Marvel Database

Due to recent developments, please be aware that the use of large language model or generative AIs in writing article content is strictly forbidden. This caveat has now been added to the Manual of Style and Blocking Policy.


Marvel Database

Welcome to the Marvel Database Project! (aka MDP)
This page is to help you get familiar with navigation of the site and how to best take advantage of all it has to offer.

Choose a topic from the table of contents to learn more about that section.

The Forums

Forum is a bulletin board where you can discuss the finer points of Marvel, state your opinion and discuss how to help manage the Marvel Database Project.

The Comics Section

A repository of information about each individual comic as it stands alone. Have a look at your favourites, maybe you will learn something interesting that you never knew before! You will find information such as:

  • Origin Print Date
  • Editors
  • Artists
  • Writers
  • Cast of Characters
  • Synopsis
  • Image of Cover
  • Notes
  • Trivia

The Database

The database is the central resource of the project. Here you will find 'articles' on everything from Captain America's Shield to Madripoor to Wolverine.

In the database there are 13 categories:

  1. Characters
  2. Comics
  3. Events
  4. Galleries
  5. Items
  6. Locations
  7. Marvel Staff
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. Organizations
  10. Races
  11. Realities
  12. Teams
  13. Vehicles

From each of the 13 main categories you have 2 options:

The Gallery

The Gallery is broken into 2 sections:

The Glossary

The Glossary is a list of frequently used terms that a reader may be unfamiliar with, organized alpha-numerically. Simply choose the letter or number that the entry would begin with.
(i.e. Glossary:A for the entry Adamantium.)

Community Portal

The Community Portal is home to a collection of resources for the community. Examples of what you might find here are:

Current Events

Updated regularly by site administrators to keep you in the loop of recent events and milestones for the Marvel Database Project.

New Articles

The New Articles page is a concise list of newly completed pages recently added to the database. This page is intended to showcase articles FULL of content, not just 'coming soon' articles or minor updates.

Recent Changes

The wiki software the MDP uses, MediaWiki, tracks every change and update to the database. This list is the complete unabridged list of all changes, no matter how minor. You are able to filter out minor edits, bots (automated entries), logged in users and patrolled edits.

Random Page

The MDP is a warehouse of knowledge and can be intimidating at times. If you are interested in learning more about Marvel, use this link to take you somewhere you may have not known existed...


There is a great deal of activities and functions that our software allows for. With that said, sometimes it can be hard to remember to use all of it. These help files provide a gentle reminder of some of the tools at your disposal.


Our project philosophy is that 'information want to be free'. While discouraging plagiarism, we freely encourage the sharing of knowledge. If you want to learn about something not yet covered in the database, here is a group of links we recommend.

Thats about it. It's pretty easy... Browse around and learn all about what Marvel has to offer!

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