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Marvel Database


Prosilicans from Tales of Suspense Vol 1 53 001


This species was living happily on their own planet until the day a more advanced species, later known as the Watchers, made contact with them. The Watchers wanted to share the secrets of nuclear energy with the less advanced Prosilicans. The Prosilicans accepted the technological progress, but their ethics were not advanced enough to use it wisely: They built nuclear-powered weapons and used them in war against each other and other planets, leading to a final conflict that destroyed their own civilization as well as ninety percent of the universe. They later blamed the Watchers for their problems. Aghast, the Watchers swore to never meddle again in the fate of other species, no matter how tempting.[1][2] The tale of the Prosilicans served them as a fable and was well remembered among the Watchers.[3]

Due to the toxic fallout from the war, the Watchers sealed off the devastated areas from the rest of universe, creating The Barrens. The Prosilicans were sealed away as well along with their planet, Prosilicus. Billions of years later, a group of surviving Prosilicans called the Reckoning began giving away the advanced weapons developed from the Watchers' technology to aggressive alien races, including the Cotati and the Badoon.[2]

Alternate Realities[]

Earth X (Earth-9997)[]

Prosilicans from Universe X Vol 1 7 001

Prosilicans of Earth X

The past history of the Prosilicans on Earth-9997 mirrors that of their Earth-616 counterpart.[4]

Powers and Abilities


They did not have control over their own ethics and used nuclear weapons against each other.[1]


Level of Technology

Accelerated by the intervention of the Watchers who provided them with nuclear power.[1]

Cultural Traits



  • Wrath
  • Rapture
  • Reject
  • Ruin


  • Almost all of the information about the Prosilicans that was presented in their entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #7 is actually inapplicable. This is because the file on the Prosilicans was somehow switched with the file on the Venturites, an alien race who first appeared in the second story in Tales of Suspense #53. The Prosilicans first appeared in that same issue but in the third story.
  • The Prosilicans have been retconned twice:
    • In their first appearance, the Prosilicans were a once peaceful race who misused the technology that the Watchers had given them to wage war on each other and thus ravaged their homeworld.
    • In Silver Surfer #1, Uatu retold the origin of his race's vow of non-interference, but this time the Prosilicans also used their weapons against a neighboring planet whose inhabitants, before being destroyed, retaliated with their own weapons that destroyed the civilization on Prosilicus as well.
    • In Fantastic Four: Reckoning War Alpha #1, Reed Richards learned that the Prosilicans had actually waged war against every other civilization that existed at that time. During that war, an ultimate weapon of last resort was used that destroyed not only all of the combatants but nine-tenths of the universe as well.

See Also

Links and References

