Marvel Database

Due to recent developments, please be aware that the use of large language model or generative AIs in writing article content is strictly forbidden. This caveat has now been added to the Manual of Style and Blocking Policy.


Marvel Database
Lua logo This template uses Lua: Module:StandardizedName

Comic Link (CL)

This template uses Module:StandardizedName for the automatic link making of Comic names to ease the user in inputting comic titles.


It's often used to remove 'Vol 1' from the title and replace it with a #:

{{cl|Exiles Vol 1 1}}

Exiles #1

It is also often used to insert 'Vol 1' when the volume is not specified:

{{cl|Exiles #1}}

Exiles #1

The template allows one more field to be entered, which alters the link text:

{{cl|Exiles #1|Yo Mama's Comic}}

Yo Mama's Comic

When the volume number is other than 1, it stays in the result:

{{cl|Exiles Vol 2 1}}

Exiles (Vol. 2) #1

{{cl|Exiles Vol 2 #1}}

Exiles (Vol. 2) #1

Range of Issues

Links to a range of issues from the same volume could be created like this:

{{cl|Exiles Vol 2 1|to=2}}

Exiles (Vol. 2) #12

or like this:

{{cl|Exiles Vol 2 1|and=2}}

Exiles (Vol. 2) #1 and #2

See Also

  • Template:R - for the same template with templated reference tags surrounding it.
  • Template:El - for similar template for Episodes.
  • Template:Vl - for similar template for Video Games.
  • Template:Ml - for similar template for Movies.
  • Template:Cid - provides a link to the issue and the date the issue was published
  • Template:Cis - provides a link to the issue, the date the issue was published and the issue's story title