  3. Sh'mballah (Earth-616)
  • Mutants (Homo superior)
  1. Abigail Thanriaguiaxus (Earth-20368)
  2. Abraham Verne (Earth-616)
  3. Absolon Mercator (Earth-58163)
  4. Adewale Ekoku (Earth-616)
  5. Adrian Castorp (Earth-616)
  6. Adrian Defoe (Earth-616)
  7. Adrienne Frost (Earth-58163)
  8. Agent X-13 (Earth-12472)
  9. Alani Ryan (Earth-11069)
  10. Albert Louis (Clone) (Earth-616)
  11. Alejandro Montoya (Earth-2149)
  12. Alex (Telepath) (Earth-616)
  13. Alexander Lexington (Earth-616)
  14. Alexander Nathaniel Summers (Earth-TRN841)
  15. Alexander Summers (Earth-161)
  16. Alexander Summers (Earth-5700)
  17. Alexander Summers (Earth-11326)
  18. Alexander Summers (Earth-71202)
  19. Alexander Summers (Earth-81727)
  20. Alexander Summers (Earth-89112)
  21. Alexander Summers (Earth-93068)
  22. Alexander Summers (Earth-95169)
  23. Alexander Summers (Earth-98193)
  24. Alexander Summers (Earth-105709)
  25. Alexander Summers (Earth-TRN414)
  26. Alexander Summers (Earth-TRN657)
  27. Alexander Summers (Earth-TRN727)
  28. Alexander Thorne (Earth-616)
  29. Alexei Kravinoff (Earth-11209)
  30. Alison Blaire (Earth-13729)
  31. Alison Blaire (Earth-21993)
  32. Alison Blaire (Earth-64894)
  33. Alison Blaire (Earth-70105)
  34. Alison Blaire (Earth-89112)
  35. Alison Blaire (Earth-89768)
  36. Alison Blaire (Earth-91240)
  37. Aliya Dayspring (Earth-4935)
  38. Allen Marc Yuricic (Earth-616)
  39. Amahl Farouk (Earth-1610)
  40. Amahl Farouk (Moira VII.1)
  41. Amanda Müeller (Earth-616)
  42. Amanda Wagner-Parker (Earth-24201)
  43. Amara Aquilla (Earth-10349)
  44. Amara Aquilla (Earth-600123)
  45. Amber (Mutant) (Earth-616)
  46. Ameiko Sabuki (Earth-616)
  47. Aminah Ferrara (Earth-928)
  48. Aminedi (Earth-616)
  49. Amino Fetus (Earth-616)
  50. Amy Brewer (Earth-616)
  51. Amy McCloud (Earth-928)
  52. Anath-Na Mut (Earth-9105)
  53. Anders Nobel (Earth-616)
  54. Andrea von Strucker (Earth-17372)
  55. Andres Merino (Earth-1610)
  56. Andy Hartnell (Earth-616)
  57. Angel (Earth-TRN414)
  58. Angel Salvadore (Earth-10005)
  59. Angel Salvadore (Earth-81156)
  60. Angel Salvadore (Earth-600123)
  61. Angel Salvadore (Earth-TRN414)
  62. Angelica Jones (Clone) (Earth-616)
  63. Angelica Jones (Earth-3062)
  64. Angelica Jones (Earth-9112)
  65. Angelica Jones (Earth-10223)
  66. Angelica Jones (Earth-98105)
  67. Angelo Espinosa (Earth-295)
  68. Angelo Espinosa (Earth-957)
  69. Anna Marie Rasputina (Earth-1022)
  70. Anna Raven (Earth-797)
  71. Anna Raven (Earth-41001)
  72. Anne (Mutant) (Earth-616)
  73. Anne Moore (Earth-616)
  74. Anthony Miller (Earth-616)
  75. Anthony Sloan (Earth-616)
  76. Antonio Aggasiz (Earth-616)
  77. Antonio Fernandez (Earth-616)
  78. Anya Magnus (Earth-58163)
  79. Anzhela Federova (Earth-8351)
  80. Ao Jun (Earth-616)
  81. Apate (Mutant) (Age of X-Man) (Earth-616)
  82. Ape (Morlock) (Earth-92131)
  83. Aquaria Neptunia (Earth-7901)
  84. Aquaria Neptunia (Earth-92124)
  85. Arcadian (Earth-928)
  86. Arclight (Earth-295)
  87. Ariki (Earth-TRN414)
  88. Arkady Rossovich (Earth-11080)
  89. Arkady Rossovich (Earth-21923)
  90. Arkady Rossovich (Moira II.4)
  91. Armand Galante (Earth-616)
  92. Arnold Lundberg (Earth-616)
  93. Arnold Sutton (Earth-712)
  94. Artemis (Earth-295)
  95. Artemis Boleyn (Earth-616)
  96. Arthur Hardy (Earth-616)
  97. Arthur Swift (Earth-616)
  98. Asahi Verschlagen (Earth-616)
  99. Ashton Wither (Earth-616)
  100. Askani (Earth-4935)
  101. Aurelia Santiago (Earth-616)
  102. Aurron (Earth-4935)
  103. Avalanche (Mesmero's Brotherhood) (Earth-616)
  104. Axel Bohusk (Earth-55133)
  105. Azazel (Earth-10005)
  106. Azazel (Earth-TRN414)
  107. Bailey Hoskins (Earth-TRN656)
  108. Bantam (Earth-1191)
  109. Barbara Guillermos (Earth-88194)
  110. Barbican (Earth-616)
  111. Bartholomew Grice (Earth-616)
  112. Battering Ram (Earth-616)
  113. Bear (Earth-691)
  114. Beast (Azure) (Earth-2301)
  115. Beatriz Grey (Earth-9602)
  116. Beckah Parker (Earth-616)
  117. Belen (Mutant) (Earth-616)
  118. Bella Donna Boudreaux (Earth-1298)
  119. Ben Goldendawn (Earth-616)
  120. Bennet du Paris (Earth-5700)
  121. Bennet du Paris (Earth-14923)
  122. Bennet du Paris (Earth-51518)
  123. Bennet du Paris (Moira VI.4)
  124. Bennet du Paris (Moira VI.5)
  125. Bennet du Paris (Moira VII.1)
  126. Big Casino (Earth-616)
  127. Billy Taylor (Earth-616)
  128. Black Shadow (Earth-616)
  129. Blaquesmith (Earth-51518)
  130. Blaster (Earth-691)
  131. Bliss (Earth-11326)
  132. Bliss (Morlock) (Earth-11080)
  133. Bloodroot (Moira VII.1)
  134. Blow-Hard (Earth-616)
  135. Bludgeon (Ransome Sole) (Earth-616)
  136. Bomb (Anthony) (Earth-616)
  137. Bonita (Earth-616)
  138. Brain Cell (Kevin) (Earth-616)
  139. Brian Braddock (Earth-93165)
  140. Brian MacTaggert (Earth-987)
  141. Brian Rinehart (Earth-616)
  142. Brigitte Lahti (Earth-616)
  143. Browning (Earth-616)
  144. Brute (Earth-295)
  145. Bryson Bale (Earth-616)
  146. Bu Jun (Earth-616)
  147. Bubble (Mutant) (Earth-616)
  148. Buford Wilson (Earth-12934)
  149. Bulk (Earth-616)
  150. Bulwark (Earth-41001)
  151. Bumbleboy (Earth-15104)
  152. Burke (Earth-1191)
  153. Burner (Adam) (Earth-51518)
  154. Burnum Bishop (Earth-1191)
  155. Burst (Genoshan) (Earth-616)
  156. Butterfly-Bore (Earth-616)
  157. Buzzkill (Andrew) (Earth-616)
  158. Byron Spencer (Earth-616)
  159. Cain Marko (Earth-9140)
  160. Calderak (Moira VII.1)
  161. Caliban (Earth-17315)
  162. Caliban (Earth-91240)
  163. Calligrapher (Earth-691)
  164. Callisto (Age of X-Man) (Earth-616)
  165. Callisto (Earth-295)
  166. Callisto (Earth-11080)
  167. Callisto (Earth-37072)
  168. Callisto (Earth-41001)
  169. Callisto (Earth-58163)
  170. Callisto (Earth-92131)
  171. Calum Bailly (Earth-704509)
  172. Calvin Rankin (Earth-9590)
  173. Cameron Pryde (Earth-25158)
  174. Candra (Earth-77995)
  175. Candy Fraser (Earth-616)
  176. Cara (Mutant) (Earth-616)
  177. Carl Valentino (Moira VII.1)
  178. Carlo Brewster (Earth-616)
  179. Carter Ryking (Earth-616)
  180. Cassandra Nova Xavier (Earth-55133)
  181. Cassandra Nova Xavier (Earth-TRN872)
  182. Castor (Arakkii) (Earth-616)
  183. Catherine Pryde (Earth-79596)
  184. Catscratch (Earth-928)
  185. Cecilia Reyes (Age of X-Man) (Earth-616)
  186. Cecilia Reyes (Earth-5700)
  187. Cecilia Reyes (Earth-91240)
  188. Cecilia Reyes (Earth-TRN414)
  189. Celeste Cuckoo (Earth-55133)
  190. Celeste Frost (Earth-17372)
  191. Cessily Kincaid (Earth-58163)
  192. Cessily Kincaid (Earth-600123)
  193. Ch'vayre (Earth-4935)
  194. Charles Lehnsherr (Earth-295)
  195. Charles Xavier (Age of X-Man) (Earth-616)
  196. Charles Xavier (Earth-460)
  197. Charles Xavier (Earth-597)
  198. Charles Xavier (Earth-696)
  199. Charles Xavier (Earth-811)
  200. Charles Xavier (Earth-987)
  201. Charles Xavier (Earth-1004)
  202. Charles Xavier (Earth-1013)
  203. Charles Xavier (Earth-1017)
  204. Charles Xavier (Earth-1018)
  205. Charles Xavier (Earth-1019)
  206. Charles Xavier (Earth-1022)
  207. Charles Xavier (Earth-1024)
  208. Charles Xavier (Earth-1031)
  209. Charles Xavier (Earth-1034)
  210. Charles Xavier (Earth-1037)
  211. Charles Xavier (Earth-1191)
  212. Charles Xavier (Earth-7484)
  213. Charles Xavier (Earth-8013)
  214. Charles Xavier (Earth-8610)
  215. Charles Xavier (Earth-9200)
  216. Charles Xavier (Earth-9620)
  217. Charles Xavier (Earth-9922)
  218. Charles Xavier (Earth-9997)
  219. Charles Xavier (Earth-10102)
  220. Charles Xavier (Earth-10710)
  221. Charles Xavier (Earth-12245)
  222. Charles Xavier (Earth-13729)
  223. Charles Xavier (Earth-14923)
  224. Charles Xavier (Earth-15104)
  225. Charles Xavier (Earth-18136)
  226. Charles Xavier (Earth-21710)
  227. Charles Xavier (Earth-23203)
  228. Charles Xavier (Earth-24201)
  229. Charles Xavier (Earth-25158)
  230. Charles Xavier (Earth-37072)
  231. Charles Xavier (Earth-41001)
  232. Charles Xavier (Earth-42221)
  233. Charles Xavier (Earth-55133)
  234. Charles Xavier (Earth-58163)
  235. Charles Xavier (Earth-60241)
  236. Charles Xavier (Earth-61311)
  237. Charles Xavier (Earth-81727)
  238. Charles Xavier (Earth-90227)
  239. Charles Xavier (Earth-93068)
  240. Charles Xavier (Earth-94040)
  241. Charles Xavier (Earth-95120)
  242. Charles Xavier (Earth-95169)
  243. Charles Xavier (Earth-98101)
  244. Charles Xavier (Earth-TRN745)
  245. Charles Xavier (Earth-TRN992)
  246. Charles Xavier (Earth-TRN1047)
  247. Charles Xavier (Earth-TRN1078)
  248. Charles Xavier (Experiment 34896) (Earth-TRN992)
  249. Charles Xavier (Moira 5)
  250. Charles Xavier (Moira VI.8)
  251. Charles Xavier (Moira VI.9)
  252. Chloe Tan (Earth-17372)
  253. Christian Cord (Earth-81156)
  254. Christina Bailly (Earth-704509)
  255. Christoph Nord (Earth-1287)
  256. Christoph Nord (Earth-5700)
  257. Christoph Nord (Earth-64894)
  258. Christopher Bradley (Earth-10005)
  259. Clarice Ferguson (Earth-1610)
  260. Clement Wilson (Earth-21993)
  261. Coach (Earth-616)
  262. Compound (Earth-616)
  263. Connie (Mount Haven) (Earth-616)
  264. Connor Laughlin (Earth-616)
  265. Cordelia Frost (Earth-616)
  266. Corona (Earth-15104)
  267. Craana (Moira VII.1)
  268. Croc (Earth-616)
  269. Cromwell (Earth-4935)
  270. Cudgel (Earth-616)
  271. Cyclops (Tunnel Dwellers) (Earth-616)
  272. D'Gard (Earth-616)
  273. D'narda (Earth-616)
  274. D'Von Kray (Earth-4935)
  275. Dafydd ap Andras (Earth-6124)
  276. Dana Holmes (Earth-616)
  277. Danielle Moonstar (Age of X-Man) (Earth-616)
  278. Danielle Moonstar (Earth-10349)
  279. Danielle Moonstar (Earth-24201)
  280. Danielle Moonstar (Earth-58163)
  281. Danielle Moonstar (Earth-87050)
  282. Danielle Moonstar (Earth-TRN958)
  283. Darby (Earth-811)
  284. Darian Elliott (Earth-616)
  285. Dave Finn (Earth-616)
  286. David Aguilera (Earth-616)
  287. David Alleyne (Earth-41001)
  288. David Anthony Rice (Earth-616)
  289. David Haller (Earth-10349)
  290. David Haller (Earth-77995)
  291. David Haller (Earth-93074)
  292. Davis (Mutant) (Earth-616)
  293. Death (First Horsemen) (Moira 9)
  294. Death (First Horsemen) (Moira VII.1)
  295. Death (Horseman of Apocalypse) (Earth-92131)
  296. Death (Horsemen of Apocalypse) (Earth-295)
  297. Death (Horsemen of Apocalypse) (Earth-77995)
  298. Deathstrique (Warp World) (Earth-616)
  299. Delphi (Morlock) (Earth-616)
  300. Denham (Earth-616)
  301. Dennis Hogan (Earth-616)
  302. Derek Petrie (Earth-616)
  303. Desmond Tarketon (Earth-616)
  304. Desolation (Earth-616)
  305. Devlin Greystone (Earth-1191)
  306. Devon Alomar (Earth-616)
  307. Dick Chalker (Earth-616)
  308. Dirge (Lost Souls) (Earth-616)
  309. Divinity (Earth-41001)
  310. Dogface (Earth-1191)
  311. Domina (Earth-616)
  312. Domina (Earth-41001)
  313. Dominic Petros (Earth-25158)
  314. Dominikos Petrakis (Earth-2301)
  315. Dominikos Petrakis (Earth-5692)
  316. Dominikos Petrakis (Earth-5700)
  317. Dominikos Petrakis (Earth-21993)
  318. Dominikos Petrakis (Earth-81727)
  319. Donna Morse (Earth-704509)
  320. Donyell Taylor (Earth-616)
  321. Doop (Earth-93068)
  322. Dorian (Earth-928)
  323. Dorna (Earth-TRN727)
  324. Douglas Ramsey (Earth-928)
  325. Douglas Ramsey (Earth-10349)
  326. Douglas Ramsey (Earth-24201)
  327. Douglas Ramsey (Moira 9)
  328. Duncan Sebast (Earth-616)
  329. Dwayne Taylor (Earth-90214)
  330. Eden Fesi (Earth-TRN892)
  331. Edith Freiberg (Earth-31916)
  332. Edith Sawyer (Earth-616)
  333. Edward Passim (Earth-616)
  334. Eileen Harsaw (Earth-295)
  335. Eleanor Camacho (Earth-17037)
  336. Eleanor Sandford (Earth-616)
  337. Elena (Rasputina) (Earth-616)
  338. Elijah Cross (Earth-616)
  339. Elijah Gillis (Earth-928)
  340. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-2010)
  341. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-2107)
  342. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-8038)
  343. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-9620)
  344. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-10710)
  345. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-11069)
  346. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-11080)
  347. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-14664)
  348. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-21993)
  349. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-53289)
  350. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-71202)
  351. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-80827)
  352. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-89112)
  353. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-95169)
  354. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-4290001)
  355. Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-TRN839)
  356. Elizabeth Guthrie (Earth-295)
  357. Ellison Payton (Earth-616)
  358. Ember (Earth-928)
  359. Emerson Lowen (Earth-616)
  360. Emerson Tones (Earth-616)
  361. Emery Arceneaux (Earth-616)
  362. Emilie Scholz (Earth-616)
  363. Emma DeLauro (Earth-704509)
  364. Emma Frost (Earth-957)
  365. Emma Frost (Earth-9140)
  366. Emma Frost (Earth-10005)
  367. Emma Frost (Earth-10021)
  368. Emma Frost (Earth-10349)
  369. Emma Frost (Earth-11069)
  370. Emma Frost (Earth-11080)
  371. Emma Frost (Earth-12224)
  372. Emma Frost (Earth-21923)
  373. Emma Frost (Earth-42221)
  374. Emma Frost (Earth-53289)
  375. Emma Frost (Earth-55133)
  376. Emma Frost (Earth-77995)
  377. Emma Frost (Earth-81211)
  378. Emma Frost (Earth-90227)
  379. Emma Frost (Earth-TRN414)
  380. Emma Frost (Earth-TRN664)
  381. Emma Frost (Moira 7)
  382. Emma Frost (Moira 9)
  383. Emma Frost (Moira IV.8)
  384. Emma Frost (Moira VI.7)
  385. Emma Frost (Moira VI.9)
  386. En Sabah Nur (Earth-691)
  387. En Sabah Nur (Earth-2182)
  388. En Sabah Nur (Earth-2841)
  389. En Sabah Nur (Earth-13393)
  390. En Sabah Nur (Earth-41001)
  391. En Sabah Nur (Earth-77995)
  392. En Sabah Nur (Earth-93074)
  393. En Sabah Nur (Earth-95169)
  394. En Sabah Nur (Earth-TRN909)
  395. En Sabah Nur (Moira 9)
  396. En Sabah Nur (Moira IV.8)
  397. Erg (Earth-92131)
  398. Erik Hallgrimsson (Earth-616)
  399. Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-161)
  400. Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-25158)
  401. Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-55133)
  402. Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-77995)
  403. Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-80920)
  404. Erik Lehnsherr (Earth-97400)
  405. Erik Wender (Earth-616)
  406. Escher (Age of X-Man) (Earth-616)
  407. Esme Cuckoo (Earth-55133)
  408. Esme Fernando (Earth-616)
  409. Eugene Walker (Earth-616)
  410. Eva Bell (Earth-23203)
  411. Evan Sabahnur (Earth-12928)
  412. Evangelina Rivera (Earth-616)
  413. Evangeline Whedon (Earth-17372)
  414. Everett Thomas (Earth-957)
  415. Explodey Boy (Zombie) (Earth-616)
  416. Explosa (Earth-616)
  417. Eye (Walter) (Earth-17040)
  418. Fabian Cortez (Earth-161)
  419. Fabian Cortez (Earth-2149)
  420. Fabian Cortez (Earth-92131)
  421. Fabian Marechal-Julbin (Earth-12934)
  422. Famine (Earth-92131)
  423. Famine (First Horsemen) (Moira 9)
  424. Farahd (Earth-616)
  425. Faye Livingstone (Earth-616)
  426. Fiona Dunn (Earth-616)
  427. Fiona Knoblach (Earth-616)
  428. Firehair (Earth-616)
  429. Flintshard (Earth-4935)
  430. Forge (Earth-295)
  431. Forge (Earth-998)
  432. Forge (Earth-2301)
  433. Forge (Earth-20368)
  434. Forge (Earth-21993)
  435. Forge (Earth-53912)
  436. Forge (Earth-64894)
  437. Forge (Earth-80920)
  438. Forge (Earth-93068)
  439. Forge (Earth-95099)
  440. Forge (Earth-TRN199)
  441. Forge (Earth-TRN745)
  442. Forge (Earth-TRN1346)
  443. Forrest Goldendawn (Earth-616)
  444. Francis Freeman (Moira 9)
  445. Frank Ludlum (Earth-616)
  446. Franklin Richards (Earth-2600)
  447. Franklin Richards (Earth-21993)
  448. Franklin Richards (Earth-38171)
  449. Frederick Dukes (Earth-9200)
  450. Frederick Dukes (Earth-9997)
  451. Frederick Dukes (Earth-21993)
  452. Frederick Dukes (Earth-25158)
  453. Frederick Dukes (Earth-58163)
  454. Frederick Dukes (Earth-81727)
  455. Frederick Dukes (Earth-89768)
  456. Frida Rivera (Earth-616)
  457. Gabriel Summers (Earth-91123)
  458. Gabriel Summers (Earth-669116)
  459. Gabriel Summers (Earth-TRN1346)
  460. Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-21923)
  461. Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-TRN959)
  462. Gailyn Bailey (Earth-616)
  463. Galadriel (Earth-616)
  464. Gallo (Earth-295)
  465. Gardner Monroe (Earth-5019)
  466. Gary Peterson (Earth-616)
  467. Gateway (Earth-295)
  468. Gaveedra Seven (Earth-9200)
  469. Gaveedra Seven (Earth-41001)
  470. Gaveedra Seven (Earth-91240)
  471. Gaveedra Seven (Earth-93068)
  472. Gaza (Earth-21993)
  473. Genas (Moira VII.1)
  474. George Blair (Earth-21993)
  475. Germaine Caruso (Earth-616)
  476. Gethrin (Earth-616)
  477. Gilbert Benson (Earth-616)
  478. Ginniyeh (Earth-616)
  479. Ginny Snow (Earth-616)
  480. Gloria Knoblach (Earth-616)
  481. Greg Carlson (Earth-616)
  482. Guido Carosella (Earth-295)
  483. Guido Carosella (Earth-1298)
  484. Guido Carosella (Earth-5692)
  485. Guido Carosella (Earth-19121)
  486. Guido Carosella (Earth-21993)
  487. Guido Carosella (Earth-91240)
  488. Gunther Bain (Earth-295)
  489. Gunther Bain (Moira 9)
  490. Gus Yaccarino (Earth-616)
  491. Hancock (Earth-1191)
  492. Hans Knoblach (Earth-616)
  493. Harold Leland (Earth-77995)
  494. Haroun ibn Sallah al-Rashid (Earth-12934)
  495. Haruo Tsuburaya (Earth-21993)
  496. Hayes Isaacs (Earth-928)
  497. Hector Orozeo (Earth-616)
  498. Helen Burnside (Earth-616)
  499. Hellhound (Warp World) (Earth-616)
  500. Henri Huang (Earth-928)
  1. 6R (Earth-616)
  2. A3 (Earth-616)
  3. Agent Elder (Earth-616)
  4. Albert (Earth-5211)
  5. Albert Rinkov (Earth-1226)
  6. Aldrich Killian (Earth-616)
  7. Alex DePaul (Earth-616)
  8. Algernon Black (Earth-616)
  9. Amos Lardner (Earth-616)
  10. Ana Cortés (Earth-616)
  11. Anderson Schultz (Earth-199999)
  12. Angus Munro (Earth-616)
  13. Anna Frankenstein (Earth-616)
  14. Anne Weying (Earth-616)
  15. Anthony Stark (Earth-14026)
  16. Anti-Cap (Earth-616)
  17. Anton Vanko (Crimson Dynamo) (Earth-616)
  18. Arthur Dearborn (Earth-534834)
  19. Arthur Parks (Earth-947)
  20. August Hirt (Earth-616)
  21. Bailey Hoskins (Earth-TRN656)
  22. Barbara Denton (Earth-616)
  23. Basil Drake (Earth-616)
  24. Ben Maijus (Earth-616)
  25. Bernice (Earth-616)
  26. Black Shadow (Earth-616)
  27. Blackagar Boltagon (Earth-42777)
  28. Bleeding Image (Legion Personality) (Earth-616)
  29. Bolivar Trask (Earth-1610)
  30. Borgo (Earth-616)
  31. Brain (Business Man) (Earth-616)
  32. Brock Rumlow (Earth-199999)
  33. Bruce Babbage (Earth-616)
  34. Bud Plugg (Earth-616)
  35. Bullseye (Lester) (Earth-12121)
  36. Butterfly-Bore (Earth-616)
  37. Caiera (Earth-7121)
  38. Caliban (Earth-17315)
  39. Carlos Ramirez (Earth-7642)
  40. Carol Danvers (Earth-61112)
  41. Carter Crockett (Earth-616)
  42. Cat-Woman (Earth-616)
  43. Charles Simpson (Earth-616)
  44. Chen K'an (Earth-7711)
  45. Christoph Nord (Earth-5700)
  46. Chuck McArthur (Earth-616)
  47. Clamp Casey (Earth-616)
  48. Clyde Farnum (Earth-199999)
  49. Colonel Ottman (Earth-200111)
  50. Colonel Rand (Earth-616)
  51. Columbia (Earth-12591)
  52. Comet (Earth-5391)
  53. Consumption (Earth-616)
  54. Crimson Dynamo XI (Earth-616)
  55. D'arun (Earth-616)
  56. Daito (Snakeroot) (Earth-616)
  57. Damon Malone (Earth-616)
  58. Danny Poll (Earth-616)
  59. Darrel Daniel (Earth-616)
  60. David Sorenson (Earth-616)
  61. Davis (Mutant) (Earth-616)
  62. Demogoblin (Earth-TRN461)
  63. Desmond Marrs (Earth-616)
  64. Diana Simon (Earth-616)
  65. Doctor Grant (Earth-616)
  66. Dominor (Earth-616)
  67. Donald Blake (Earth-295)
  68. Douglas Carmody (Earth-616)
  69. Dray (Gangster) (Earth-616)
  70. Edward Brock (Earth-1051)
  71. Elizabeth Harker (Earth-616)
  72. Elizabeth Hudson (Earth-616)
  73. Ella Whitby (Earth-616)
  74. Elton Blake (Earth-616)
  75. Emil Blonsky (Earth-11045)
  76. Erik Selvig (Earth-616)
  77. Esmera (Earth-616)
  78. Explosa (Earth-616)
  79. Farbauti (Earth-616)
  80. Filippo Ayala (Earth-616)
  81. Fire Knives (Earth-616)
  82. FM-1 (Earth-616)
  83. Founder (Red Right Hand) (Earth-616)
  84. Francis Castle (Earth-9997)
  85. Francis Markley (Earth-616)
  86. Frank Gunzer (Earth-616)
  87. Frankenstein's Monster (Nazi) (Earth-616)
  88. Franz Neunmensch (Earth-616)
  89. Fred Hopkins (Earth-616)
  90. Garfield Edsal (Earth-616)
  91. Garmont Grannis (Earth-928)
  92. General Sergei (Earth-616)
  93. George Tarleton (Earth-TRN856)
  94. Ghost Harpooner (Earth-616)
  95. Gos Carlton (Earth-616)
  96. Guardian (Spider-Clone) (Earth-616)
  97. Gustave Kucharsky (Earth-616)
  98. H'jke Jeeku (Earth-616)
  99. Harold Danforth (Earth-712)
  100. Harry Ebbing (Earth-200111)
  101. Headmistress (Red Room) (Earth-616)
  102. Heather Glenn (Earth-616)
  103. Hector Lennox (Earth-616)
  104. Heinrich Zemo (Earth-12151)
  105. Heinrich Zemo (Earth-17628)
  106. Heinz Kruger (Earth-199999)
  107. Hermann Shmidt (Earth-616)
  108. Herr Huss (Earth-616)
  109. Ho Che Miyagi (Earth-616)
  110. Hobgoblin II (Earth-616)
  111. Hope Shlottman (Earth-199999)
  112. Hu Sak (Earth-616)
  113. Hubert Humperdinck (Earth-616)
  114. Iron Man (Sentient Armor) (Earth-616)
  115. Jalak Awa (Earth-616)
  116. James Carlin (Earth-616)
  117. James Dore Jr. (Earth-712)
  118. James Fletcher (Earth-616)
  119. James Madrox (Hulk) (Earth-616)
  120. James Madrox (The X-Factor) (Earth-616)
  121. James Q. Reed (Earth-616)
  122. James Tanner (Earth-616)
  123. James Warren Jones (Earth-616)
  124. Jara (Carmondian) (Earth-616)
  125. Jartran Radd (Earth-616)
  126. Jean Grey (Earth-81727)
  127. Jean Grey (Earth-101001)
  128. Jennifer Cesare (Earth-200111)
  129. Jeremy Latcham (Earth-616)
  130. Jerome Gerty (Earth-616)
  131. Jerome Johnson (Earth-616)
  132. Jerran Ko (Earth-616)
  133. Jesse Alexander (First Chitauri Clone) (Earth-616)
  134. Jim Thunderhead (Earth-616)
  135. Joe Grupper (Earth-616)
  136. Joelle (Earth-616)
  137. Johann Shmidt (Earth-58163)
  138. John Healy (Earth-199999)
  139. John Hunter (Earth-616)
  140. John Raymond (Earth-199999)
  141. Johnny Clostro (Earth-616)
  142. Johnny Revere (Earth-616)
  143. Jonas Ravencroft (Earth-616)
  144. Jonathan Torgson (Earth-616)
  145. Joseph Mitchell (Earth-616)
  146. Juan Meroz (Earth-616)
  147. Julia Cabot (Earth-616)
  148. Kalph Belgri (Earth-616)
  149. Kangaroo (WWII) (Earth-616)
  150. Karen Sutter (Earth-616)
  151. Karl Malus (Earth-199999)
  152. Karl Shaffer (Earth-616)
  153. Karsano (Earth-616)
  154. Kathleen Dare (Earth-616)
  155. Khufor (Earth-616)
  156. Killobyte (Joey) (Earth-616)
  157. Kinji Obatu (Earth-616)
  158. Kora (Earth-199999)
  159. Kore (Earth-4935)
  160. Krobaa (Earth-616)
  161. Kurt Hausner (Earth-616)
  162. Lance Temple (Earth-616)
  163. Lauren Buvoli (Earth-200111)
  164. Leonard Mynde (Earth-616)
  165. Leonard Samson (Earth-9997)
  166. Lilith (Earth-121347)
  167. Louis Lembert (Earth-616)
  168. Lucas Collier (Earth-616)
  169. Lupa Lupoff (Earth-616)
  170. Lupinar (Earth-616)
  171. Lynn Church (Earth-616)
  172. M-41 Zu (Earth-616)
  173. Mad Violinist (Earth-616)
  174. Maelstrom (Earth-616)
  175. Mara (Cimmerian) (Earth-616)
  176. Mark Landers (Earth-148611)
  177. Marquis de Lassus (Earth-616)
  178. Martin Ballard (Earth-616)
  179. Martin Beresford (Earth-616)
  180. Mary Blevins (Earth-616)
  181. Mary Elizabeth O'Koren (Earth-616)
  182. Masked Maverick (Mason) (Earth-616)
  183. Mathers (Earth-616)
  184. Matthew Murdock (Earth-8982)
  185. Max Kalee (Earth-616)
  186. Maxwell Glenn (Earth-616)
  187. MCM-XLI (Earth-616)
  188. Michael Lynn (Earth-616)
  189. Michael Walker (U.S.Agent's Brother) (Earth-616)
  190. Miek (Earth-616)
  191. Mike Quillan (Earth-616)
  192. Miranda Wilson (Earth-92131)
  193. Mister Wilson (Earth-616)
  194. Moonface (Earth-616)
  195. Morla (Earth-616)
  196. Mr. Crown (Earth-616)
  197. Mr. Xao (Earth-616)
  198. Mrs. Boorstein (Earth-200111)
  199. Mutant Master (Earth-616)
  200. Mutate 682 (Earth-616)
  201. Myron Delasco (Earth-616)
  202. Nathaniel Essex (Mister Sinister) (Moira VI.6)
  203. Nathaniel Essex (Mister Sinister) (Moira VI.7)
  204. Nathaniel Essex (Mister Sinister) (Moira VI.9)
  205. Nicholas Fury (Earth-9591)
  206. Ninja (Red Right Hand) (Earth-616)
  207. Noh-Varr (Earth-10021)
  208. Number One (Secret Empire 2) (Earth-616)
  209. Olaf Olsen (Earth-616)
  210. Old Woman (Red Right Hand) (Earth-616)
  211. Paul Carpenter (Earth-616)
  212. Paul Jessup (Earth-616)
  213. Pavel Prykrish (Earth-616)
  214. Peter Lyonne (Earth-199999)
  215. Peter Parker (Clone) (Earth-33489)
  216. Peter Wisdom (Earth-1610)
  217. Phoenix Force (Earth-7642)
  218. Pietro Maximoff (Earth-9511)
  219. Piotr Rasputin (Earth-989192)
  220. Princess Ramasi (Earth-616)
  221. Princess Shareen (Earth-616)
  222. Proteus (Gestalt) (Earth-616)
  223. Pythagoras Dupree (Earth-616)
  224. Quintavius Quire (Earth-295)
  225. Ray Schoonover (Earth-616)
  226. Recorder 451 (Earth-616)
  227. Red Coyote (Earth-616)
  228. Red Wolf (American Frontier) (Earth-616)
  229. Reed Richards (Earth-8312)
  230. Richard Hendricks (Earth-93060)
  231. Richard Parker (Earth-34281)
  232. Richard Rider (Earth-14026)
  233. Richard Stoner (Earth-616)
  234. Robert Arnold (Earth-616)
  235. Robert Baldwin (Earth-21923)
  236. Robert Michaud (Earth-616)
  237. Robert Tomlin (Earth-616)
  238. Ruben (Earth-199999)
  239. Sandee Wade (Earth-616)
  240. Sano Orii (Earth-616)
  241. Satorymho (Earth-616)
  242. Saw Fist (Earth-616)
  243. Schoolmaster (Earth-616)
  244. Sean Garrison (Earth-58163)
  245. Sentinel Number 3 (Earth-616)
  246. Sentinel Number 7 (Earth-616)
  247. Sentinel Number 8 (Earth-616)
  248. Sentinel Number 9 (Earth-616)
  249. Sergei Kravinoff (Earth-32319)
  250. Shiela Whittier (Earth-616)
  251. Shirley DeFabio (Earth-200111)
  252. Sid Ridley (Earth-616)
  253. Simon Gilbert (Earth-534834)
  254. Simon Williams (Earth-9511)
  255. Son (Red Right Hand) (Earth-616)
  256. Sonny Burch (Earth-616)
  257. Steven Rogers (Earth-14026)
  258. Tara (Weapon X) (Earth-1610)
  259. Taylor (Purifier) (Earth-616)
  260. Terrence Haller, Jr. (Earth-616)
  261. Terri O'Doughan (Earth-616)
  262. Thanos (Earth-4321)
  263. Thanos (Earth-81488)
  264. Timothy Mulrooney (Earth-616)
  265. Tom Evans (Earth-616)
  266. Tommy Reichert (Earth-616)
  267. Torpedo (Mercenary) (Earth-616)
  268. Travis Spangler (Earth-58163)
  269. Trigor (Earth-616)
  270. Tut-Ak-Mun (Earth-616)
  271. Unam (Earth-616)
  272. Unit Gym 211131 (Earth-9612)
  273. Verlaine (Earth-26320)
  274. Virginia (Earth-616)
  275. Vision (Earth-89721)
  276. Visog (Earth-616)
  277. Vladimir Rasputin (Earth-616)
  278. Vraniel (Earth-616)
  279. Wade Wilson (Earth-6001)
  280. Wade Wilson (Earth-10330)
  281. Wanda Maximoff (Earth-9939)
  282. Warhead (Bastards of Evil) (Earth-616)
  283. Warren Worthington III (Earth-295)
  284. Weapon X (Thetagen 24) (Earth-616)
  285. White Dragon (Council of Nine) (Earth-616)
  286. Wire (Wyatt) (Earth-928)
  287. Wolf (Nazi) (Earth-616)
  288. Wolfgang von Strucker (Android) (Earth-616)
  289. X23 3PAR (Earth-616)
  290. Xepdgin (Earth-616)
  291. Yuri Topolov (Earth-600026)
  292. Z2 (Earth-616)
  293. Zebediah Stane (Earth-616)
  294. Zofia Dracula (Earth-616)


Inhuman deities: No Listings Found

  1. Alveus (Earth-199999)

No Listings Found No Listings Found No Listings Found No Listings Found

Atlantean deities worshipped by Cimmerians:

  1. Leir (Earth-616)
  2. Mannanan (Earth-616)

Image needed

  1. Akivasha (Earth-616)
  2. Antilia (Earth-616)
  1. Akivasha (Earth-616)
  2. Argello (Earth-616)
  3. Arznarbonodus (Earth-616)
  4. Drogin (Earth-616)
  5. Thanus (Earth-616)
  1. Akivasha (Earth-616)
  2. Argello (Earth-616)
  3. Ariostro (Earth-616)
  4. Baraccus (Earth-616)
  5. Katuman (Earth-616)
  6. Menfa (Earth-616)
  7. Mitradites III (Earth-616)
  8. Mitralia (Earth-616)
  9. N'yaga (Hyborian Age) (Earth-616)
  10. Nubion (Earth-616)
  11. Ptah-Mekri (Earth-616)
  12. Shumballa (Earth-616)
  13. Thanus (Earth-616)
  14. Tureem (Earth-616)
  15. Varis (Earth-616)
  1. Akivasha (Earth-616)
  2. Argello (Earth-616)
  3. Baraccus (Earth-616)
  4. Katuman (Earth-616)
  5. Menfa (Earth-616)
  6. N'yaga (Hyborian Age) (Earth-616)
  7. Nakari (Earth-616)
  8. Ptah-Mekri (Earth-616)
  • Howard

No Listings Found


  • Sorcerers
  1. C'Thunda (Earth-616)
  2. Dakimh (Earth-616)
  3. Ram-Os (Earth-616)
  4. Soothsayer (Earth-616)
  5. Sorcerer Supreme (Earth-10222)
  6. Varnae (Earth-616)
  7. Zhered-Na (Earth-616)
  1. Amora (Earth-20368)
  2. Aradnea (Earth-616)
  3. Atlantean Sirens
  4. Fen (Earth-616)
  5. Ove (Earth-20368)
  6. Serestus (Earth-616)
  7. Socus (Earth-616)
  8. Suma-Ket (Earth-616)
  9. Sycorax (Earth-616)
  10. Tareva (Earth-616)

Early mutants

Pre-Cataclysmic AgeNo Listings Found Hyborian Age

  1. Selene Gallio (Earth-616)

Age of Acheron

  1. Selene Gallio (Earth-616)


Fandazar Foo was an "oasis".

On Earth(?): the Bar With No Doors

Kree Super-Soldiers

  1. Arides (Earth-616)
  2. Glah-Ree (Earth-616)
  3. Noh-Varr (Earth-200080)
  4. Tel-Kar (Earth-616)
  1. Arides (Earth-616)
  2. Glah-Ree (Earth-616)
  3. Noh-Varr (Earth-200080)
  4. Tel-Kar (Earth-616)

Glossary:Super-Soldier#Kree Super-Soldiers

Things needing attention or some work

British agencies

  • Add some clearness with the R.C.X., Black Air and all those british agency who merge, split again and again...

Always looking info about




Still working on Historical figures

  • Skrulls Black Panthers, Malcolm X, etc
  • Templates to links the connected Organization cf Template:Israel, Template:French Armed Forces, Template:United States Security, Template:United Kingdom Security


Special police letters/characters:

Useful for celtic, oceanic, mexican or yoruba deities, among others

  • A: á, Á, - à, À, - â, Â, - ä, Ä, - å, Å, - ã, Ã, - æ, Æ, - ā - ă - ą
    • A ɑ ά ã ∂ ã ǻ ą À Â Λ Δ λ ム ⓐ Ⓐ [A] ª Ā ā Ă ă Ą ą Ǎ ǎ Ǻ ǻ Α Δ Λ ά α λ Ά а ۸ ก ถ ภ ฤ ล ส อ ฮ Ạ ạ Ả ả Ấ ấ Ầ ầ Ẩ ẩ Ẫ ẫ Ậ ậ Ắ ắ Ằ ằ Ẳ ẳ Ẵ ẵ Ặ ặ À Á Â Ã Ä Å à á â ã ä å
  • C: ç, Ç, - č - ċ
  • D: đ
  • E: é, É, - è, È, - ê, Ê, - ë, Ë,
    • E ǝ ε є з ɘ £ Σ Ξ Ǝ ٤ Ɛ ع 乇 ⓔ Ⓔ [E] Ē ē Ĕ ĕ Ė ė Ę ę Ě ě Έ Ε Ξ Σ έ ε ξ Ё Є З е з э ё є ع غ ٤ Ẹ ẹ Ẻ ẻ Ẽ ẽ Ế ế Ề ề Ể ể Ễ ễ Ệ ệ È É Ê è é ê
  • I: í, Í, - ì, Ì, - î, Î, - ï, Ï,
    • I ĭ ï ì ¡ ĩ ϊ ɨ ɪ

      Powers and Abilities


Mutant power to focus on very unpopular, unusual aspects of the Marvel Universe such as alternate realities from alternate realities.


Poor English (allegedly getting better). Stubborn.

Links and References[]
