Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


When Apocalypse started his plans for world domination, he captured four people who he saw as being good enough to be his Horsemen and corrupted them. Cable became the Horseman known as War, and mentioned that he murdered his world's version of Deadpool and is responsible for genocide on Earth.[1]

When Deadpool, Cannonball, and Siryn started searching for Cable in the multiverse, they were brought to Earth-5701 and encountered the Horsemen of Apocalypse. They managed to defeat Pestilence, Famine, and Archangel, however, they then encountered and fought Cable, who easily managed to defeat them. Realizing that he could not defeat him, Deadpool bodyslid away, followed by Cannonball and Siryn three minutes later.[2]



Body armor

See Also

Links and References

