Marvel Database

Due to recent developments, please be aware that the use of large language model or generative AIs in writing article content is strictly forbidden. This caveat has now been added to the Manual of Style and Blocking Policy.


Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN923" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).


Ravin' the Hunter attempted a robbery but was confronted and stopped by Spider-Guy.[1]


  • Due to parody nature of the comics, the names of characters are altered from there mainstream counterparts so Ravin' the Hunter's real name may or may not be Sergei Kravinoff, however, it is the wiki's stance to stick with mainstream names for alternates.

See Also

Links and References

