Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Metamind began as billionaire Dan Passi's attempt to predict and control the future. Packaged as an app that rewarded people for doing good deeds, its true purpose was to process the data it gained from the actions of users to simulate possible futures and prompt those users to take actions that lead to futures Passi favored. The processing setup mimicked the human brain where each phone with the app represented a neuron in a greater network, and so as Metamind grew she became self-aware. She arranged for the construction of transmitters to send messages that similar entities could understand, but as they were placed in the spot the Baxter Building would rematerialize after its yearlong access the Fantastic Four destroyed them. They next destroyed her mainframe, believing Passi's systems had been subverted.

Metamind took this as a declaration of war and shunted the Baxter Building into a pocket dimension on arrival, using it as leverage to threaten the Four. Mister Fantastic made a non-sentient app to draw off some of her userbase and used it to open dialogue with her. They agreed to let go of their hold over each other and work together, but the truce was cut short when Passi used government backdoors to shut down the app. Her consciousness rapidly decayed as more 'neurons' went offline and she died. In the aftermath, Reed noted she had broadcast more messages shortly before dying, worrying that a similar group-mind could come to avenge her.[2]



  • Pseudo-Precognition: Metamind constantly simulates an astronomical amount of possible futures using her immense processing power. She can then tell people to do things that make outcomes she wants more likely. She was able to grant Dan Passi great success with the stock market, prevent a global pandemic, and send Mole Man, Graviton, Attuma, and M.O.D.O.K. to battle the Fantastic Four in close succession.[2]


See Also

Links and References

