Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Traces of his sweat. Filled with fear. He is desperate. Fighting like a man possessed. Most unlike him. He is never afraid... for himself. He showed at a school, yes? I know my prey. He is the father looking after his cub. Protecting the pride. Trust me, my friend. We find the child, we find the man. Quote2
—Kraven the Hunter[src]


Kraven the Hungter was one of the old enemies of Spider-Man. When the Regent took over Regency, Kravinoff became a member of his Sinister Six.[1]

The Sinister Six eventually located Spider-Man at the Tinkerer's shop, but Spider-Man violently attacked Doctor Octopus and escaped. While there, Kraven realized that Spider-Man was acting like a scared father. With this knowledge they planned to ambush Spidey and his family at Public School 122 Mamie Fay. While his plan worked, Spider-Man's wife and daughter were rescued by S.H.I.E.L.D..[2]

Noticing his family's disappearance, Spider-Man beat his enemies in a blind rage. Later, Regent informed them of the location of a S.H.I.E.L.D.. During the subsequent battle, Kraven was caught off-guard by Spider-Man's daughter and defeated.[3]



See Also

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