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Marvel Database

Mys-Tech is an British multinational corporation with worldwide interests. It is headquartered in London, UK. Mys-Tech employs thousands of people and has numerous facilities all over the world.



In the year 987 A.D., the Sect of Chasidm, a mysterious cult consisting of seven members, struck a deal with the demonic entity known as Mephisto. The pact granted them immortality in exchange for a constant supply of souls, with specific quotas and plans set in place.[2] Mephisto fulfilled his end of the bargain, bestowing immortality upon each member of the Sect. He cautioned them that death would still loom over them, persistently lurking in the corridors of time, eager to claim their souls. However, they would be shielded from death's grasp, no matter how much they desired to die. Each member obtained invincibility in their own unique manner.[3] The life forces of the Sect members were intricately tied to the very fabric of reality. Consequently, slaying them could potentially unravel the entirety of existence, unless specifically sanctioned by Mephisto.[4]

16th century[]

During the 16th century, a conflict between Wychwood and Vorin unfolded on a ship near Lisbon, culminating in Wychwood presuming Vorin to be dead.[5] Through the collective malevolence accrued by the Sect over countless millennia, an entity known as the Anti-Being was born. This entity thrived on negativity and grew in power through its exposure to malevolent energies.[6] In Paris, Vorin sold Tyburn a supposed plague bacillus, which, in reality, held a cure for typhoid. Thankfully, Tyburn discovered the truth in time and prevented the release of the deceptive substance, thus satisfying Mys-Tech's debt of souls to Mephisto.[5]

20th century[]

Over the subsequent millennium, the mages acquired great wealth and became the board members a London-based corporation named Mys-Tech. To pay their debt to Mephisto, the Mys-Tech board plotted to take over the world and kill vast numbers of innocents.[7] They evolved into an influential military and industrial conglomerate. Mys-Tech's operations revolved around bio-occult research and development, covertly harboring ambitions of global domination.[2]

In 1936, the Mys-Tech Board recognized the exceptional skills of Black Axe, leading to a business transaction conducted over an "overpriced tea-chest in the desert." This incident occurred shortly before Black Axe's temporary retirement.[8], [9] In 1945 in Leichenhalle, Crowe, operating under the guise of Dr. Kroh, conducted experiments on reanimating Nazi soldiers. However, Sgt. Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos disrupted Kroh's operation, seemingly killing Kroh with a gunshot.[10]

Modern Era[]

Ranulph Haldane operated out of Darkmoor Castle, built over the site in which the Sect had completed the pact with Mephisto. Haldane secretly sought a means to gain immortality by other means, so that Mys-Tech could be free of their servitude to Mephisto.[2] He set up his own divsion known as Gena-Sys.[11] Ranulph discovered the existence of wormholes, portals to other locations, dimensions, and/or time. Over a period of ten years, the Warheads acquired advanced technological and magical items for their own benefit. This project was under the direction of Rathcoole.[7][12] Mys-Tech discovers the first natural wormhole, a portal to Arena World in the year 1383 A.D. The first Warheads training mission began there, causing massive casualties amongst its indigenous population.[5]

Wychwood set up the Psight Corporation.[13] The Mys-Tech Board set up a number of natural "bolt-holes" on planets accessed by other natural wormholes.[14][15] Wychwood supervised Dr. Mullarkey's transgenic project at Gena-Sys. She showed him Jack the Pantherine and told him she was ready to commence the development of the first transgenic human.[16]

Four months later, Wychwood was present as Mullarkey's project reached full term. Wychwood sent everyone else out of the room as he summoned magical energy that made the infant, Julius, almost impossible to damage.[16] Eighteen months later, when Julius, the youthful Killpower, showed interest in a big gun obtained by the Warheads, Mys-Tech agent Mr. Skyler scolded him. Julius picked up the gun and blew Skyler's head off.[16] Vorin, a wizard from Arena World who had traveled to Earth following the devastation of his race by the Warheads, began to close off Mys-Tech's bolt holes, enraging the Board.[17] Wychwood observed Mullarkey conducting a training session for Killpower in which the prodigy proved to react too slowly and had to be saved from a Killdroid by Mullarkey. Wychwood was most disappointed and suggested that Mullarkey improve significantly if she wished the Board to continue to fund her experiments.[18]

Their assets included the Un-Earth, a model of the planet that operated like a voodoo doll[19], and the Warheads, mercenaries who could travel through wormholes to other dimensions or times.[7] The board members eventually transformed themselves into beings of even greater power known as the Techno-Wizards.[citation needed]

See Also

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