Marvel Database

Due to recent developments, please be aware that the use of large language model or generative AIs in writing article content is strictly forbidden. This caveat has now been added to the Manual of Style and Blocking Policy.


Marvel Database

Comic Issue Description[]

It provides a link to the issue, and the year of the issue.

Usage: {{Cid|Title Vol $ #}}.
Where 'Title' is the title of the issue, (without 'Comics:'), $ is the Volume number, and # is the issue Number.

Manual Title Override: {{Cid|Title Vol $ #|Foo}}.
Same as above, except 'Foo' will be the link's title instead of the original input.

Manual Year Override: {{Cid|Title Vol $ #|Foo|Gah}}.
Same as above, except 'Gah' will be the Year displayed instead of retrieving it from the issue.

This code is utilized by Comic Disambiguation Pages.
