Marvel Database

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Marvel Database
User-Spencerz 003

Surgical Technology, for those of you that are wondering.

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Administrator and resident depository of useless knowledge and trivia. I've been a Marvel fan for years, starting with the '90s cartoons I watched as a kid, and got into comics as a teenager. I have a small obsession with the horror, sci-fi, suspense and giant monster comics from Marvel's early days. And, to quote a comment I saw on a talk page, I "index the sh*t" out of all comics I own.

Admin-y stuff that needs to be done[]

  • Officially compile, publish and maintain our policies and rules
  • Help establish connections with other big name Wikis
  • Make the site more accessible to the "n00bs"
  • Make more badges
  • Sweet talk our ever-loved and constantly over worked code guru Nathan into adding cool stuff for the site

Current Projects (That I will totally finish one day, regardless of how slowly they are updated)[]

Multiverse Revamp[]

The sandbox pages for the Multiverse update headed by myself and Zakor1138 can be found below:

Other Project/Oddball Subpages[]
