Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Riding an awesome wave of 3 mega firepower! Quote2


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Magik Warriors


  • Earth-TRN093
    • Reptyl's World
    • Firelord's World
    • Possessor's World
    • Emperor's World
    • Magik Domain




Silver Surfer (video game) screenshot 001

High over the roof of the world he soars... free and unfettered as the roaring wind itself! Behold the sky-born spanner of a trillion galaxies... the restless, streaking stranger from the farthest reaches of space... this glistening, gleaming seeker of truth, whom man shall call forevermore... The Silver Surfer!

Now you can play the part of The Silver Surfer, pitting your surfing skills against the most evil minds in the cosmos. Battle over strange worlds and forgotten realms. Fearlessly fight to defeat the evil plans of the Magik Domain. As The Surfer, you must destroy the five elements that will form the Portal Machine. Only then can you keep the evil Magik Warriors from swarming through into our dimension. You, the streaking Surfer, are all that can stop the Universe from entering an endless age of darkness and distress.

Features of this action game include:

  • Six horizontal and six vertical levels set in a "3 megabit" Game Pak for spectacular graphics!
  • A multitude of Marvel Super-Villains set on your demise.
  • Outstanding music and great sound effects.

But you must beware, this is one time The Silver Surfer may not make it out alive...

The Heralds of Magik, Mephisto, Empreror, Reptyl, and The Possessor, have plans of their own for him... and you.


    • Kevin Edwards
    • Kevin Edwards
    • Paul Murray
    • Neal Sutton
    • Craig Houston
    • Anthony Anderson
    • Tim Follin
    • Geoff Follin


Ruler of the Magik Dimension from Silver Surfer (video game) 001

"Ruler of the Magik Dimension"

  • Box art by Joe Jusko. The image was originally published as the cover to Silver Surfer: Judgment Day #1.
  • The ruler of the Magik dimension is unnamed, several sources online suggest this was actually Mister Sinister but this is not confirmed and the final boss you face at the end of the game is a purple creature which bears no resembelance to the level load screen nor the character seen at the bottom right throughout the level.


  • The game is known for its staggering difficulty level and considered one of the toughest games to beat. It is also well-regarded for its soundtrack by Tim Follin.[1]

See Also

Links and References

