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Quote1 I'm a soldier -- and nothing is ever promised to soldiers. Least of the right to end their own story. Quote2



Nakia Cabral (Earth-616) from Black Panther Vol 7 21 001

Defecting to fight for freedom

Nakia was born an imperial in the House of Tafari of the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.[3] As such, she belonged to the dominant elite of an a unequal society and enjoyed a frivolous life in exchange for total submission to the throne of Emperor N'Jadaka.[4] As an Askari raider, Nakia was eventually tasked by her emperor to infiltrate the Maroons, free warriors who resisted oppression by fighting to liberate the Nameless from slavery and return their stolen memories. However, after spending months with the Maroons, she ultimately revealed her intentions of defecting, being inspired by Captain N'Yami to fight for liberty.[1]

During a mission in the mines of Gorée, General Nakia and M'Baku rescued and recruited a rebel miner N'Yami later named T'Challa to their cause. They were also able to secure a shard of the M'kraan Crystal. Unbeknownst to them, T'Challa, who had no memories about his life before slavery, was in fact his own namesake, the lost king of the original Wakanda.[2]

Although T'Challa was an amazing warrior, Nakia faced problems with his insubordination and constant refusal to have backup during missions.[5] He impressed Captain N'Yami so much she shared with Nakia evidence that T'Challa was the legendary king from thousands of years ago. Nakia offered T'Challa her help in retrieving his lost memories from the archives of the imperials. However, before she could share her plans, the Maroon hideout base in Cudjoe was attacked by Askari raiders at the service of the empire in a mission led by T'Challa's brainwashed ally, the Manifold.[6] In search of a shard of the M'kraan Crystal the Maroons possessed, the imperials ravaged their base with extreme force. The Maroons had to retreat, and Captain N'Yami was killed in action during the escape. M'Baku suggested Nakia to be the new leader of the Maroons, but she refused to accept it since she had never been one of the Nameless.[2]

Fall of the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda[]

T'Challa (Earth-616) and Nakia Cabral (Earth-616) from Black Panther Vol 7 5 001

Inspiring T'Challa to return to the war

The Maroons retreated to a gelid base in Nehanda's Lattice and ceased fire under M'Baku's leadership. Five years later, Nakia acted as protector of the sacred Spear of Bashenga. She contacted a depressed T'Challa, who had been living in isolation, to inform him that Nameless refugees kept joining the Maroons, attracting the attention of the Askari. In this occasion, although they shared feelings for each other, Nakia and T'Challa both acknowledged that his lost memories would make a relationship impossible. Ultimately, Nakia inspired T'Challa to return to the war and gifted him the Spear of Bashenga to end the empire and restore his memories.[3]

Nakia furtively kidnapped Chief Technologist Kofi to collect information on the Empire's archive of stolen memories.[7] She then assisted T'Challa smuggle a shipment of Vibranium to build a device link to the Djalia, the realm of Wakandan history. After finding slaves in the spaceship, however, T'Challa disobeyed Nakia and engaged in a confrontation to seize control of the whole ship.[8] In a following quest, for the Jengu's Scale in Agwé, Nakia worked in cooperation with Commandar Jafari only to be incarcerated by Regent Farouk with T'Challa and learn Jafari was a traitor who had informed the Empire about them.[9] Manifold and Counselor Achebe had the Askari to to war. Unexpectedly, Achebe saved T'Challa and Nakia, having the Manifold teleport them back to their base.[10]

T'Challa (Earth-616) and Nakia Cabral (Earth-616) from Black Panther Vol 7 15 001

Parting ways with T'Challa

Achebe was loyal to Zenzi, the daughter of Emperor N'Jadaka who had been possessed by the Panther Goddess. Nakia took the opportunity to open fire against the Manifold for his participation in N'Yami's death, but was teleported away to be calmed down. Next, the Manifold explained he came from the Wakanda that birthed the empire, just like T'Challa, and had had his memories restored by the Panther Goddess.[4] She did the same to T'Challa.[11] Emperor N'Jadaka finally came to retrieve his daughter, but was apparently killed when the Maroons exploded Agwé.[12] With the tyrant dead, T'Challa wished to return home. However, with his memories back, he lamented he could not enjoy a life of peace alongside Nakia. As such, Nakia decided not to accompany him in his journey.[13]

Nakia Cabral (Earth-616) and N'Yami (Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda) (Earth-616) from Black Panther Vol 7 25 001

Welcomed by N'Yami to the Djalia

She continued to fight imperials with great struggle alongside the Manifold. Wakanda then sent Storm, the Hadari Yao, who was once T'Challa's wife, as reinforcements.[14] Storm approached Nakia about their romantic feelings for the same man and asked her to protect him in times of need.[15] N'Jadaka had actually survived and travelled to Earth, keeping his spirit within the symbiote he used to share his body with. The fallen emperor wished to bring his lackeys to conquer Wakanda, but Nakia sacrificed herself to cover her allies' retreat and slow N'Jadaka's armada down.[1] T'Challa erected a monument in Wakanda to honor Nakia's heroism.[16] Waking up in the afterlife realm of the Djalia, Nakia was welcomed by Captain N'Yami to an existence of peace and freedom.[17]



Nakia is a keen hand-to-hand fighter. As a Maroon, she underwent training in efficient arts of combat.[2] Moreover, as a former spy for the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda, she was provided with military training.[1]




Nakia has access and familiarity with the weaponry used by the Maroons, which includes several arms designed with alien technology,[2] Vibranium blades.[18] Spear of Bashenga.[3]


The Mackandal[2]; Zulu Fighter[5]



See Also

Links and References

