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Marvel Database


The past history of Sergei Kravinoff mirrors that of his Earth-616 counterpart.

Following the mutation of the world's human population, Kraven became that which he had always hunted; a beast. He began hunting other mutated superhumans for sport, and when learning of the presence of the last unmutated human in New York City, Kraven began hunting him as well. He managed to kidnap him, and attempted to goad him into killing him. Changing into a beast had made Kraven suicidal, and he wished to die at the hands of the last human.[1]

His plans were foiled by Spider-Man and Captain America, and he was taken into custody by Sergeant Cage. While in custody, Kraven recanted his death wish, now believing that the age of man had given way to the age of beasts. He was convinced that Norman Osborn would find and free him, as part of his schemes to become president.[2] Kraven remained in custody however, and was taken by Beast to Wakanda to be dealt with there.[3]

See Also

Links and References

