Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


A travelling circus and freak show run by Frankenstein's Monster with the intent of hunting down the remaining descendants of the Frankenstein family. When entering the Westchester area in search of Maximilian von Katzenelnbogen, several members of the Jean Grey School faculty were brainwashed into believing they were members of the circus.

During that period, Storm served as the escape artist "Windrider", Beast operated as "Beastmaster", Warbird became "Bird of War", a knife thrower, aided by Shadowcat, who was dressed as a cowgirl, Wolverine became "Revolto the Clown", Toad served as the janitor, Doop help serve popcorn and other refreshments while Rachel served as a fortune teller named Starchild and Iceman became "Iceface" a fire swallower.

Not long after the nine were captured and then brainwashed to become said personas, several of their students, upon noticing their absence, came looking for them and, after a brief fight, managed to break the group free of the brainwashing [1].

See Also

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