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Marvel Database


The Shadow People are a humanoid race that hail from an unknown planet. They dwell on various planets throughout the galaxy, among them Sakaar. Ten thousand years ago, the Shadow People created the Old Power, an artificial version of the Power Cosmic. They hoped to use this power to conquer the Universe but it soon grew unstable and threatened to destroy a quarter of the known Universe. The Shadows began to journey to the many planets they had seeded with the Old Power, such as Giausar, in order to fix the destruction it had wrought and to teach the natives to control it.[1]

A group of Shadow People established a village in the steppes in the north of the Great Desert on Sakaar. The village was later eradicated by the Spikes, leaving Caiera the only survivor who was later taken by the Red King. She would serve the Red King as part of a treaty in which the Shadow People would act as his warriors and in exchange for political independence.[2] Once the Hulk overthrew the Red King and became the new governor of Sakaar, he formed a new treaty with the Shadow People.[3]

The Shadow People inhabiting the Matrix of Mamadou in the S'Yaan Expanse, alongside the Kronans and the Symbiotes, were conquered by the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda. Under Wakandan governorship, the Shadow People having no other choice accepted Emperor's N'Jadaka's rule.[4]

Powers and Abilities


Various, as there are different races, here is a list of the powers of the Oldstrongs

  • Old Power: The Old Power is an artificial version of the Power Cosmic. Select individuals can channel this power, these individuals are known as Oldstrongs. Oldstrongs can willfully channel the Old Power for the purpose of increasing some of their natural attributes to superhuman levels. Not all Shadow People have the ability to channel the Old Power.
  • Superhuman Strength: Oldstrongs can channel the Old Power through their bodies for the purpose of granting themselves superhuman strength of undefined limits. While the upper limit of their strength wasn't revealed, they could lift somewhere between 75 and 100 tons.
  • Superhuman Stamina: While using the Old Power, the Oldstrong's musculature is considerably advanced to the point where it produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human being. While the limits of their stamina weren't revealed, they can physically exert themselves at peak capacity for at least several hours before the build-up of fatigue toxins in their blood begins to impair them.
  • Superhuman Durability: The Old Power renders an Oldstrong's body highly resistant to most forms of physical injury. They can withstand powerful blows from the Hulk, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from great heights, and powerful blasts of energy without sustaining injury


The Shadow People are highly skilled and formidable fighters in both armed and unarmed combat. They are also accomplished and skilled military strategists.

Average Strength Level



None known





Same as Earth


Same as Earth


Type of Government


Level of Technology

Shadows are hunter-gatherers, and do not adopt outside technology. They do produce a limited number of nearly unbreakable "Shadowforged" weapons and tools each year. The race was formerly spacefaring, and historic, still functioning space ships and warp drives remain in the Great Desert.

Cultural Traits

The tattoos sported by the Shadow People are symbolic and mark an individual as a member of the Shadow People. Shadow tribes are also egalitarian, and all genders participate in hunting and battle. There is also a minority group of Shadows, known as the Clear-Eyes, who lack the black sclera and intricate tattoos characteristic of tribal Shadows, and they do not worship any gods, instead focusing on technology.



  • Shadow People mature at a far more rapid rate than humans. A Shadow Child will be born only days after being conceived, and can run within minutes of birth. They also live longer than humans, some living as long as 200 years.
  • The tears of Shadow People are black.

See Also

Links and References

