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Marvel Database


Neutron was a member of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. He was a traitor who served Lord Samédàr, Deathbird, and the Brood in their conspiracy to overthrow Shi'ar Princess-Majestrix Lilandra.[1] While Neutron was pardoned alongside the rest of the Imperial Guard traitors, and returned to service under the crown, his family was less forgiving- cutting off all contact and making it clear he would never be allowed to return home. With nowhere to go back to, Neutron pledged himself to his work. [2]

Neutron later battled Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) during the Kree/Shi'ar War.[3]

Following the defeat the Shi'ar Empire by the Inhuman-led Kree following the War of Kings, Neutron was among the Imperial Guard tasked with subjugating worlds rioting against Shi'ar control. When Izumbard declared its independence from the Empire, Neutron was part of the assault force- his quantum body nullifying the rebels attempts to shoot him down. Despite his defenses, Neutron was too slow to save his fellow Guardsman, Voltar from the explosion that killed him.[4] Later he was part of an Imperial Guard force sent to explore the Fault. Coming in contact with escapees from the Cancerverse, including that reality's X-Men, Neutron was killed saving fellow Guardsman Fang. He was later memorialized alongside other fallen Guard members.[5]


Power Grid[8]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Multiple Types:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (75-100 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


Living Black Hole: Neutron's body houses a quantum singularity (Black Hole) whose energy he can manipulate for various effects:[6]



Flight patch, an anti-gravity device permitting him to fly


Various Shi'ar starships.


  • Most members of the Imperial Guard are analogs of DC Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes. Neutron is based on Star Boy who also had star- and mass-related abilities.
  • Like many of his fellow Imperial Guardsmen after Neutron died, he was succeeded by a new member with who looks exactly like him, has the same powers and bears the same codename Neutron II.

See Also

Links and References

