Marvel Database

Due to recent developments, please be aware that the use of large language model or generative AIs in writing article content is strictly forbidden. This caveat has now been added to the Manual of Style and Blocking Policy.


Marvel Database


Empty Syntax (Standard Options)[]

{{Marvel Database:Comic Template
| Image               = 
| Image2              = 
| Image2Text          = 
| Month               = 
| Year                = 
| ReleaseDate         = 
| Rating              = 
| OriginalPrice       = 

| Editor-in-Chief     = 
| CoverArtist1        = 
| Production1_1       = 
| Publisher1_1        = 
| CCO                 = 

| Quotation           = 
| Speaker             = 

| StoryTitle1         = 
| Writer1_1           = 
| Penciler1_1         = 
| Inker1_1            = 
| Colourist1_1        = 
| Letterer1_1         = 
| Editor1_1           = 
| AdaptedFrom1_1      = 
| Synopsis1           = 

| Appearing1          = 
'''Featured Characters:'''
* <br/>
'''Supporting Characters:'''
* <br/>
* <br/>
'''Other Characters:'''
* <br/>
'''Races and Species:'''
* <br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>

| Solicit             = 

| Notes               = 
| Trivia              = 
| Recommended         = 
| Links               = 

Optional Fields[]

| Title               = COMIC SERIES TITLE (ie. Uncanny X-Men )
| Image               = FILENAME
| Volume              = VOLUME
| Issue               = ISSUE
| Month               = MONTH (LISTED ON COVER)
| Season              = SEASON (SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER) (For older comics)
| Year                = YEAR (LISTED ON COVER)
| Publisher           = PUBLISHER (Other than Marvel) ex) Epic
| Event               = EVENT (HOUSE OF M, SECRET INVASION, ETC)
| EventName           = TEXT FOR PIPED LINK TO EVENT
| Event2              = SECOND EVENT (Don't use without first Event)
| StoryArc            = MAIN TITLE'S STORY ARC (Story arc name)
| StoryArc2           = SECOND STORY ARC NAME
| Storyline           = MAIN TITLE'S STORYLINE (Storyline name)
| Image2              = ALTERNATE/VARIANT COVER IMAGE FILENAME (Up to Image70)
| Image2Text          = ALTERNATE/VARIANT COVER IMAGE INFO (Artist or Cover types)

| ReleaseDate         = FUTURE DATED RELEASES (filled out in "Month-Day-Year" format)

| PreviousIssue       = TITLE (ISSUE -1)
| NextIssue           = TITLE (ISSUE +1)

| CustomRole1_1       = CUSTOM ROLE 1 HEADER FOR STORY 1
| CustomMembers1_1    = CUSTOM ROLE 1 TEXT FOR STORY 1
| CustomRole1_2       = CUSTOM ROLE 2 HEADER FOR STORY 1
| CustomMembers1_2    = CUSTOM ROLE 2 TEXT FOR STORY 1
| CustomRole2_1       = CUSTOM ROLE 1 HEADER FOR STORY 2
| CustomMembers2_1    = CUSTOM ROLE 1 TEXT FOR STORY 2

| Quotation           = QUOTATION
| Speaker             = SPEAKER

| StoryTitle1         = STORY 1, TITLE
| StoryTitle2         = STORY 2, TITLE
| ReprintOf1          = REPRINT OF STORY #1
| ReprintOf2          = REPRINT OF STORY #2
| Synopsis1           = STORY 1, SYNOPSIS
| Synopsis2           = STORY 2, SYNOPSIS
| Appearing1          = STORY 1, APPEARANCES
| Appearing1_1        = STORY 1, APPEARANCES (IF NOT ALL APPEARANCES CATEGORIZE - Use before the first appearance not shown)
| Appearing2          = STORY 2, APPEARANCES

| Editor-in-Chief     = EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
| CoverArtist1        = COVER ARTIST #1
| CoverArtist2        = COVER ARTIST #2
| Editor1_1           = STORY 1, EDITOR #1
| Writer1_1           = STORY 1, WRITER #1
| Writer1_2           = STORY 1, WRITER #2
| Writer2_1           = STORY 2, WRITER #1
| Writer2_2           = STORY 2, WRITER #2
| Penciler1_1         = STORY 1, PENCILER #1
| Inker1_1            = STORY 1, INKER #1
| Colourist1_1        = STORY 1, COLOURIST #1
| Letterer1_1         = STORY 1, LETTERER #1
| AdaptedFrom1_1      = STORY 1, AUTHOR OF THE ADAPTED STORY #1
| AdaptedFrom1_2      = STORY 1, AUTHOR OF THE ADAPTED STORY #2
| AdaptedFrom2_1      = STORY 2, AUTHOR OF THE ADAPTED STORY #1
| AdaptedFrom2_2      = STORY 2, AUTHOR OF THE ADAPTED STORY #2

| CustomSection1      = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER
| CustomText1         = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT
| CustomSection2      = CUSTOM SECTION HEADER
| CustomText2         = CUSTOM SECTION TEXT

Appearing Format[]

| Appearing1 = 
'''Featured Characters:'''
* <br/>
'''Supporting Characters:'''
* <br/>
* <br/>
'''Other Characters:'''
* <br/>
'''Races and Species:'''
* <br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>

Manual Overrides[]

| Canceled            = Causes the template to forever show as a solicitation.  Add anything to use it.
| Title               = DEFAULT : PAGENAME
| ImageSize           = DEFAULT : 250
| ImageText           = DEFAULT : PAGENAME
| Gallery             = DEFAULT : {{{Title|{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|0}}}}}/Covers
| HeadTitle           = DEFAULT : StoryTitle1 (Use iff there 
is a title for the volume different than the title for the first story).

| BlockQuote          = MULTIPLE QUOTATION : (Use 
{{Quote|$QUOTE|$SPEAKER}} for each quote.  This is an override of
Quotation for instances where multiple quotes are necessary).

| Synopsis1Header     = DEFAULT : Synopsis for {{{StoryTitle1}}}
| Contributors1Header = DEFAULT : Contributors to {{{StoryTitle1}}}
| Appearing1Header    = DEFAULT : Appearing in {{{StoryTitle1}}}

| AppearingCategories = *If 'No', no categories will be made from the Appearances section*

Category Magic[]

This template automatically categorizes articles that use it. The following is a list of categories handled:

* Always:
** Category:Comics

* If Defined:
** Category:{{{Year}}}
** Category:{{{Year}}}, {{{Month}}}
** Category:{{{Year}}}, {{{Season}}}
** Category:{{{Title|{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|0}}}}} Vol {{{Volume|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|1}}| |0}}}}}| {{{Issue|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|1}}| |1}}}}}
** Category:{{{Race1}}}/Appearances
** Category:{{{Location1}}}/Appearances
** Category:{{{Item1}}}/Appearances
** Category:{{{Vehicle1}}}/Appearances
** Category:{{{Editor-in-Chief}}}/Editor-in-Chief
** Category:{{{CoverArtist1}}}/Cover Artist
** Category:{{{Editor1_1}}}/Editor
** Category:{{{Writer1_1}}}/Writer
** Category:{{{Penciler1_1}}}/Penciler
** Category:{{{Inker1_1}}}/Inker
** Category:{{{Colourist1_1}}}/Colourist
** Category:{{{Letterer1_1}}}/Letterer
** Category:{{{AdaptedFrom1_1}}}/Adapted Stories
** Category:{{{Event}}}
** Category:{{{Event2}}}
** Category:{{{Publisher}}}

* If Not Defined:
** Category:Cover Image Needed   (if {{{Image}}} is undefined) 
** Category:Comic Synopsis Needed      (if {{{Synopsis1}}} is undefined)

* Special Cases:
** If {{{Year}}} is defined, Category:Golden/Silver/Bronze/Copper/Modern-Age will be set


* To specify data for additional stories, add the new section and increment the number at the end, up to 79 total sub-stories.
(eg. Writer1_1 -> Writers2_1 )
* Limit of 40 contributors per role for storyline 1 -- Limit of 5 contributors per role, per storyline above storyline 1. (Only 5 editors can be listed for the 3rd story, for example.)
* If {{{Volume|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|1}}| |0}}}}} is undefined, Volume 1 is assumed.
* Limit of 200 variant/alternate comic cover images.
* Story Arcs will be Ongoing stories (with parts) not seen in other books/titles. Usually remain under one ongoing series title and will last approx 3 issues.
* Storylines will be ongoing stories with parts seen in other books/titles. Usually arc over several series, lasting many issues and sometimes involving an event.