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Quote1 My name is Tier. I'm only a few months old but I'm already as functional as an average twelve year old.
I have no idea what's going on, or why so many people are out to kill me.
But as the world turns white around us, I can't help but feel... as if I'm about to find out.



After Wolfsbane joined the X-Force she was captured and brainwashed by the Purifiers. X-Force rescued her and Rahne was resting in Angel's Aerie where she was found by the Asgardian Wolf Prince Hrimhari.[3] Former lovers, they rebuilt their relationship and slept together.[4] They soon were attacked by the Frost Giants and, after the battle, Wolfsbane lost consciousness.[5] Faintly she called out for Elixir.


Hrimhari rushed her back to Angel's Aerie, where he was met by Archangel and Warpath who accompanied him to the X-Men base on Utopia[6]. Unfortunately, Utopia was under attack by Selene's undead mutants[7][8] and Elixir was in a comatose state due to the strain exerted by time traveling[9] and in healing Surge.[4]

Wolfsbane's condition continued to worsen, and in desperation Hrimhari called upon the death goddess Hela.[10] Hela offered Hrimhari an even trade: a life for a life. She asked him to choose between his true love, Rahne, or their unborn child (which was the reason Rahne was dying). In the end, Hrimhari chose to exchange his life for Elixir's, knowing the Elixir could save both Rahne and his unborn cub. As Hrimhari and Hela disappeared he told a recovered Elixir to save Rahne and told her "I love her...and...I will find a way back to her."[11] To save Wolfsbane's life, Elixir had to strengthen her body (to undefined limits) to endure the Asgardian embryo growing inside her.[12]

X-Factor Vol 1 210 Textless

Rictor and pregnant Rahne

After the battle on Genosha with Selene and her Inner Circle, Rahne was removed from active duty on X-Force by Wolverine.[13] Wolfsbane fled Utopia.[14] and returned to New York City to rejoin X-Factor Investigations. There she led Rictor to believe the child was his.[15] Soon they met with Dr. Castillo, who tried to examine the fetus by ultrasound, but discovered that sound couldn't penetrate Wolfsbane's body. Dr. Castillo decided that it was a mystical, rather than biological, protective function. After this, Rictor realized that the baby was not his.[16] At the same time X-Factor had invaded Niffleheim, where Shatterstar fought with Hrimhari and learned the truth, that Hrimhari was the father of Wolfsbane's child.[17] When the team returned to their headquarters, Shatterstar and Layla Miller convinced Rictor to still support Rahne, because despite her lying she still came to him for help, and he eventually forgave her.[18]


A few days later, Rahne and Shatterstar went for a walk, to talk about Rictor, but their conversation was interrupted when Rahne smelled blood in the church. They broke into a church and clashed with a demon, the Sin-Eater, who claimed that due to the fact that Rahne's child would be born soon, the walls between dimensions weakened, and the demon was able to visit Earth.[19] Being the first child born of mutant and god, the child was allegedly destined to be a major player in an upcoming war, prompting various parties to try to acquire him in order to control and raise him in their own image, for the final goal of winning said-war.[20]

Outside the church they met the ghost of Feral, having been returned to the world to serve as an anchor for the demons and gods hunting for Rahne's child. Cu Sith, Kasha, Okami, and Bastet all appeared immediately after that. Rahne and Shatterstar fought them off while Layla prepared the headquarters for mystic assault.[21] With gods, demons, and monsters bearing down, Rahne was narrowly escaped with Jack Russell, the Werewolf by Night.[22]

Rahne Sinclair (Earth-616) and Tier Sinclair (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 224 001

Tier's unconventional birth

Russell and Rahne fled in his '57 Chevy Timber Wolf, and were attacked by Cerberus. While Russell fought off Cerberus, Rahne was able to flee. Shortly afterward X-Factor and Fenris arrived and joined the fight. Meanwhile, Wolfsbane was met by Agamemnon in the woods, who offered to help and shelter her in his home.[23] Once inside, he bound Rahne in enchanted chains and locked her in a protective circle. Wanting the child, Agamemnon administered drugs to relieve Rahne's pain, and prepared a knife for a Caesarean-section. However, the birthing process was too far along, and the child was delivered through Rahne's mouth.[20]

Jack Russell (Earth-616) and Tier Sinclair (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 224 0001

Tier with the Werewolf by Night

Immediately after birth, the child attacked Agamemnon, causing Rahne to recoil in fear and revulsion. Her reaction frightened the child and he fled. Upstairs, Madrox and Banshee entered the house looking for Rahne. The child attacked them, and Banshee used her sonic scream on him, blasting him out of the house. In the woods where he landed, Hela found him, but the other gods and monsters met her shortly afterward, and a battled ensued. While they battled, the child hid. Later he was found by Russell, who intended to raise him as his own.[20]


Together Tier and Russell evaded several attacks from Darwin, who followed them across the country. Thanks to a magical amulet obtained from Hrimhari in Niffleheim, Wolfsbane, Shatterstar, and Rictor were able to find Tier and Russell and save them from Darwin and Vanora in the Sproul State Forest in Pennsylvania. After the reunion and rescue, everyone was teleported to one of Wolverine's safe-houses in Nova Scotia where Rahne opted to leave X-Factor and remain with her son and Russell.[24]

With Darwin still hunting him, Rahne sent Tier to New York City while she and Russell tried to hold off their attacker. Rahne and Tier finally arrived at X-Factor Investigations Headquarters, but were quickly followed by Darwin, and later by Jezebel and Strong Guy. Without much explanation the entire party was transported to a mesa in the wilderness with the Hell Lords waiting to kill Tier and begin their war.[1] Tier battled and killed every Hell Lord who attacked him directly including Satana, Pluto, Hela, and Satannish (although some credit can be attributed to them being weakened by their infighting and fighting with the X-Men), with Mephisto being the only one left. Before he could finish off Mephisto, he was stabbed in the back with a magical trident by Strong Guy. Tier vanished in a flash of light, dying.[25]

War of the Realms[]

During the Dark Council's invasion of Earth, Hrimhari made a deal with the Enchantress where he and Tier could be allowed to come to Earth and reunite with Rahne but on the condition that all three not interfere with the Dark Council's war. Hrimhari and Tier reunited with Rahne as she was being held prisoner by Sabretooth. When Rahne and Sabretooth got into a fight over Magik, Hrimhari was forced to step in and take out Sabretooth.[26]

Hrimhari and Tier accompanied Rahne and Magik as they reunited with the X-Men but were unable to aid the X-Men fight off the Dark Council's armies with Hrimhari trying to prevent Rahne from fighting as well as it would violate the deal he made with the Enchantress. The deal was ultimately broken when Rahne attacked Sabretooth to stop from killing Magik and taking control of his pack of Wolf Gods. Hrimhari and Tier were forced to return to Hel, with Hrimhari telling Rahne that he hoped to reunite with her in the next life.[27]

Although Tier is dead, Cerebro has continued to create backups of his mind, preventing his resurrection by The Five on Krakoa despite Rahne's petitioning.[28]



Mutant/Asgardian Hybrid Physiology: Tier is the son of a lupine-mutant and an Asgardian wolf god. He resembles a humanoid-wolf pup with super sharp claws and fangs. He has demonstrated the following abilities:

  • Superhuman Strength: Immediately after birth, he was able to overcome Agamemnon and was strong and quick enough to beat him.[20] A few months later, an adolescent Tier single-handedly overpowered and defeated Pluto.[29]
  • Accelerated Aging: Although he is only a few months old, he is already as functional as a twelve years old.[1]
  • Superhuman Durability: His body also has a certain degree of durability, as he was able to withstand Banshee's sonic scream and falling from great heights.[20] However, Tier also appears not to be invincible.[24][1]
  • Superhuman Senses: Tier appears to have enhanced senses, especially smell, hearing and sight.[24]
  • Healing Factor: Tier is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of his body with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Injuries that result in massive tissue damage such as bullet wounds, slashes, punctures, blunt force trauma, and severe burns heal completely, without so much as a scar, in a shorter amount of time.
  • Magic & Magical Immunity: Tier has inherited a degree of magical abilities and resistance to certain magics as well. Although the limitations of this abilities have not been fully defined. Immediately after birth, he was able to easily exit Agamemnon's protective circle, which should have mystically contained him.[20] Additionally, during Rahne's pregnancy, she appeared to have some level of magical protection around her womb.[16] He also proved himself capable of slaying Hell Lords.[30] It is unknown if this power is linked to his nature of seven billionth man on Earth and part of the Hell Lords deal, or from his mutant and/or Asgardian heritage.


  • There is no connection between Tier and the Norse god of War, Tyr.[31]
  • Tier is a shortened (and respelled) form of "Tearloch," a Gaelic name meaning "full grown."[32]
    • Tier is pronounced as tɪə(r) like "teardrop" or a tiered levels. His mother's name is Rahne and is pronounced reɪn like "raindrop" or a monarch's reign.
    • Tier is also the German word for "animal".
  • While wandering in the Nevada desert, Darwin had a dream/illusion/future prediction with a man named Tier, who claims that he is the son of Rahne Sinclair and he was to bring about the apocalypse.[33] This is what drove Darwin to begin hunting the actual Tier in X-Factor #240.
  • On Earth-7153 Wolfsbane and Hrimhari had a daughter, Vanora, not a son.[34]
  • Both of Tier's parents have the ability to shift between both fully human and fully lupine forms, but Tier did not demonstrate this ability until his appearance in War of the Realms, when he and Hrimhari reunited with Rahne. However, this humanoid form still possessed lupine traits, like pointed ears and fur on the sides of his face.[27]

See Also

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