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Marvel Database


A shaman of the Cheyenne, Naze instructed Forge in the use magic, so that Forge could one day fight the Adversary. Forge shirked this duty and joined the military.[1] Years later, Naze faked his demise at the end of a barbed tongue of a Dire Wraith.[2] The Dire Wraith would end up assuming his identity and then fall under the mental control of the Adversary, sparing Naze from this fate. The fake (Dire Wraith) Naze then convinced Storm that Forge was aiding the Adversary and tricked her into stopping him from closing the gateway through which the Adversary's demons were coming to Earth. Storm and Forge ended up falling through the gateway and freed the Adversary. The Adversary would later return but Naze and his old ally Roma would assist Forge and his new team, X-Factor, in the Adversary's defeat.[citation needed]



Naze was a skilled and exceptionally powerful magician.

See Also

Links and References

