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Marvel Database


Spider-Man's Utility Belt from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 675 0001

Spider-Man's Upgraded Utility Belt

Upon first entering the superhero world, Peter needed extra webbing, as he could run through it pretty quickly. He created a utility belt that held extra cartridges of web fluid for his web-shooters, as well as Spider-Tracers attuned to his Spider-Sense that could be used to track people and vehicles.[1] More recently, Peter upgraded his utility belt to hold cartridges of different types of webbing, freeze capsules, new Spider-Tracers wired for sound, as well as a newly upgraded Spider-Signal with a UV light setting for forensic analysis.[2]

Alternate Reality Versions[]

Image Description Issue
Spider-Man's Utility Belt from Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales 001 In Earth-1048, Miles Morales built a utility belt into his third suit. The pouches initially carried gravity wells and halo-drones. He later added remote mines to his arsenal after being gifted one by his uncle, Aaron Davis. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

See Also

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