Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Tarnax X is where Emperor Dorrek VII sent the Royal Priest of the Sciences, Dro'ge to work on the Super-Skrull program after he made his presentation to the emperor. His facilities were relocated to the planet where he used the specimens and samples taken from the Illuminati and experimented, created clones, dissected them, and conducted reverse biological engineering.

By the time Veranke became queen, they had achieved success. Dro'ge and the scientists showed Queen Veranke and the Dard'van, what they had accomplished. Where before they created Super Skrulls (e.g. Kl'rt the Super Skrull) who replicated super powers mostly via scientific trickery, now they were able to completely duplicate the powers of anyone they had a strip of DNA. In the process they also downloaded the neural coded brain wave patterns of humans.

Giving the Skrulls everything there was to know about humanity from their brain patterns, DNA, and genealogy. Resulting tat the Skrulls now knew more about mankind than humans themselves knew, including their evolution, future evolution, the history of their world, and the mutant gene. They had also perfected their infiltration technology so that any Skrull spy who had received the genetic enhancements would be undetectable to any mutant power, technology, or magic as long as they maintained the shape they chose in its entirety.[1]


See Also

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