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Marvel Database

Quote1 From biggest beasts to smallest runts, I face all fears from the front. Whether it growls or it grunts, the huntsman wil always huuuuunt! Quote2
—The Huntsman[src]


Kraven was a huntsman hired by Norma the Goblin Fairy to capture Spinstress and take her heart as revenge for failing part of the deal she agreed to Norma. Accompanied by his giant vulture mount, Adrienne, Kraven crashed into the throne room where Petra was visiting the comatose Queen Mysteria, and announced his intentions, failing to recognize the princess was his target. Merry James Watson then arrived to warn Petra of Kraven, where Kraven subsequently kidnapped James as his hostage. He told Petra to tell Spinstress to come to the Goblin Forest at midnight if in hopes of luring Spinstress before escaping onto Adrienne. When Spinstress arrived at Kraven's lair, she fought and incapacitated the huntsman, but soon after, Norma appeared, and revealed to the princess that Mysteria's theft of the Crystal Orb and Kraven's attack was part of her plan all along. She set Kraven free and he attacked the Spinstress once more with the aid of Adrienne. However, Webster blinded Kraven as a distraction while James tossed Spinstress one of the huntsman's own maces to swing at him and Adrienne, knocking them both out. Kraven was later carried away by Adrienne upon the destruction of his hideout.[1]


  • Kraven is inspired by Gaston from the Disney film Beauty and the Beast and Scar from The Lion King.[2] He also makes a pose that matches Gaston's portrait from the film.
    • His title and plot to take Spinstress' heart are also reminiscent of the Huntsman from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

See Also

Links and References

