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Marvel Database



The Spanish Civil War took place in Spain from 1936 to 1939. The Republicans, who were loyal to the democratic, left-leaning Spanish Republic fought against the Nationalists led by (General Franco.[1]


An economic crisis in Spain in the 1920s led to a military dictatorship, that lasted until 1930. The 1931 election brought the Republican left to power, causing the departure in exile of the King.[1]


In 1936, the Spanish Civil War broke out.[1] Bloodscream fought in the Siege of the Alcazar, in his search for the unaging man.[2]

Franco's Nationalists were supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, while the Gentleman (Gustav Fiers) sold arms to both sides.[1]

In 1937, the mutant adventurer Logan and his friend Eugene Judd assisted in the Spanish resistance. They battled alongside writer Ernest Hemingway.[3] This battle was briefly relived by the two heroes future selves who were transported into the past along with Wolverine's foe Lady Deathstrike who attempted to assist Nazi Captain Horst Schlachter in stopping the resistance fighters. Ultimately this plot was foiled and the future Logan and Puck were returned to their own time along with Lady Deathstrike.[4]

American Playboy Dan Kane adopted the masked identity of "Captain Terror" to battle against the fascist forces. With the success of General Franco's side, Captain Terror allowed the fascists to believe he had been killed, and returned to the United States.[5]

In 1939, Franco's Nationalists took control of Spain.[1]


Despite the fascist and Nazi support, Franco remained neutral during World War II. Franco restored the monarchy in 1969, and the country became a constitutional monarchy after his death in 1975.[1]

See Also

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